I put some HTML together to gather a user's language abilities. Originally it was a multi-select box that pulled a its values from a mySQL table and, upon form submit, a PHP script posted the languages selected into an array and then pushed into a mySQL table.
Then the client decided he wanted the user to enter in the number of years/months they studied each language selected. He found someone on RAC and they gave him this code below. Which works, but doesn't integrate well with my PHP-array loading code. The client paid the RAC before I was able to test.
It's actually more complicated than that (with Fluent/Passable options), but once I know how to change the loop from the increment to an array, I'll be able to solve the rest.
What's happening now is the JS is looping, creating ids, fluentLanguageTimeQuantity_0, fluentLanguageTimeQuantity_1, fluentLanguageTimeQuantity_2, etc for each selection. Instead I'd like it to create an array fluentLanguageTimeQuantity[] with the selections loaded into it.
I have a loop that is running and I am trying to increment a number by one each time. Here is what I am doing, but each time it just writes out 1 for the value.
var i=1; Start of Loop document.write(i); var i=i++; End of loop
I have written the follow code. It is meant to (when finished) output a table showing each member of the array PEOPLE. There Income ,there Tax bracket and there finally there total tax paid.The calulations in the if-else statements are correct.I have to create a loop that will go through the if else statements equal to the amount of the people in the array (This is no problem I have done this earlier)
My problem is when I try to add each element (PEOPLE) to the table or there indivual tax outcomes.Can I create a loop and increment in the elements each iteration to put on the table?(for there names) As I am not meant to store each iteration,it is to write to the table each time.This is the code I'm working on with out the loop.
Im trying to write coding for entering a password into a prompt box, Ive got the prompt to work however I only want the password to work if 7 characters are entered, here is what I have:
var strPromptBox; var strPasswordLength; function validatePassword()
HTML UL I have ul inside ul but all I want to get when I select a certain list is the children of that list but remove the ul inside that list so they dont show at all [URL]
i am new to programming and have been given the challenge of writing code to request a password, then search through the cP array,until a match is found, then the index number on the cC array which corisponds to the 1st array should show me the customer code. i have sat here all day and got nowhere, the textbook i have is next to useless and is just confusing me more.
i dont want someone to do it for me but i do need help in getting started as i dont understand how to search for a specific string within the array or how to link the arrays for the correct output. Code:
I am having a hard time figuring this out, I have two simple arrays and I want to populate one by asking a visitor to enter information, it goes something like this...
var country = new Array(5); c_list[0] = "USA"; c_list[1] = "UK"; c_list[2] = "France"; c_list[3] = "Germany";
how do I use a simple for loop to use the names entered and populate the second array?
I have created a 2D array as a sort of "game board" and would like to place an object(cubeShape) in each square and be able to interact with specific instances. Since I am using the O3D API, I would like to do this by taking the object's place in the transform matrix and storing it in the 2D array. The problem is, I run this code:
And then when I check it, every value in my array is filled with 9 instead of the actual count. i.e. myBoard[1,2] = 9, myBoard[2,2] = 9, etc. Whats going on?
write a while loop that prompts user to enter name.add their names to an array.if they enter "exit" end the prompting
sort array and list in sorted order ----------------------------------- this is what i got so far. sooo confused because i cant get the user input into an array
var names = new Array(); var loopCounter; loopCounter = 0;[code]......
I am trying to get good using the $.each() in jQuery. I have a simple little task that I want to solve.
I have created a simple page with 100 boxes, each box with 4 colors. What I want to happen is if you click one box, it will change colors to the next box and so on. so for example here are 4 boxes
Red | Green | Blue | Yellow
If you click on Red you would get:
Green | Green | Blue | Yellow
If you click on the Green (1st one) you would get:
Blue | Green | Blue | Yellow
I have created a jsfiddle for you to view with what I have so far. I am stumpped at creating a match for the class name and if it matches to then go onto the next color in the array.
I have an array that I want to loop through and display the values of the array on the page as it loops (so I guess there should be a slight delay before the next one appears over it).
outputs lines of text, with two <br> between them. What I want is for if it's the last loop for that only to be one <br> but I can't figure out what that "last loop" code should be.
I am trying to create a function that creates an array comprised of filenames based on a given range. I.E if 2-8 is selected and a foldername of UMCP/ and a common name of college is also given, the function should return and array such as [UMCP/college2.jpg,UMCP/college3.jpg.....UMCP/college8.jpg]. Here is what I've got but the alert that should tell me the filename of the first image says it is undefined, how can i fix this?
function getArrayPhotosNames (total,count,first,last) { /*window.alert("get Array Photo Names");*/ var folderName = document.getElementById("photofold").value; var Alias = document.getElementById("commonName").value;
The difficulty is in declaring my array properly and then looping through it to output the contents as desired. You can see the details below. What I should be doing with the array and loop to make it work proplery?
What I am trying to do is loop through an array, and update / animate the CSS properties of the div.[code]I am able to loop through everything fine, but I cannot for the life of me get the css properties to update. Here is where I am at within the loop. I cannot figure out how to target the class.[code]
I am working on a problem that wants me to use a for loop to give an array a random number for each of it's elements (total of 10) and then using a second loop to add them up and display the result.