Malicious Code Inserted Into Multiple Pages
Mar 5, 2010
So today I have discovered some malicious JavaScript code inserted into a bunch of my pages on a webserver. Access to these pages through FTP is granted to 3 people, myself, my boss, and a contract programmer. Unfortunately, the FTP server wasn't set to log, so I can't tell for sure if it was the programmer, but my assumption and suspicion is that it was him.
This code was inserted at the bottom of multiple pages. I can't make heads or tails of it, but it cannot be good, whatever it is. When I view the page that it was on, I noticed the web browser connecting to [url]. Browsing to this page takes you to some foreign hosting site. Googling only provides a page that has this address listed in a blacklist.
Code below:
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Jan 27, 2006
AIUI, it was not all that long ago when the threat to personal users,
was attachments that when executed compromised machines with keyloggers,
trojans, etc.
Now it seems that the big problem is reading a webpage or an HTML e-mail
and getting affected through the scripting. My understanding is that
the script downloads the malicious program from the web and sets it to
run on start up through the start-up folder or in the registry.
I don't know much about this; can someone suggest a good web site to
start learning a bit more about these threats. I have googled, but I am
not quire sure of the best search terms, and since there is so much
information out there, a site that experienced people endorse would be a
lot of help.
In particular, it seems as if JavaScript dowloading a trojran without
the user clicking an attachment is a big problem.
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Apr 7, 2009
A simple one that is fooling me too much.The following function is returning a numeric value. I want to insert this value in html code. How can I do that?
<script type="text/javascript">
function myFun() {
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Sep 27, 2009
I coded the following JavaScript:
var el = document.createElement("iframe");
el.setAttribute('id', 'ifrm');
el.setAttribute('height', 250);
And am putting it between <script type="text/javascript"> and </script> tags in the <body> section of my site. But, it only works in certain areas of the page.
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Jun 3, 2009
Why isn't this code working? I can add items but only remove the ones originally added in the source code, not the ones dynamically added.
<form><div class="list">
<div class="item">
<input type="text" value="" /> <a href=""class="removeitem">Remove this item</a>
</div><div class="item">
<input type="text" value="" /> <a href=""
class="removeitem">Remove this item</a>
</div><a href="" class="additem">Add item to list</a>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Add item to list
var template = $($(this).prev().get(0)).clone();
return false;
// Remove item from list
return false;
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Oct 5, 2005
We require the ability to be able to inject code into all pages that
people view. There are a number of requirements. I am hoping there
might be a catch all that will allow us to do what we need.
Firstly once people load up IE. I would like a banner to be displayed
at the top of ie reminding people of internet use guidelines. I would
like this to be visable at all times on all pages.
The second part is that I would like to inject code into all pages that
have shockwave. The injection of code would either hide or show flash
but in a PAUSED static state (ie no motion)
Not being a firefox guru, I understand that this is the kind of thing
people are doing with Monkeyscripts. However as a corp I cannot get
away from using IE because of the services we use.
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Jul 20, 2005
All of a sudden the below javascript code appears on many of my web
pages. No one else sees it from their browser. I only see it in IE and
Netscape by looking at the source code. When I download the file to my
hard drive the code vanishes. It appears only when I look at it online
from my browsers. Any ideas? Code:
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Dec 2, 2010
I have created a form with 4 textboxes and one listbox. What I want to do is for every record which i select from the list to populate the boxes with information from a MySql database. I have managed to do this for one textbox, but i have a problem when doing the same for more then one textbox (DIV). Below is the code I am using to identify the div and write the info in the right place, for only one text box.
What should i do to transfer the DIV NetMask along?
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Sep 9, 2011
Basically what I need to do is cause a bit of HTML to only display on a specific page. I have figured out how to do most of the work i.e. figuring out what page that the code is being displayed on, etc. However, for some reason the DOM element that I am using will not update based on the Javascript.
Here is the version of the code that I am currently working on:
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function DisplayButton() {
var DesiredPage = 'Page to Display';
//Page that I want the code to display on
var sPath = window.location.pathname;
var sPage = sPath.substring(sPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
//This determines and places in a variable what page that the code will be on
if (sPage == DesiredPage) {
document.getElementById('HiddenCode').style.display = "block";
<p Id="HiddenCode" style="display:none">Code only to be displayed on indicated page</p>
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Aug 15, 2010
The thing is that I would like to stop pop-over (optin form) from loading on some pages (squeeze page,review pages etc.) and can't find a way to do that. We are talking about wordpress blog here... Is there a some kind of script or code I can use? Should be, it's not a rocket science. Just want to kill the process on some pages...I'm using popup domination [URL].
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Nov 30, 2010
I was wondering if there's a way to get rid of the button, and make it so when the user opens the webpage, it automatically opens the multiple webpages.If that's not possible, I was also wondering if there's a way to make the button "click" on a mouseover, so when they move their mouse across the button, it opens the pages.
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Jul 13, 2011
I'm trying to allow the user to change the stylesheet of my website. I can change the stylesheet on a page by page basis (eg. from red style to blue style) but once the user navigates to a different page the stylesheet resets back to the original setting.
For example, when the user visits the site first its set to the red style, they can change it to blue but when they navigate to another page the style goes back to red again where as I want the style to stick across pages. Does anybody know how I can sort this out?
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Jan 1, 2006
I am looking for code samples or websites that show me how to build a table that can split into multiple pages if there are more than certain rows. I am using AJAX to load the data into the table. But if the websites or code samples do not do AJAX, it's fine too because I maybe able to modify it to work with AJAX.
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Apr 10, 2009
I have a site which lists the basic information of CDs and allows the user to click a link to see detailed information regarding each CD. I've been doing that for a long time by just putting the detailed information in a DIV and using a script to toggle the visibility of that DIV. Unfortunately, I've reached the point where that bloats the page too much for it to load efficiently.
My idea is to use an AJAX call and simply load the detailed information from an external file whenever the user clicks the link. This is basically the code I've tried to use for that, but using it would require me to individually assign an ID to every DIV, which is unreasonable.
I've kicked around various ideas--making a similarly-functioning code that applies to classes instead, using a script to apply an ID to an element when it is clicked and then calling the external page into that, etc.--but none of them have worked out.
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Dec 3, 2010
I have this snippet of code which sends alright the ID to a page called SendIdToDatabase.php . I need to send that also, and simultaenously to another page called SubmitForm.php but I am not sure where to insert it in this code
and then underneath the other one something like
function YetAnotherFunction(str) {
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Dec 9, 2005
I need a JavaScript code to load pages into another frame. The thing is, I want to control the pages that are loaded using an external javascript (.js) file.
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Oct 31, 2006
there are a lot of different scripts out there to sort a table with multiple
columns. However, I want to do something specific.
I have a table that is "spread" accross multiple pages. Usually, when a user
wants to change the page, what you do is compute indexes in the server and
return the modified list. But that's not what I want to do, I want to be
able to navigate through the pages AND be able to sort the columns within
the client screen.
Does anyone know of a good example of something like that ? I know it can be
done, I would have to write the entire data in the client side, and then
manipulate it with indexes and sorts. I am very much able to write such
data, but should "delete" and "add" new table Elements (in a way that is
browser compatible) or show/hide <TRelements, maybe overwrite these table
I was wondering if this is somehow trivial so you can suggest a coding
strategy or if anyone knows a good page that displays this possibility.
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Sep 20, 2010
I have a web application which has two DIV, one is main and one is child. I am having problem in printing multiple pages. There is a lot of data in the child DIV and I am using JavaScript functions to control the print functionality. When i print using window.print(), only the data on the main page currently being showed is printed. I further researched and checked out the Style.Overflow property. Now I am using = "visible". After this the complete print comes. But in Firefox, the scroll bar disappears and only single page is left with no scroll bar.
Now if after print I give = "Auto" OR = "Scroll", still the scroll bar doesn't come and if
It comes then its inactive. I am unable to see the complete data on the page after the print is taken. The problem is not coming in I.E and the full data with scroll bar is recovered in I.E. How to get the normal page with full data and scroll bar after printing in Firefox.
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Nov 19, 2007
JavaScript is not my strong point though and I have found that the previous web editor has a lot of repeat functions on the pages.
My idea is to create an external .js file and just call the is for a rotating banner ad. The problem is the the function is called in the <Body> tag..this means that I have to change 100's of pages by adding the call function to the tag on every page.
Is there a way I can call the function as well as adding the function to the onLoad event.
I have tried adding "window.onload = rotateBanner;" to the beginning of my javaScript but it does not seem to work...what am I doing wrong
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Jun 24, 2011
There are multiple intranet pages with a list of names on them that are updated regularly.At the moment, there is no easy way to check if a name is on the pages without going in to each one at a time and searching them individually.
Is there a javascript script I could use to search all of the pages at the same time, and if a match is found, open the relevant page and highlight the result?
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Jul 26, 2010
why the iFrame resize code would stop working when I copy the code over to another page? It works fine here: [URL]... But when I copy the code over to another page ( in it's entirity, and just change the urls, it stops working?
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Oct 11, 2006
The problem with using HTML as a report writer is primarily the
unreliable page breaking.
However it is a rather handy way of writing reports with images
I could generate say 10 HTML pages of a maximum length to fit a page -
page1.htm, page2.htm, page3.htm ...etc.
Can I print all 10 pages, one after another automatically using perhaps
Javascript or some other method. Naturally dont want to ask the user
to do this.
Browser compatability would need to be I.E. 6 and Safari (not sure of
the version).
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May 27, 2011
It doesn't appear to be possible to validate multiple forms on a pages that only has a single <form> tag, using the JQuery Validation Plugin offered by Jörn Zaefferer. The reason I need to do this is because my pages are created with ASP.NET whose architecture generally calls for a single page-wide <form> tag. In my designs, I'd like to submit my data using a custom ajax call to a web-method, and link it to a click event on a button.
Below is an example:
"-//W3C//DTDXHTML1.0Transitional//EN" "[URL]" >
> .....
I'm not sure that I fully understand the documentation for the Validation plugin, but it doesn't seem like this is possible, as the plugin seems to need a <form> for each form.
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Sep 25, 2010
I have a minor problem with opening multiple pages with onclick. The code work perfectly (I run it with some PHP features). So far so good.Left mouse button will open 4 new tabs, and the view will jump to [URL]Middle mouse button will only open [URL]What I want: Open all 4 pages in new tabs in the background and stay at the current page.
<a href='' onclick="'');'');'')" target='new'>Open 4</a>
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Aug 2, 2010
I have a page generated by php specifically for use in jQuery. It has 3 divs with 3 different IDs.
I've been using .load() to get the contents of each div and put it within the page, but I've realized that if I use it multiple times within the page (ex: load the same page, get different div each time) it actually reloads the page every time it's used.
I'm not very experienced with jQuery, so I don't know how to get the html of the page just once and then manipulate it so I can get the contents of each div. I assume with .ajax right? But can someone point me in the direction of how exactly I'd do that--the jQuery docs don't help me out too much with this.
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Aug 23, 2011
I've got the following almost working properly:
It will be included on the pages in the list and I'd like the list to remember the last selected (showing the user what page in the list they're on). I can't figure out how (other than manually doing it on every page).
The other thing is that the + and - buttons change the item selected for ALL select lists on a page, it's pretty cool but not what I'd like it to do. You can see it working on [URL]..
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