JQuery :: Stationary But Slightly Rotated Divs?
Aug 26, 2010
I am building a gallery for a client w/an admin etc. But visually she would like the images to be slightly rotated but stationary not animated. is there a way to do this with jquery here is a link to a rough draft.[URL]... so basically I want each of the images to be slightly rotated.
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Oct 20, 2011
Does anyone know if there are useful scripts in jQuery that allows me to create a page slide effect like this website?I think the logic behind it is that it loads every single web page of the entire website first, pans them out horizontally, then shifts the page left or right X amount of pixels depending on which link is clicked. I'm pretty new to javascript so I'm not sure where to look, and I don't understand half the code by looking at the source code either
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Jun 1, 2009
jqPlot is an open source plotting plugin for jQuery. The 0.6.2 release adds many new features including:
Rotated axis text. Vertical and horizontal bar charts. Automatic trend line computation. Data point highlighting. Cursor tooltips showing data and grid position. And many other features.
The jqPlot homepage is at [url]
The downloads page is at [url]
The mailing list/Google group is at [url]
jqPlot is built from the ground up as an extensible and plugable plugin. Handling of data, drawing of plot elements, events, virtually everything is handled by a plugin. This means you can enhance or swap out core functionality without touching the core code.
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Jan 4, 2010
I'm using the newest version of jQuery
It is a "content slider" that rotates content "slides". It is setup to auto rotate on a set time, and you can also hit the previous/next buttons to move through the slides. This has been working great. Now I have the need for a pause button that will stop the auto rotate. I think this should be fairly easy for someone familiar with javascript and jQuery.
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Oct 18, 2011
I was wondering if jQuery or mootools has a set of scripts that creates a page slide effect with a stationary menu? What I mean is instead of loading a page when you click a link, all pages of the website are loaded at first, and then when a link is clicked, the corresponding page slides onto the screen. The navigation menu remains unchanged (except for dropdown menus) throughout everything. This is a perfect example of what I'm looking for: [URL] I tried to search for this but didn't come up with too many great results, and I searched the jQuery documentation and wasn't able to find a slider feature.
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Oct 21, 2010
I've been trying to find a jQuery that will have buttons float from left to right onto a page, then grow a little / shrink back to normal size on mouseover.
I've found lots of things that are predominantly for drop down menus - that's not really it.
Using my (limited) javascript skills I've modified a script that moves buttons or divs onto a page but it looks very dull. Powerpoint-like even.
Here's a link: [URL]
All the buttons need to do is jump to another page - the background image does not need to change at all / slide out or anything like that.
So basically what I'm looking for is a pointer to a jQuery thingy [!] that will do the above while looking a lot snazzier
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Feb 4, 2011
I have developed my own fake language like pig latin but ever so slightly different, I want to make a translator for it as there are so many for pig latin,english-my language:
1: put the first letter at the end (hello becomes elloh)
2: put an 'a' 2 letters in (elloh becomes elaloh)
obviously if the inputted word had a capital letter at the begining, then the new first letter should be in capitals, and the translator should be able to translate whole sentences not just word by word,I have downloaded countless javascript/html files for pig latin translating because obviously the first step for translating to the 2 languages is the same and ive managed to stop it adding the 'ay' or 'way' to the end of the word as it is in pig latin bu i dont think ive done it very efficiently?
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Aug 12, 2010
I'm trying to develop proper exception handling for a javascript framework I'm developing but I keep hitting an annoying dead end: caller and line numbers / stack trace.I have a basic exception class:
* Exception.js
* @classException
The problem is that the console.trace() function returns only one line: "log", referring to ExceptionHandler.log(e) (at least in webkit). What I'd love to do is have the Exception class get information as to (at the very least) what called it and also, although perhaps less viable, the line number it was called on. I don't think the line number is going to work though. I would _like_ this to happen automatically, but if I have to include another argument called_from it won't be the end of the world. I know about arguments.caller but this is depreciated (as of ECMAScript 1.3 (?)).
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Mar 31, 2010
so im almost finished my first site! very excited. its for my dads business, hes a screening contractor.actually i doubt he will get any business out of it, even once we get our real domain name and everything because i don't even know how to get Google to like it. its OK though, its mainly just a practice site for me anyways before i make a resume site for myself. anyways, this mayt sound like a flash question but i asked on flash sites and they have no idea, and i think it has more to do with how i embedded the flash. yoy see, it consists of 3 divs, an html content area, and a flash banner and a flash menu, which stretch depending on the window size to keep their aspect ratio. its that streachyness that i believe is causing the problem. everything works exactly as planned in Firefox, chrome, and pure flash player. but in IE, safari and opera, the size and position of things are way messed up! (only really care about IE). the edges of dynamic text are slightly to the left or right and hanging behind things because of it, same with some movie clips and when i didn't want things to appear on the stage i set their x position to be the length of the stage,
i think that ie is calculating the size onresize incorrectly. heres the site, take a look at the the script file:[URL]..
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Apr 28, 2011
I'm using a service to remotely create a pdf - it creates a pdf of the page you're on. Unfortunately that includes the link as well. I'd like to push the pdf generator to a slightly different url which would remove the offending link. The link I have is:
but it is not fooled! It seems I need to edit location.href but I don't know how to do it!!
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Aug 27, 2011
In PS you press CTRL+T on new layer. 9 handles appears an then you can stretch/rotate/move that layer. Looking just for that stretch & rotate functionality with dotted/dashed retangle outline. That is, there should be 8 handles on rectangle boundarys and then rectangle should be rotated & stretched via those points. & moved via nineth center point.
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Oct 14, 2010
I have been trying to do some tooltips for a website and desperately wanted to learn something new and do that with jQuery.However, every time a mouse hovers over a tooltip, all hidden divs are shown, not just the one that supposed to. Here's my html:
Code HTML4Strict:
<div class="tip">
<a href="#"></a>[code].....
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Nov 18, 2011
I have a script that rotates text and I was wondering if there was a simple way to add 3 circles below the each text that is being rotated.So that the user can then click a different (empty) circle and bring up that text it references?Here is what I have:
<script language="javascript">
$('#testimonials .slide');[code]..........
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Aug 19, 2009
I'm looking for some javascript to work with wordpress (jQuery preferrably) that will show/hide multiple divs on one click.
I had one working but it was kinda janky because it was causing me to have two divs with the same ID on one page. No good.
Since I updated to wp2.8.3 prior to launch, it's not working. So I've decided to just try and do it right.
Here's a page: [URL]
So, what I want to happen: On page load, the first tab: "general" and it's corresponding div beneath should be showing. And the first image should be showing. The other content divs and images should be hidden. I've given the text content divs a dashed border to show their borders. When a visitor clicks "dine at home" the general div and image hide, the second content div shows, as does the second image (it's currently the identical image, but the client may change later.) Etc.
I'll be using this function on a few other pages as well.
how to adjust this javascript to work on two different IDs at once?
current code:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$(function () {
var tabContainers = $('div.imgswap > div');
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Jan 22, 2009
I am using javascript to switch between a series of divs, on clicking a navigation tab the divs display property is set to 'block' and all other divs have their display property set to 'none'. That works fine, the problem I have is when I redirect to another page (e.g. a PHP script) on return to the index the divs have reset and only the default div is shown, rather than the div that was showing when the user left the page. The solution, as I see it, is two stages: Write a function to display the relevant div based on the variable passed to it, then work out how to pass this variable around various pages (post/get). I am very inexperienced with javascript and it drives me mad that the script literally does nothing rather than throwing up an error (as in PHP) but this is what I have so far in terms of a function:
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Dec 7, 2010
I have 2 divs, 1 is just off the screen to the left, and the other visible. the divs contain unordered lists. Now when i click on one of the 'li' list items i would like to slide div 1 to the left off screen and bring div 2 to the right on screen. so this is what i have done so far:
var swap =0;
$("#cat").animate({"left": "-=150px"}, "slow");
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Mar 25, 2010
I have 5 divs on a page all with the class of "cases". I want all these divs to fadein one second after the previous one loaded. To accomplish this I tried the following;
So I want; first div fades in on .ready()
- one second wait -
the second one fades in
- one second wait -
the third one fades in etc. etc. etc.Currently all the divs load at the same time.
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Mar 14, 2011
I have this case:
1) There are 3 divs
, each div contains "an <h2>
tag" and "an input class='button'
2) I want an alert that displays the text in the h2, when I click the Input contained within its div parent.
<h2>I'm First!</h2>[code]....
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Mar 28, 2011
Code below makes hovering a div in another div to appear, and when the mouse leave the div disappears. But as you can see, the div "visualizar" this in a loop and when I move the mouse in a div appears in all, I wonder how I can make a div to appear at a time, I could modify the code?
script jquery:
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = inicia;
function inicia() {
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Oct 7, 2010
How can I wrap every 3 divs in a new div? So If I have;
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Jul 8, 2010
For example I have the following html:
<div class="test1">test</div>
<div class="test2">test2</div>
<div class="test3">test3</div>
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Sep 21, 2009
html Code:
- html Code
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Jun 21, 2010
I have thmbnails of pictures on a page & i would like to open up the full picture (which is already present on the page, but I have used css to display:none on it) in a div (ie overview) when user hovers over the pictures so on the pictures I have done:
<a onmouseover="javascript:show('{$row['productid']}');" onmouseout="javascript:hide('{$row['productid']}');" href="viewProduct.html?id=" . $row['productid'] . ""> <img height="100px" width="100px"src="images/thmb/". $row['imageLocation']."" /> </a>";
I am trying to pass in an id because the full picture has that id which is guaranteed to be unique! and I dont know ahead of time the id..
or this cant be done with Jquery/
disclaimer: I have done this using JAVASCRIPT successfully but I am learning Jquery so i thought why not use that..
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Nov 30, 2011
I'm new to jQuery and I wonder how to style my divs so that every other is one color and the rest is another color, no matter how many divs there are? If there's only one div no styling is needed. I'm not after the css or data-theming to change to specific colors, but rather the jquery code to count the number of divs and then decide which one is the first, the second etc. By the way, if it's possible to do it all in css I'm curious about that too
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Nov 28, 2011
Is it possible to use DIVs as slides instead of IMGs?
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Mar 22, 2010
I have a list of checkboxes that a user can select and drag and drop in any order. The selected items and the order thatthey are in are saved in a cookie value (using a cookie plugin). The function below retrieves the cookie value and loops through the values stored in the cookie and now I want to display only those div sections which are in the cookie and in the same order (this is the part that I'm having trouble with). I have each div with a style of display:none and I could just just the display: value to show them but how do I output them/display them in the same order as the cookie value?
listOrder() {
var list = $(setSelector);
if (list == null) return
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