JQuery :: Not Calling Elements In If Statements?
Mar 1, 2010
The jQuery isn't working when calling elements placed in conditional statements. My sample code is shown below. This code works beautiful if the if/else conditions aren't there. What is the problem? Is there something wrong with my code? Is there a workaround? I absolutely need to use a conditional statement in my production code.
$test = 'true';
print "
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Feb 4, 2010
I have a div on my page witch is hidden : AddSupplier, I have a button on my page witch must show the div if its not visible, but the same button saves some stuff if the div is visible.So all that is working but in this AddSupplier div there is a select box "ddSupplierTypes" and when the select box gets clicked the AddSupplierButton click event gets triggered why is this, and is there a work around?
<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
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May 15, 2011
I've got a list in which each item has a link that shows and hides a div, and also changes text of the the link. I want to write the code like this:
$(".log a").click(function() { $("#panel-" + $(this).data("build_id") + ":hidden").trigger('showLog'); $("#panel-" + $(this).data("build_id") + ":visible").trigger('hideLog'); return false; });
... but that doesn't work. It seems as though if the first selector returns no elements that the 2nd line is not executed. I might be wrong about the diagnosis, but the symptom is that I can show the log, but can't then hide it, whereas if I start with all the panels visible and remove the first selector, the hideLog event is triggered as expected.What does work is this:
$(".log a").click(function() { var panel = $("#panel-" + $(this).data("build_id")); if (panel.css("display") == 'none') { panel.trigger('showLog'); } else { panel.trigger('hideLog'); } return false; });
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Apr 7, 2010
I try to make something where you add elements, and can delete elements later by calling a simple function. I simplyfied it right here: It works only to add the paragraphs, but the delete function doesn't work. Tried already to debug with an alert message after each rule... but the problem is with this rule I guess:
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Jul 17, 2011
I have a form button with id="submit". When pressed, ClickGeocode(credentials) is called. This works fine and dandy with: $('submit").click(ClickGeocode) Despite there being no indication that the function takes an argument 'credentials'. So when I want to call the function at some point in my code, I should be able to do something like ClickGeocode(credentials) ... no? However, my issue is that credentials isn't once defined in my code - it is part of Bing Maps function... like so:
function ClickGeocode(credentials)
So why does it work using .click(), and how can I call the function without user interaction (simply somewhere in my code) even if 'credentials' is not defined?
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Nov 12, 2005
I am sure if I searched long enough I could find the answer, but to save time I would appreciate help with the # statements, such as #include, #csstopmenu, etc which I find in the scripts here and elsewhere. I know that #include is used with shtml to include another html page. What are the others? Is there a definitive list, and if so where can I find it?
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Oct 9, 2005
This code uses a nested IF statement to put a pack of cards into an array of records.
But for some reason the cards arn't going in.. like.. at all? I've put a document.write piece of code at end to display the card in the first slot and [object Object] appears? Code:
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Mar 25, 2011
I apologise for any complexity of the following script, but what I am trying to achieve is
1.) At 6:51 am, the image sunrise.png is written as the background of #wrap
2.) At 12:04 midnight through 12:07 midnight, the background of #wrap is green.png then
3.) Then, at a random time at night that is not 6:51 am nor in-between 12:04 midnight & 12:07 midnight, the background of #wrap is set as aurora.png
This is the code of if statments that I wrote to achieve it:
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Apr 16, 2007
So I have some code like:
if (document.Insurance.State.selectedIndex == 1)
else if (document.Insurance.State.selectedIndex == 2)
else if (document.Insurance.State.selectedIndex == 3)
I am trying to replace the if-else statements with case statement as
var index = document.Insurance.State.selectedIndex;
switch (index)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3: elseInd()
This code doesn't work ! Am I missing something here?
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Mar 5, 2009
I need to test the contents of three fields to validate which contain text, and based on the results, set additional variables. I'm sure this is falling off the log simple, and I got it to work in PHP, but am having problems getting the syntax correct in Javascript.
In a nutshell, if a front AND a rear msg is entered, the price is $115, else the price is $80. I'm sure there's an easier way to code this than what I've done, but I don't know how to correctly perform several && and || in the same comparison.
Here's the PHP...
function notEmpty(){
var FrontMsgTxtTop = document.getElementById('FrontMsgTxtTop').value;
var FrontMsgTxtBottom = document.getElementById('FrontMsgTxtBottom').value;
var RearMsgTxt = document.getElementById('RearMsgTxt').value;
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Nov 28, 2001
<script language="javascript">
the self.location.href='#add' goes to a html anchor on the page, and the focus is supposed to set the cursor inside the first textbox when the statement is run.
if i run it as is, it will go to the anchor like its supposed to, but won't put the cursor in the textbox. if i comment out the first statement, it will put the focus on the textbox.
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Oct 4, 2010
I have a very simple script that generates a prompt window. Instead of using a default text, I have left the text field empty. However, I would like a default message to display in the pop up window if the user does not enter a value in the prompt box before clicking okay. I tried adding a conditional statement but the default text does not write in the pop up window.
Here is the code:
function promptBox(){
var message = prompt("Who is your favorite Hollywood Star?", "");
newWindow = window.open('','','width=800,height=600');
if ((prompt) == null);
document.write("No Value Entered");
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Apr 5, 2010
I try to figure out how I can merge two onclick in one: The one is opening a "lightbox" div with a fullsize view. Now I would like to count this click with loading a site in an iframe. I am not that known in javascript, therefore my question: Is it possible?
This would load the iframe:
PHP Code:
This is the onclick statement in the lightbox.js:
PHP Code:
anchor.onclick=self._genOpener(num)}var body=d.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
Separated the both onclick are not working. How I can put them together in one onclick? I tried this, but it is not working:
PHP Code:
anchor.onclick=self._genOpener(num)}var body=d.getElementsByTagName("body")[0] && parent.fullsize.location='[URL]';
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Sep 22, 2009
I have a series of videos which must be loaded dynamically on their pages which then get loaded into an iframe. I need to be able to load these videos using variables for the width and height. It's imperative that I use variables as the sizes of the movies will be determined by the user's resolution.
Here's the code I'm currently using <script type="text/javascript">
var dimW = screen.width;
var dimH = screen.height;
var w1 = dimW.toString();
var h1 = dimH.toString();
document.write('<OBJECT ID="Player" width="'+w1+'" height="'+h1+'" CLASSID="CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6" style=border:0px;">
'); .....
I'm developing in xhtml so naturally, IE doesn't recognize the document.write statements and the page comes up blank in IE. It works flawlessly in FireFox (as expected). So, I need to replace the document.write statements with something else while still being able to pass variables for the movie objects height & width.
I've tried this code: <script type="text/javascript">
//alert("The beginning");
var dimW = window.innerWidth;
var dimH = window.innerHeight;
var w1 = dimW.toString();
var h1 = dimH.toString(); .....
</script>. I then have a <td> with the id of "mediaPlayer" but nothing is showing up. Most likely because I'm still fairly new to javascript and am probably forgetting or overlooking something.
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Oct 7, 2009
I am trying to write a multiple-choice quiz for my chemistry class where ten questions are selected randomly from a block of about 100; then I want the students to click a button and grade their quiz. I have stored the questions in an array named Q and each radio button has a name property corresponding to the array entry (the buttons in Q[1] have the name Q1, etc.). I generate the exam in the body of the page between form tags using a document.write statement and all of the questions and buttons appear properly. I cannot, however, figure out how to get the value of the button that has been checked for the randomly selected questions.
As the questions are selected, I record the question number as a variable; for example �Qnumber1 = Q(random_num)�. The variable does, in fact, have the proper value (for example Q1) but when I try to read the value of the radio buttons in the Q1 set using:
it doesnt work!
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Jan 26, 2011
I have this calculator function I made to do some simple math and output the solution in a field on a form. I had it working great until I introduced a radio button. There are no errors and the total is still outputted but the number is off and if I change the radio to the other option it doesn't change the total. Here is my code,
function calculateBudget()
var i;
var list = 0;
var listcost = document.getElementsByName('form[listcost]');
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Dec 5, 2010
We have to create a number guessing game with a random number between 1 and 50. With a loop that runs exactly 10 times or until you get the number and gives hints that say guess higher or lower. I don't know what I am doing wrong this wont work at all. I am generally lost?
lab14a_KENTDL.html (3.48K)
Number of downloads: 52
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Jan 15, 2009
This is what i'm working with now but can only get one function to validate. This is the script I have so far. With credit going to pmw57 Need to be able to validate more than just one function.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var form = document.getElementById('healthwiseorder');
form.onsubmit = validateForm;
function validateForm() {
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Apr 28, 2011
I'd like to ask if it is possible to use conditional operators
var = condition ? var1 : var 2
To do the same job as the if-else statements I wrote in red below:
<p id="text">change text colour</p>
<br />
<a onclick="allsorting();">sort in both ascending & descending orders</a>
/* if & else */
function changetext(){
document.getElementById('text').onclick = function (){
function swapcolour(text){
if(text.style.color == 'black'){
text.style.color = 'red';
} else {text.style.color = 'black'}
} window.onload = changetext;
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Apr 18, 2011
I'm having some trouble with the Switch Statements. My program runs without it so I know that the problem is here. I believe the logic is sound so it may be due to incorrect syntax. The purpose of this function is to create bars, and the length of the bars is determined by the value of the "percent" variable (which is working fine) in the For loop after the Switch statements. The variable, "partyType" contains any of the text strings, such as "I", "D", etc.
function createBar(partyType,percent){
var barText;
case "D":
barText="<td class='dem'></td>";
case "R":
barText="<td class='rep'></td>";
case "I":
barText="<td class='ind'></td>";
case "G":
barText="<td class='green'></td>";
case "L":
barText="<td class='lib'></td>";
default: document.write("hi");
for(var i=1; i<percent; i++){
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Oct 24, 2009
This code not sure what the final result should be.
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-W3CDTD XHTML 1.0 StrictEN" [URL]">
<!-- Exercise 7.25 Solution -->
<html xmlns = "[URL]">
<title>Solution 7.25</title>
<script type = "text/javascript">
var side = 8;
var row;
document.writeln( "<pre>");
row = 8
if (side % 2 != 0)
document.write(" ")
while(row >= 1){
document.write("* ")
row -= 1;
} end while
side -= 1;
} end while
<p>Click Refresh (or Reload) to run this script again.</p>
This what I got when I ran the script. Click Refresh (or Reload) to run this script again. These ere the constraints of the assignment. Write a script that outputs XHTML text that displays the checkerboard pattern: Your program may use only three output statements to display the pattern:
1. Only one document. write( "* " );
2. Only one document. write( " " );
3. and Only one document. writeln(); writes a newline character
You may use XHTML tags (e. g., < pre>) for alignment purposes.
[Hint: Repetition structures are required in this exercise.]
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May 10, 2011
May include jQuery statements in a file.js attached to php file? how? may in this file mix pure javascript code with pure jQuery statements?
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Feb 22, 2011
I have a javascript chatbot that uses a series of input.search statements to trigger a response. The user types their question into a input box. I'm trying to trigger a response for this type of question.
If I was born on June 23, 1982 what is my age?
I'm not sure how to handle numbers such as the day and year. Is there a simplier way to do the days and years? Such as a number between (1 - 31) (day) and a number between (1900 - to current year).
Here is what I have so far:
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Sep 22, 2010
I'm just learning javascript and am editing a calculator form that will calculate square footage and write to a form text field. I have another form filed that I would like to display a number based a series of if else statements. ex: if square footage > 2761 then display 5.0., if square footage > 2521 then display 4.5. etc.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "<HTML>
<HEAD><TITLE>Size Calculator</TITLE>
function CalculateSum(Atext, Btext, form){
var A = parseFloat(Atext);
var B = parseFloat(Btext);
form.Footage.value = A * B;
form.Size.value = 21;
/* ClearForm: this function has 1 argument: form.
It clears the input and answer fields on the form.
It needs to know the names of the INPUT elements in order to do this. */
function ClearForm(form){
form.input_A.value = "";
form.input_B.value = "";
form.Footage.value = "";
form.Size.value = "";
// end of JavaScript functions -->
<P><FONT SIZE="+2">Sizing Calculator</FONT></P>
<FORM NAME="Calculator" METHOD="post">
<P>House width (ft): <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="input_A" SIZE=10></P>
<P>House length (ft): <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="input_B" SIZE=10></P>
<P><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Calculate" name="Calculate" onClick="CalculateSum(this.form.input_A.value, this.form.input_B.value, this.form)"></P>
<P><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Clear Fields" name="ClearButton" onClick="ClearForm(this.form)"></P>
<P>Square footage = <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="Footage" SIZE=12></P>
<P>Size = <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="Size" SIZE=12></P>
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Sep 1, 2011
Currently I have the following script:-
function validate_form(){
if(regform.reguser.value == ""){
alert("Please completed the selected box");[code]....
to validate a simple registration form, however I initially tried to streamline this function by cycling through an array using a loop to point to various input elements in the HTML page itself. I found that when trying to use a variable in the aforementioned if statements the javascript failed to work i.e.
var test = "reguser";
if(regform.test.value = ""){
I know the javascript is looking for the input element "test" instead of "reguser" but is there any way I can force it to look for the contents of the variable.
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Nov 21, 2011
I'm having two issues: First, is there an easier way for my showValue function to display the image file name without running a bunch of if statements? I tried doing something like document.getElementById('imgFile').value = imgArray[n]; but that did not seem to work.
Second, I'm trying to have the image file name change in my textbox when I click any button. I've accomplished this with onblur, but that only works if I click on the textbox. I'd like it to just change automatically.
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