Output Text After This JS Progressbar Finish Loading?

Jun 27, 2010

I'm using this progress bar from http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamici...rogressbar.htm and I want to be able to display some text after the bar finishes loading.

I figured out out to get it to output the text, but it loads in a new page. I want to get it to load where the bar is located. Here's how I'm placing the code ...

That shows the bar in the middle of my table, when it finishes it just opens to a new page saying hello world at the top. Is there a way to get it to spit out hello world in place of the bar, or at least in that table?

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Jquery :: Malsup Progressbar For Cycle Plugin - Get The Progressbar To Reset If The User Clicks Next / Previous Slide

Oct 16, 2010

malsup has kindly created this progressbar but hasn't explained how to implement it into his cycle plugin. [URL] I am trying to get the progressbar to reset if the user clicks next/previous slide. what I am using:


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Can't Get This To Finish Loading In IE

Mar 22, 2011

Everything loads up fine in other browsers but I can't get this to finish loading in IE (a flash video should appear in the middle of the page)[url]...

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Pop Up Window Won't Finish Loading

Jan 11, 2011

I've been trying to figure out for the past 4 hours why this JS pop up window function I wrote won't finish loading in Firefox. When you click the thumbnail image, it pops up a new window with the image enlarged. But for some reason, the Firefox page loading bar on the bottom right-hand side stops at about 25%, even after the image finishes loading. What is wrong with my code that I need to fix so the page shows that it loaded 100%?

Here is a link to the page: [URL]

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">


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Waiting For Image Src To Finish Loading?

Jul 27, 2010

I have a small application that tries to launch a slide show for a set of pictures (jpg). It is implemented by a timed ajax routine to get the next picture filename and updating the image src field to show the next picture. The problem is that the actual down load varies significantly in time, based mostly on a clients access speed and the resolution size of the picture. Since all this happens asynchronously, the delay time routine gets invoked and is exhausted before the download is completed in many cases. Is there any way to start the new src coming and then detecting/waiting when it is complete?

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JQuery :: Hide Page Until Finish Loading?

Jul 14, 2009

Just wondering if theres a script that hide page until it finish loading?

it would be great that it fades out to show that content when it finish loading

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JQuery :: GetScript - Site Does Not Finish Loading?

Jan 12, 2010

As i understand the getScript function should be asyncronous, but when i use it the website won't finish loading in firefox.

My code:

Calls itself so the counter this script is used for is updated - all works well, just the page keeps loading...so whats the problem here? why does the website not finish loading?

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Output Text When Text Is Entered To A Text Area?

Dec 16, 2010

As of right now I have a code that will work in IE but wont work in FireFox...go figure. Basically what I want to have happen is when you type in an area code it will provide an output in a predetermined area of the page.

For Example:
Input- 512
Output - Austin, TX

The code that I have doesn't work with firefox and I was just wondering if there was a code that would allow that to happen.

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JQuery :: Create Delay In Progressbar?

Jun 9, 2010

I have added a progressbar from jquery ui into my jsp page. but i want to simulate it using a loop and adding some values to it on every loop cycle. but how is it possible in jquery.

i tried it using jquery timer, but when the loop starts, it goes to infinite loop. is there a way to simulate a working progress bar with some delay.

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JQuery :: How To Design A Vertical Progressbar

Jun 9, 2010

How to design a vertical progressbar. using jquery and css .. Also it must be having a flow like from up to down and vice versa. also the progress must be animated..

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Form Output To A Text File

Jul 23, 2005

Can JavaScript be used to write the output from an HTML form to a text file? The scenario would be that the form has text fields and checkboxes and will only output the text fields that have data entered along with the checkboxes that the user has selected.

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Editing A Text String For Output?

Apr 22, 2009

Here is the string:

Jim Peterson 21 | Ed N 31 | Mary Joe 24 | jennifer baley 22

I am trying to grab all the text other than the "|" and output that to a text field (or global variable)..

How can we do this? I can't seem to find any scripts that show me exactly how to delete all those "|"...

is there a way to put "jim peterson 21" and "ed n 31", etc.. into their own variables?

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Output Text In Two Separate Divs?

Nov 4, 2009

I've used a function to out put two lists, - loco numbers and loco names - which I want to display side by side on a page, either in two adjacent divs or in a two-column table so that viewers can straight away reference the numbers with the associated names.

I can output it as a document.write - but that just results in one continuous list of numbers and then names. explain how to output the two lists in two separate divs.

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Storing Text From Dynamically Generated Output?

Jan 23, 2011

I have script that is dynamically generating updates on my page. The code is this:


<a id="cc_stream_info_song" target="new">Loading...</a>

The id tag links to a js script on a remote server and replaces the "loading" text with the song title of the currently playing song on my shoutcast server, and refreshes this every 60 seconds. I want to be able to grab this song title and put it in a php variable. I don't have access to the remote server, so I don't have any other way of getting the updated song title outside of this little snippet. I tried using php output buffering but all that does is grab the html I posted above, and not the javascript-generated song title.

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2 Level Combo Box Output Text Same Page

Oct 1, 2009

I have a 2 level combo box that are dependent on each other and what I want to happen when the "submit" button is selected is for an html text answer to be displayed on the same page below the combo boxes based off of what was selected in the second combo box. I've tried using hide/show functions with JavaScript but couldn't figure out how to link the 2 scripts together.

What I have is as follows:

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Receive The Output Of An Array From A Text Input?

Mar 12, 2011

I am trying to receive the output of an array from a text input here is the code that I am attempting to do but it is not displaying the output January

Here is the code example

<script type ="text/javascript">
function coms(str){


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List Box Output To Generate Text In Body?

Sep 24, 2010

I would like for the information selected in the list boxes to automatically build/generate text in the body of the page below the text boxes. Please see the attached image for an idea of what I mean.As more boxes are selected, the rest of the Part Number is generated.This is somewhat similar to chained list box, but instead of generating a 2nd list box, I want each list box to generate into it's own cell at the bottom of the page.

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Cascading / Output Dropdown With Result In Text Box

Oct 18, 2011

I am trying to create a 'document name generator' to standardise our document naming. I have created a template using cascading drop down menus, which is what I am after so far. how to output the results of my dropdown in to a text box. Idealy I would like to have the name as a string. For example, selecting Business - Projects - Test3 and typing in the date would result in a text box containing all three results "Business Projects Test3 18/10/2011"

HTML Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
//Applies cascading behavior for the specified dropdowns
function applyCascadingDropdown(sourceId, targetId) {
var source = document.getElementById(sourceId);
var target = document.getElementById(targetId);

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JQuery :: Change Text Color In Array Output

Jun 23, 2010

I want to change the color of the text in my array output according to certain conditions. The output looks like this:


And I would like it to look like this

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Custome Date Object With PHP-like Text-parsed Output

Dec 6, 2002

Well, this is acutally a couple different scripts. First is the custom date object myDate which retrieves pretty much every value that you'd need from a date and sets it as a property. If no argument is supplied, the current time and date is used. If you do supply an argument, you can send an existing javascript Date object, or a string that is compatible with declaring a normal javascript Date object.

The 2nd part of this script is the method getDate (and some accompanying String methods) that allow you to retrieve the date as a string by passing it a format string just like the PHP date() (http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php) function accepts. The code posted below includes sufficient (I think) examples to help you understand what is going on. You will notice that I didn't duplicate EVERY code over from PHP, and a few are slightly different. Those that I left out I felt weren't very necessary, or I didn't feel like doing the algorithm for them :D.

Both myDateObj.getDate() and PHP's date() allow you to include text into the string that you don't want parsed, but each handles it differently. In PHP, you need to escape characters normally with a backslash. For getDate you need to proceed each character with a pipe "|". So, instead of$dateStr = date("Day z");as it would be in PHP, you would usevar d = new myDate();
var dateStr = d.getDate("D|a|y| z");There are more examples of how this works below.

Note: There is also a nice arrayReplace() method for strings that is handy for doing multiple replace() operations all at once, so I guess this is really like 3 handy scripts ;)

<meta http-equiv="expires" content="0">
<script type="text/javascript">

/*** First Part of Script, the custom date object ***/

function myDate(dateStr) {
if (typeof dateStr != 'undefined') {
var d = new Date(dateStr);
this.dateString = dateStr;
else if (typeof dateStr == 'object')
var d = dateStr;
var d = new Date();
var months = ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November',' December'];
var weekDays = ['Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'];
var monthDays = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31];

this.epoch = d.getTime();
this.epochS = Math.round(this.epoch / 1000);
this.year4 = d.getFullYear();
this.year2 = parseInt(this.year4.toString().substring(2));
this.leap = (this.year4 % 400 == 0) ? true : (this.year4 % 4 == 0 && this.year4 % 100 != 0) ? true : false;
if (this.leap) monthDays[1]++;
this.mnth = d.getMonth();
this.month = this.mnth + 1;
this.month_2 = leadingZero(this.month);
this.monthName = months[this.mnth];
this.monthNameShort = this.monthName.substring(0,3);
this.days = monthDays[this.mnth];
this.dy = d.getDay();
this.day = this.dy + 1;
this.dayName = weekDays[this.dy];
this.dayNameShort = this.dayName.substring(0,3);
this.date = d.getDate();
this.date_2 = leadingZero(this.date);
this.suffix = (this.date % 10 == 1 ) ? "st" : (this.date % 10 == 2) ? "nd" : (this.date % 10 == 3) ? "rd" : "th";
this.hours24 = d.getHours();
this.hours24_2 = leadingZero(this.hours24)
this.hours12 = (this.hours24 == 0) ? 12 : (this.hours24 > 12) ? this.hours24-12 : this.hours24;
this.hours12_2 = leadingZero(this.hours12);
this.minutes = d.getMinutes();
this.minutes_2 = leadingZero(this.minutes);
this.seconds = d.getSeconds();
this.seconds_2 = leadingZero(this.seconds);
this.millis = d.getMilliseconds();
this.ampm = (this.hours24 == 0) ? "am" : (this.hours24 >= 12) ? "pm" : "am";
this.GMTstring = d.toGMTString();
this.offset = d.getTimezoneOffset();

function leadingZero(num) {
return (num < 10) ? "0" + num : num.toString();

myDate.prototype.getDayOfYear = function() {
var total = 0;
var monthDays = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31];
if (this.leap) monthDays[1]++;
for (var i=0; i<this.mnth; total += monthDays[i++]) {}
total += this.date;
return total;

/*** Second part of script, the PHP-like parsed output ***/

myDate.prototype.getDate = function(str) {
var p = ['a','A','B','d','D','F','g','G','h','H','i','I','j','l','L','m','M','n','O','r','s','S','t','T','U', 'w','W','Y','y','z','Z'];
var r = new Array();
var i = 0;
var delChar = "|";
var sNull = "null".delimit(delChar)
r[i++] = this.ampm.delimit(delChar);
r[i++] = this.ampm.toUpperCase().delimit(delChar);
r[i++] = sNull;
r[i++] = this.date_2;
r[i++] = this.dayNameShort.delimit(delChar);
r[i++] = this.monthName.delimit(delChar);
r[i++] = this.hours12;
r[i++] = this.hours24;
r[i++] = this.hours12_2;
r[i++] = this.hours24_2;
r[i++] = this.minutes_2;
r[i++] = sNull;
r[i++] = this.date;
r[i++] = this.dayName.delimit(delChar);
r[i++] = (this.leap)?1:0;
r[i++] = this.month_2;
r[i++] = this.monthNameShort.delimit(delChar);
r[i++] = this.month;
r[i++] = this.offset;
r[i++] = this.GMTstring.delimit(delChar);
r[i++] = this.seconds_2;
r[i++] = this.suffix.delimit(delChar);
r[i++] = this.days;
r[i++] = sNull;
r[i++] = this.epochS;
r[i++] = this.dy;
r[i++] = sNull;
r[i++] = this.year4;
r[i++] = this.year2;
r[i++] = this.getDayOfYear();
r[i++] = sNull;
for (i=0; i<p.length; i++)
p[i] = "/" + p[i] + "(?!|)/g";
return str.arrayReplace(p, r).replace(/|/g,"");

String.prototype.arrayReplace = function(arrP, arrR) {
var p, s = this;
for (var i=0; i<arrP.length; i++) {
var flags = arrP[i].substring(arrP[i].lastIndexOf("/")+1);
var regex = arrP[i].substring(1,arrP[i].lastIndexOf("/"));
p = new RegExp(regex, flags);
s = s.replace(p, arrR[i]);
return s;

String.prototype.delimit = function(char) {
var s = "";
for (var i=0; i<this.length; i++) {
s += this.charAt(i) + char;
return s;



<script type="text/javascript">

/*** Example using current date/time ***/

var md1 = new myDate();
document.write(md1.getDate("l jS of F Y h:i:s A")+"<br>");
document.write(md1.getDate("T|o|d|a|y| i|s| m.d.y")+"<br>");
document.write(md1.getDate("D M j G:i:s Y")+"<br>");
document.write("It " + (md1.leap?"is":"is not") + " a leap year<br>");
document.write("The unix epoch occurred " + md1.epochS + " seconds ago");

/*** Example using javascript Date object as argument ***/

var d1 = new Date(2000, 01, 02, 15, 15, 15);
var md2 = new myDate(d1);
document.write(md2.getDate("l jS of F Y h:i:s A")+"<br>");
document.write(md2.getDate("T|o|d|a|y| i|s| m.d.y")+"<br>");
document.write(md2.getDate("D M j G:i:s Y")+"<br>");
document.write("It " + (md2.leap?"is":"is not") + " a leap year<br>");
document.write("The unix epoch occurred " + md2.epochS + " seconds ago");

/*** Example using Date object compatible string as argument ***/

var md3 = new myDate("December 10, 1978 12:23:00");
document.write(md3.getDate("l jS of F Y h:i:s A")+"<br>");
document.write(md3.getDate("T|o|d|a|y| i|s| m.d.y")+"<br>");
document.write(md3.getDate("D M j G:i:s Y")+"<br>");
document.write("It " + (md3.leap?"is":"is not") + " a leap year<br>");
document.write("The unix epoch occurred " + md3.epochS + " seconds ago");

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Unable To Output Text Of Array To A Specific Div / Enable This?

Nov 9, 2009

I've managed to output the text of my two arrays to a specific div (in this case the div's id is ''number') - BUT I'm only seeing the last data from each array (it's a train number and a train name) so instead of getting the entire list from 800 to 870 and the associated names I'm just getting the last pairing which in his case is 870 Zulu.

<script type="text/javascript">

this is my code. Can anyone see where I'm going wrong? code...

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Read An Integer And Determines And Output XHTML Text That Displays Whether It It Odd Or Even

Sep 25, 2009

I just started a programming class and stuck in a section of my assigment. Last instruction: "Write a script that reads an integer and determines and output XHTML text that displays whether it it odd or even.{hint: use the remainder operator. An even numder is a muiple of 2. Any multiple of 2 leaves a remainder of zero when divided by 2.}

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JQuery :: Animate (fadein) Text Output Inside An Input Field?

May 9, 2011

I have an input field where the user will type in their name and a number, and this is then output (in real time) in another 2 input fields as they type them.

I am trying to animate the output text, so when the user types in their name, the letters fadeIn (quickly so it seems like they're flashing in) rather than just appearing.

The code I have for this at the moment is as follows (the bits in bold is what I would like to animate).


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Add Values Of Drop Down Menu Options And Output A Total To A Text Field

Apr 29, 2009

I have two drop down menus. I want two values to be added based on what they picked and then outputted to a text field to show a grand total in a dollar amount.

This is what I have:



Note I haven't did any type of code for the 2nd drop down menu just in case anybody says I don't see anything. I was working on trying to get started in the right direction.

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JQuery :: Loading External Text In To A Text Area?

Sep 7, 2009

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Hello, I would like to know if I can load a small text from a external source into a textarea. the external source is a php that will write some clean text depending on the vars received. I know load() can do the job for a div but I don't think it will work for a textarea.

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For Loop Wont Finish

Nov 4, 2010

I created a forloop and that runs fine, but it wont run any code after the loop finishes.I've tryed playing around with it but nothing I do will make it display the alert. Heres the problem code:

function price()
var price=0;[code]....

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