JQuery :: Use Data Returned In $.get()
Jul 19, 2011
Here is the code I am running:
The url is a very straightforward servlet that queries a database and returns either Y or N. That part is working fine. The first alert shows Y or N just as it is supposed to.
However, the second alert is always showing Turbo, as though the if statement is not able to compare properly. This is probably javascript rather than specific to jQuery, but can anyone see where I'm going wrong?
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Jul 25, 2011
I am doing a few tests with javascript and oop. but one failed so i falled back to the way i usually do this but it still isnt working properly. i am using $.post() but instead of returning whatever is echoed in the php file like it does with all my other scripts it returns the content of the file:
Isnt returned in var data but the whole file is returned as a string.
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Jul 8, 2010
So I'm loading the div#my_events by prepend(data) where "data" is another well styled div. Is there anyway to animate this returned data. Unfortunately I can't just specify a unique ID on the incoming data. So I was wondering how else I might be able to address this data I'm returning.
It is basically a topic list, with a modal that sends jquery to add a topic to the database, and returns the topic from the database, hides the modal, and displays the last added topic at the top of the topic list. Now I'd like it to do something slightly fancy like animate the color of the background to bring the user's attention to it.
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Jul 5, 2009
Here is what I'm trying to do. I will pass a directory to a PHP script, that script will then return an array of filenames back to the javascript that called it. In the javascript I want to take the filenames returned and create links to them in an unordered list.
The PHP code to get the filenames is done and when I run the script I get an array that I have formatted into json... an example of the encoded array is as follows...
So here is the jquery I'm trying to use to get the filenames and create my links... But I must be missing something because my variable... data ... is empty... but status is Success.
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Mar 29, 2011
i will try to explain my problem in a little example: I have a php script that creates a simple calendar something like that.
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Sep 23, 2009
Getting information from a php file. Basically :
In this dumb example, I'm unable to match the 'data' returned variable with the value I assigned to it in php (I can't manage to enter my 'do stuff'), yet its value is 'ok' if I display it. I have no problem to retrieve html code from php and inject it in my pages, but I can't test it as a regular javascript string.
What's wrong in this ? What have I missed about the 'data' format ? Do I have to 'cast' data to a javascript string (and if so, how ?)
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Jun 3, 2010
I am currently using $.ajax to post to a Perl file that queries a webservice and returns XML. Running the Perl via command line confirms that XML is being returned with Content-Type: application/xml. However, regardless if I set the dataType parameter to "xml", "XML" or just use jQuery's intelligent guess, it appears that I am not getting any data returned to my function at all.
I've tried using the full $.ajax notation and the simplified $.get notation as follows:
I have also tried using JQuery to perform a "GET" directly to the webservice which returns XML by default and still I get no data returned to my function.
Although I doubt it's browser-related, I have confirmed this in both Chrome (5.0.375) and Firefox (3.6.3).
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Apr 1, 2010
When I use the ajax function to grab the remote content of some page, I would like to then apply jQuery selectors to that data. Does anyone know how this can be done? Let's say that I just grabbed the content from an html page. I would then like to be able to use a standard: $("#someID").val() to get the content of that page element.
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Feb 20, 2010
I have the following javascript:
<script type="text/javascript">
// autocomplete setup
The autocomplete (I'm using this one) and the getJSON work perfectly. The problem comes when I try to do something with the returned json data. Line 14 won't work for me. Any selectors I try on the returned json data won't work. The selectors still work on items that were there before the json data was returned.
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Jun 1, 2011
I have a problem I have in my controller a function which poperly returns the value (i've checked by var_dump). When I try to access this data from $.ajax it returns nothing...
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Sep 30, 2010
I have a form which submits via ajaxForm so i can do a fancy image uploader:
beforeSubmit: function() {
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Aug 10, 2010
I call a query, get success, but don't know how to get the data out. Here is the code..
An object is returned, but I can't the data out of it.
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Feb 22, 2010
I'm currently working on a form where an entire HTML page is returned via the .ajax method. I would like to display only the content of the div with the id "content" (of the page returned) in the div with the id "result" (in the calling page). Here is my current script :
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Nov 23, 2011
I am trying to build a table from backend data and then perform a filter on it using the picnet table filter. After much messing about I have discovered that the problem lies with the table data returned from the server. As a test, all I want to do is get jQuery to make an alert when a table cell is clicked. I added a hard coded table cell at the beginning of the table and when I clicked on it, the alert appeared. However, clicking on any other cell had no effect.
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Jul 12, 2011
I'm using Ajax to load some HTML data from an external file. How could you limit the word count to 20 words?
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Feb 7, 2011
I am creating a page that loads new content via ajax, but i need to execute a javascript function based on the content. ex
<div id='content'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
function newFunction(){
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Apr 29, 2010
I'm having a little problem with a jQuery/JS script I just wrote in IE7/8. The problem is the first 2 lines of the returned data are not being displayed (w or wo styling) but only in IE. The strange thing is though if I alert the returned data it's there.
The code can be found at [url]
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Jun 1, 2011
I am developing a web application in java (jsp's and servlets). For the project I am working on I will need to develop an html data entry screen and the code to load data into the screen, and then save the data back to the back-end database.
How to do the following:
Read the data out of the database (JDBC, no problem) in a servlet.
Put the data into the appropriate form for returning to the data entry screen, which will be a jsp. (Is JSON the right choice for passing the data from the servlet to the jsp?)
In the jsp, parse the returned data and populate the HTML form elements (text fields and combo boxes). When a button is clicked, pull the data out of the form elements and return to a servlet for saving back in the database.
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May 4, 2010
I have a html form which produces 3 post varaibles.
I'd link to be able to call a php file when sumbitted that sends the data from my form and returns the results from my php file to a div on the oringal page.
I know that you can use .load to call a page to be diaplayed within a div $('#container').load('url #div_on_page') but dont know how to send the from data.
this is the code.
<form method="post" id="new_user_form" >
<input type="text" name="newuser" />
<br /><br />
<input type="password" name="newpassword1" />
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Dec 14, 2010
I'm pretty new to jQuery and I'm using $.getJSON to submit some data to a PHP script which either returns 5 sets of json-formatted data or data to indicate an error condition (i.e., no data available) from the PHP database query. The callback routine handles the 5 sets of json-formatted data just fine (using $.each...) but I'm having trouble testing for either just a string with 'null' in it or a json-formatted data return of [{"error":"null"}].
My callback code for the second approach looks like this:
function handle_stores(data) {
if (data.error == "null") .....
But this test does not execute the following code for the 'true' condition, i.e., data.error == "null" never evaluates to 'true'.
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May 26, 2010
Im trying to validate a form (easy) and POST it to a third party WCF service. I am able to validate and POST data to the service, but its returned data (in table format) keeps opening in a blank page with their url in the browser address bar. Can't have that, I need to grab the returned data and .append it to a div on my page. Here is what I have that FAILS
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).click(function() {
//cancel form
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Apr 28, 2011
I am definitely more designer than programmer. Not sure if this possible, If it is then I am definitely getting the syntax wrong. I'm trying to pull array data as such:
var carouselC2R1Array = new Array(500, 4, 0);
var currentSilo = 2;
var currentImg = 1;
carouselWidth = "carouselC"+currentSilo+"R"+currentImg+"Array"[0];
carouselMaxImages = "carouselC"+currentSilo+"R"+currentImg+"Array"[1];
carouselCurrentImg = "carouselC"+currentSilo+"R"+currentImg+"Array"[2];
But instead of returning the correct data I get this:
carouselWidth = c
carouselMaxImages = a
carouselCurrentImg = r
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Jul 19, 2010
I am using the jquery autocomplete pugin fromhttp://bassistance.de/jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-autocomplete/
I need to perform an action if no data is returned from the autocomplete search but there seems sto be no way to do that. Any ideas pls?
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Apr 4, 2011
Every parse example I have seen on the internet is the well formed;
jQuery.parseJSON( ' {"sid":"123455","client_id":"1","last_name":"Anderson","first_name":"Alan","institution_id":"1"} ');
What is the easy way to get from this;
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Sep 7, 2011
So just found out the problem I was having, and came up with a solution (bandaid really) but would like to know if anyone else has run into this and what they did.
Code JavaScript:
var left_margin = $(this).css('margin-left').replace(/D/g,'');
So the above, get the left margin of the object, strip all but numbers and store into a variable. Easy, right? Here's what happened. Inserted the object into the DOM, Chrome returned 212px, which was converted to 212�*fine. Firefox on the other hand returned 212.5px, which was converted to 2125� not fine. I'm centering the element on the screen based on this number, so the additional 2000ish pixels is WAY off. My solution was to increase one of my initial values a single pixel in which both browsers return 213px�*but like I said this is only a bandaid solution. Not really understanding the value of .5 pixel, but looking into that. Is there a rounding function in jquery? Javascript I would have to strip the px from the string, convert to integer and THEN round.
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Apr 7, 2010
I am using this code in c#. I need to create a url dynamically which the following code does. The BuildURL method has a string return and returns the build URL. How do I get that value and use it in the following code?
$("#myButton").bind('click', function() {
type: "POST",
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