I have the string in Javascript and now i want to make that string letter case. Means each first letter in caps of the string. for e.g. if following string is passed Is there any ready made function in javascript or can any one provide me reference for the same?
problem with accessKey attribute value p (lowercase) and P(uppercase) for different html buttons.. the browser unable to differentiate between upper and lowercase key ...
i have a simple form with two buttons, and i want to trigger these buttons with keyboard keys in combination with Alt key. for example Alt + P (uppercase) should trigger button 1 and Alt + p (lowercase) should trigger button 2
Browser: IE 8.0
here is the code... ----------------------- <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html>
here the behavior is strange, when i press Alt+P in keyboard, button1 is triggered and when i press Alt+Shift+P in keyboard, button2 is triggered ..
below is my code and i cant seem to figure out how i can loop the string and find the location of letter "a" in the string and display it like "1 3 17" ... i cant seem to figure out what i am doing wrong in the loop and keep getting "1 1" ... Thanks before hand!
I'm developing a web app and I want to validate a users input on a form. I need a regular expression to validate a string which must begin with a letter (i.e. A-Z or a-z) and must have 5 numbers (0-9) after it....
Ive just started to learn JavaScript, and I have trouble to write JavaScript code which checks a string to contain at minimum one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter one number and one special character with no white space allowed.
<script type="text/javascript"> var str="Welcome to Microsoft! Microsoft Microsoft"; var stringToBeFound = 'Microsoft' var ReplaceString = 'site' document.write(str.replace(stringToBeFound , ReplaceString )); </script>
My problem is im trying to use string.replace that is not case sensitive and replace every string found. I could use regular expression with it but my stringToBeFound is a dynamic variable im getting it from my database
I am working on a search function to call some data from an XML document. It works fine except for the fact that it's case sensitive.
What method do I need to use from the String object to make it case insensitive, so that a J is the same as j?
I was thinking of changing my text box string to all lower case using toLowerCase(). If I did this, then would I have to do the same thing in the info retrieved from the XML document? I want to make it so that Tom is the same as tom - I'm just wondering where I would have to apply these - to both the XML doc (being read for the output) as well as the text box string (the input).
Just wondering if I'm overthinking this, or on the right track with toLowerCase().
Also, in my search, to filter the results from only entering a few letters (not the entire element, I'm using the substr() method. It seems to work but I don't know if this affecting the case somehow...
I've started a course on web design and I'm busy with a assignment on Javascript. I need to make a contact list which I'm nearly done with but I'm stuck with one bit, validating select lists, I want to do it using a case construct but I'm not sure how cause mine doesn't want to work.
I have this hosting application on my website and people just seem oblivious to the fact that right next to the password input it says: "requires one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number"
I've tried to take the time before to locate a script, but I've never found a good enough tutorial.
This construction isn't working. The variable strName gets the name of the object (i.e. afkorting) but the alert doesn't work. Has somebody an idea what I'am doing wrong?
Is it possible to create a function that will find a class name or id name and then assign that name as variable string?
For example, my body has a class name:
<body class="Sunday">
I need to have a function (using jquery or just regular javascript) that will determine that class name and then assign it to a variable named bodyClass, so that bodyClass="Sunday".
Instead I get every char of the string each in one alert message. How can I transform the String to an Array, or get in this case the two key-value pairs?
I'm trying to use JavaScript to make a story out of randomly selected words from 4 arrays and then insert it into a textarea. It isn't working, can someone please tell me how to fix it.... there's an error somewhere I can't find.
I'm trying to make a function to strip a string of all slashes. Initially I had:
Code: String.prototype.stripSlashes = function () { return this.replace('\',''); }
and that worked fine except it only replaced the first slash (which it apparently is supposed to do). So i read up about global replacements but cant seem to get the right combination of /s and s. This is what i have at the moment:
thta should of out put me "hello world" as it is what it is in array but it does not as there is 422 there That's my ID from database, and I gotta use itNow, if I change that ID to something in letters say to "i" then everything is fine. ex
PHP Code:
That one would work, but then I have to chnge JSON string thta pulls data from DB and i cant really do that...So the question is how can I make 422 (numbers) works the same way as just string values in the array/object tree?
so that the first case matches any string starting with "foo", the second any string ending in "bar", etc. In Tcl, you can:
switch -glob $x { "foo*" { } "*bar" { } }
and accomplish the same thing. I'm struggling to do that in JavaScript. switch seems to follow C semantics and do a full-length match. And String.match() doesn't seem to do glob-style matching so I can't do:
if ($x.match("foo*")) { ...
Is there a way to match on patterns in a JavaScript control structure?
Would it be possible to make besttest[1] arrays value an actual variable name and assign it string value "selected"? I have "for" loop that returns the selected state and I need to somehow pass that variable name (which has value "selected") to option tag. And that variable name is the actual value of array.