Link In New Window Changing Value Of <input> In Parent Window
Feb 28, 2002
I'm building a program for webmasters, and I need to have it so that I can have an <INPUT> button that, when clicked, will open up a new window (400x350 pixels) with a list of links. However, when the person clicks one of those links, the window closes, the value of an <input type="text" name="parentdoc" size="8" maxlength="8" readonly> is updated.
How would I accomplish this?
(As I mentioned above, I am very new to JavaScript, so please provide as much explanation and code as possible.)
I have a site where one of the links I have set up to open a pop up window which will display Terms & Agreement information, at the bottom there is a check box and a submit button for users to click on if they agree to the terms. I was able to get that working but the thing is when the user clicks in the check box and hits submit I want them to be directed to a page which has a form on it but I wanted the page to open in the original (Parent) window. This is where I am lost cause I found some coding which will open the page with the form in the pop up window but Ideally once they agree to terms and hit submit I'd like the pop up window to disappear and the new page open in the Parent window... is this possible below is the coding I'm using.
Here is the form:
<form method="get" action="this is where my link will go" onsubmit="return yes_no(this.form) " name="Agree"> <INPUT name="agree" name="agree" value="agree" type="checkbox"> I agree to terms <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Accept Terms">
<td bgcolor="#000000" onClick="javascript:setRGB(0, 0, 0);" class="swatch"></td> <td bgcolor="#000033" onClick="javascript:setRGB(0, 0, 51);" class="swatch"></td> <td bgcolor="#000066" onClick="javascript:setRGB(0, 0, 102);" class="swatch"></td> What I want to do is to define the setRGB function so that when I click on a color swatch (onClick) it updates 3 fields in a form in the window that opened the popup with the corresponding RGB values. So let's say that in the window that opened the popup i have a form 'formname' with three text fields named 'red', 'green' and 'blue'.
From my web page I open another link in another browser window. That new window is composed of two frames. I have a <a href="....."> link on the second frame of that window. What I want is that when user clicks on the link in the new window's second frame, the response should open in the original browser window that opened this secondary window(which is made of two frames). How can I do it?I hope i have explained my problem.
I tried to used window.opened.location.href but it didnt work because I have frames in my secondary window...
I need to have a link open in the parent window after opeining one on my site. What the user does, is he/she clicks a link in their browser. that intern opens another window with a input field and a submit button. after they hit submit, i want the next page to load in the window they first clicked the link for the pop up. how would i do this?
I have a HTML and I am opening another link in a separate window using . The child window is something like '' which is out side html. I need to refresh the parent window when the child window is closed.
I create a new page and write to it. There is an anchor in the new page so that users can easily navigate to the bottom. In IE, it works fine. In Firefox, it loads the parent page into the new page....
Is it possible to Copy data from a <input> box the the main windows (the input is opened in a pop-up). I've seen date-time pickers can do that, but can't find the function!
i have this code i need to close the parent.html window when the child window opened, i need the code for that working well in IE and Firefox Parent.html
<HTML> <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript"> function sendTo() {'child.html','_blank','resizable=yes,width='+(screen.width-500)+',height='+(screen.height-500)+''); } [Code]...
I am trying to usw , upload a file in the child window and then referesh the parent window. But once upload is done, window . opener .location.href or opener.location.replace sends a message back but I get a pop up blocker, so if I turn pop up blocker off, it opens in new page. I just want the parent page to refresh on the same window. This works on some employees stations but not on others..I don't know if there are any settings on IE that need to change, I tried everything...weird. does any one done this before?
Im trying to create a hidden form field in a parent window from within a child window (popup). I am trying to use jQuery, but unfortunately the hidden field does not get created.
I have a couple of utility windows - a calculator and a calendar that popup from my main window. I would like them to always stay in front of the parent window until they are shut down with there own close buttons. As it is, when you click back to the parent window, of course it comes in front of the child windows. Can I do this?
I have an HTML page where I am opening a child window using the child window is something like I want to refresh the parent window when the child window is closed.
I'm using window.showModalDialog but having an issue trying to set the parent window(main browser). I open modal window A which is then opens modal window B, top of modal window B onload I do window.opener.close()". My issue now is when i'm finished with B I set parent window(main browser) to a new url with window.opener.location. So my problem is modal window A the parent has been closed so window.opener.location will not work.
Put a link on my page that will open an external site (over which I have no control) in a pop-up window. When the user closes the pop-up, I want my original page to redirect to another page. The difficulty I'm having is that I can't add any code to the page in the pop-up as it's not my site.
I have created and opened a child window called "checkwin" and have written some data to it. If the data is valid, I want the user to click on the 'CONFIRM' button on the child window, at which time I want the "submit()" function for the form on the parent window to be executed. If the data is invalid the user clicks on 'MODIFY' and I want focus to return to a field on the parent form. However, when I click on the "CONFIRM" or "MODIFY" buttons on the child window, nothing happens. Here is the code:
2. Select multiple checkbox and submit array which send back to parent window and value store in a hidden variable.
i manage to do pop up child window, pass textfield value to parent window. But it cant send php array to parent window. Please help. I'm not good in js. code...
I'm having trouble with Safari. After i close a popup it does not focus on the parent window. I have been looking around and i think its this sort of thing i need 'javascript:window.opener.focus()" target="_self"' but tbh i'm not in anyway a javascript whizz, so im a little confused.
I am trying to insert the value of a variable gathered from a popup window as an option in a <select> menu on the main window. This is the code I have so far:
Code: var newOption = document.createElement("option"); newOption.value = '<?=$userfile_name?>' newOption.appendChild(document.createTextNode('<?=$userfile_name?>')); select.insert(newOption);
How do I do the rest? I just want to add this new value to the end of the list.
I need the most efficient way of passing a variable from a parent window to a popup window.The reason i say "most efficient" is because i currently do it like this from the parent:[code]But this is inefficient because at times it randomly alerts "undefinded".Anyways, can someone tell me a more fail safe way to pass a var to a popup so that i will be able to access it 100% correctly.