I'm trying to get a popup to keep focus when it is re-clicked. The script below is supposed to produce this exact behaviour, however it doesn't work, at least on firefox 1.0.7 and moz 1.7.12 (linux kubuntu). It does work with konqueror....
i have placed some image indide a i frame which i created dynamically .when i do mouse wheel above it it goes up nad dow i want to stop and happened only in firefox.
I have a javascript function on my page named "print", that opens up a new window and a print dialog so the user can select a printer and print the page. The html itself is in a frame, so the print function extracts the innerHTML and then presents it to the user in the new window. After extracting the innerHTML, I'm attempting to remove any links to avoid having the user click on them (I just want the user to print). This works fine in FF (3.6.9), but causes IE (IE7 and 8) to lock up in a rather nasty manner. The "destination" in this case is simply the current page (e.g., index.aspx).
I'm finally diving into regexp by porting a perl script over to js that uses regexp to compress javascript into a bookmarklet capable format.I've successfully worked out 90% of the expressions but am troubled with a few, this one at the moment is odd:I want to remove the first line if it hasjavascript:So I thought str.replace(/^javascripts+:s+/, "") would be ok. I want javascript text, any space, colon, any space and new line. what I'm doing wrong.btw this is the original perl version
What it is supposed to do is pull down the background image of my nav panel by setting the CSS height to match the length of the page. I got it to work in IE but it does not work in Opera or Firefox. I'm not sure how to access the correct object in Opera and FF.
To view the problem:
Well, I'm a new user so I can't post the link to the problem.
I have used JQuery to change CSS styles for my Navigation Bar elements.Ok so after a bit of research I discovered that " background-position-y " and "background-position-x" are not supported by the Mozilla Firefox / Opera browsers.Anyone know of an alternate method of getting the background-y / x positions?
Setting maxlength attribute of input[type=text] or input[type=password] does not work as expected.In Firefox and Opera if maxlength is not set the field.attr('maxlength') == -1. But if I try to set field.attr('maxlength', -1) it is being set to 0 instead.
It works fine in Firefox and Google Chrome but not in Opera and Internet Explorer.If you don't have Firefox or Google Chrome,when you click an element, if should be lighter green, rolling out of a clicked element, it should be darker green. The same happens with elements that are not selected, ubt they are gray. But in IE and Opera, when you roll out of a selected element, it is gray.I can't debug it in Opera because I have no debugger there, like Firebug.
I am experiencing a problem with some images I am using for navigation. In Safari on my Mac everything displays as it should. The image loads ok, I mouse over the image and it goes black and white, mouse out and it goes back to colour.
When I tested this with Firefox and Opera on my Mac and IE8 and Firefox on my Windows laptop the onmouseover image does not appear and I am left with a text link and a lot of flickering as you move the mouse about.
I have almost zero knowledge when it comes to javascript and I've got the necessary code which according to everyone works from either books or the web.
I am completely stuck as to why this simple operation is not working.
you can see the page at this address: [url]
Only the left hand image has been set to onmouseover as I was testing to see if it worked first.
I have attached the CSS and HTM files in a zip file.
I am using the lightbox script from "Jquery:Novice to Ninja" and it works very well in Firefox and Opera but not in IE8.
The problem, I think is because I am using PHP to pull the picture names from a file. There are around 40 pictures so I didn't want to name them all manually.[code]...
This easily produces a nice page of thumbnails and clicking on any brings up the bigger picture in lightbox but not in IE.
It seems that IE needs another set of pictures to load from so the filename od the <a href=image> needs to be different to the <src=image> filename which makes more work.
Is there a work around to make this work as well in IE as it does in firefox.
The page can be seen at[url]
Also as an aside. When the lightbox starts it removes the scroll bar which has the effect of moving the page to the right. Is there a way to add a right margin to replace the scroll bar to stop this happening?
Stumbled onto this one: retrieving the margin doesn't seem to work in Firefox or Opera. This is code I'm using, which works fine in Chrome, Safari and IE:
var contentmarginl = parseInt($('#wrapper').css('marginLeft')); // fails var contentwidth = $('#wrapper').width(); // works alert(contentmarginl);
The alert returns (in my case) 350 in the complying browsers and 0 in FF and Opera. Is this a bug or my error? Is there a known workaround? EDIT: Just tested in XP sp3 IE7 & IE8. Returns Not a Number (NaN)
It does NOT work fine in IE8 or Safari. In both these browsers the height of the DIV that's being set is usually shorter than the other DIV it's being aligned with.Here's the code I'm using to resize the problematic DIV:
Function resize(height) { $(document).ready(function(){ var div = $( "#annoucement-area-243" );
I am not a guru jquery coder and still have to learn alot, recently while learning jquery AJAX I have bumped into a weired issue, I have a apge right and in this page I have a dropdown list for people to select an RSS channel that they wish to know more about, the dropdownlist ahs an onChange event which when triggered it will get the value of the selected item in teh dropdownlist and post it to the other 'mini' pages that load on the same page via AJAX by using the GET method - ie: im passing the parameters like a normal querystring would. The problem is that when I assign the dropdown value to a variable called dropdown in the following line of code "var dropdown =document.getElementById('ddlChannelSelect');" it works in IE but not in the other browsers, I have debbugged this in FireBug and it seems that the variable dropdownlist is not actually getting the value of the actual dropdownlist nad it says 'null' or sometimes 'undefined'. Am I doing something wrong ? why is it that it is working in IE but not in other browsers ? can you pls give me a solution with some examples ?
The minimal AJAX script below works in Firefox, but not in IE, Opera, or Chrome.I could use some suggestions or referrals to resources that will help me get the script working in other browsers.Before there are six characters entered in the CAPTCHA code field, the 'Send' button is supposed to be disabled. When there are at least six characters in the CAPTCHA code field, the script attempts to verify the CAPTCHA w/AJAX. If it verifies, it enables the Send button and sets the background of the CAPTCHA code field light green (symbolic for go). Otherwise, it turns the background of the CAPTCHA code field a sort of pink/red (symbolic for no go). While it's waiting for a server response the background is set to a pastel yellow. At other times, the background of the code field is white.
I found this in felgall's page. I added script tag
<script type="text/javascript">
var re = /(t)he/g; var mystring = "Over the moon."; re.text(mystring); alert(RegExp.input); // or RegExp.$_ alert(RegExp.leftContext); // or RegExp["$`"] alert(RegExp.rightContext); // or RegExp["$'"] alert(RegExp.lastMatch); // or RegExp["$&"] alert(RegExp.lastParen); // or RegExp["$+"] alert(re.source);
I don't see message box. Please tell me what I can do.
I have two select lists that have option lists that are created from external XML lists that contain course offerings available at different locations. Each location has a different set of course offerings. When a user selects a location, the javascript code will hide / show the option entries that correspond to the course offerings for that location. If a user selects a course offering, the javascript code will show / hide the locations that offer those courses.
Click events are attached to each of the Option entries with the code below. The code works correctly with Firefox and Opera, but the click events are never triggered in IE, Safari or Chrome. The Chrome debugger seems to indicate that the click events get set up in Chrome (although I am not sure where JQuery saves event handler data). Each option entry has a unique ID tag.
$(".locn_option_select").click(function (locnevent) { // Set up click action on the option entries locnevent.preventDefault;[code].......
The simple test code below validates a few fields successfully when tested using Safari, Opera, Firefox and ChromeDatepicker does not work in IE, although the validations do work as expected. Is there an issue with datepicker and IE? Is there a condition in my code that inhibits IE?
//// page code follows //// <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
Dont know how to put this. In my application i had one jsp where i did some modifications in the java script function and increased the maxlength of a field.
Just these two major modifications i did.But strangely everything got screwed up the function is not being called and many other java scripts func are not being called. Many buttons are not behaving strangely. That jsp is a very big one and a part of a major colossal application so i am not pasting it.