JQuery :: InArray Not Working With Dates?
Jul 31, 2009me what I may be doing wrong here?
var dateList = new Array();
dateList.push(new Date(2009,7-1,29));
dateList.push(new Date(2009,7-1,30));
me what I may be doing wrong here?
var dateList = new Array();
dateList.push(new Date(2009,7-1,29));
dateList.push(new Date(2009,7-1,30));
In Firebug when I rollover the SelectList variable it certainly looks like an array.
I'm using inArray() to check an XML tag against an array called status[]. If the result != -1, then do one set of instructions, else, the item is 'available' so do another set of instructions. Each entry of my XML document has a <status> tag, which will contain one of 3 values, or a 4th option 'available'. I have an array setup called status['sold', 'pending', 'reduced']. If the <status>.text() is one of these 3 values, then we'll get the array position, if it's 'available' we should get -1.
When I run this in Firefox (3.6) & IE (8.0 or Comp Mode) it works fine. However, when I run this in Safari (4 or 5) & Chrome, it returns the value -1 for each of the entries. The 3rd, 5th, & 7th entries are all set to <status> 'sold' and inArray() should be returning a 0.
So I'm supposed to be using a form to get the date of Easter or Ash Wednesday and return the other. It should also check that the date for Easter is a Sunday and the date for Ash Wednesday is indeed on Wednesday. What I have so far isn't working. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I know my if...else logic isn't going to work right since I've assigned new Date () to easter and ash. How to clean this up and get it working right?
<title>Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
var ash = new Date();
var easter = new Date();
var temp;
var month = new Array ("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December");
function convMonth (){
}function fnAshToEaster (){
if (ash == "") .....
I am having trouble working out the difference between two dates.
This gives a value of 2,678,400,000 but the amount of milliseconds in a day is actually 86,400,000
where I can get a Date and Time Picker that will only allow to choose current dates instead of past dates written in Javascript or JQuery?
View 5 Replies View Relatedi wrote code below, but it always return -1,
var arr = {
11: {
2: 'value1',
3: 'value2'
I have a little question about multimensional array: I've this array
I an using the datepicker, [URL] . Does anybody know if there is a way for me to configure this so it will only show Mondays ? Basically I want a user to select a date, but the date must be a monday.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to format the dates from datapicker to be only displayed in the certain weekday period. For example, I would like to choose only Tuesdays in 3-month period (3-month period can be done by setting minDate and maxDate variables in jquery). But how to highlight in this period only Tuesdays (other days should be inactive)? Is it possible?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI found this code to disable dates in jquery datepicker
$(function() {
$( "#pickdate" ).datepicker({
dateFormat: 'dd MM yy',
beforeShowDay: checkAvailability
for the datepicker stuff, and then:
This code works except only the last entry of the database table is disabled in the datepicker. I guess $myBadDates = new Array(json[i].start); isn't the right code of creating an array from json? How do I create an javascript array from json?
I'm using JQuery and the DatePicker (or trying to) and have hit a brick wall.
I can't seem to figure out how to provide a list of acceptable dates. I know there is a way to provide a date range but I want to provide a list of dates that can be selected.
I.e. there may be only Thursdays and Fridays, so this month the acceptable dates would be:
I'd like ONLY those dates to be able to be selected. Is this possible? If so, how would I configure the datepicker?
I am a beginner in JQuery DatePicker usage. I need to show a datepicker control in my JSP page in which some of the selective dates will be available for selection. How can I enable these selective dates in my JQuery datepicker control.
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know if it's possible to preselect/highlight multiple dates within the jquery datepicker? I would like to pass an array of dates to the datepicker to highlight them.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am using the jQuery UI Datepicker - Event Search.
I want to disable specific dates only. For example, I want to disable the following dates only:
10th Oct 2010
21st Oct 2010
12th Nov 2010
searched in google and found one page which promised to deliver what I was looking for. But unfortunately it does not seem to work. If you look into its demo, it has disabled ALL dates.
I am working on a form where users enter a Start Date and an End Date via a pop up calendar using JavaScript. This works well. From the results of that data, I need to
1) Calculate the number of days + 1;
2) Multiply #1 by $25 to get the amount allocated for meals - and I need it done dynamically.
Now, I can get this to work using onblur in the two input fields for the dates, but that means users would have to put the focus within the input fields after they've done the calendars and tab or click else where in order for the values to take effect and the javascript to calculate the correct values for meal. It was suggested to try to use jquery, which I have been trying to no avail and I'm just wondering if I am doing this wrong. I thought .trigger or .triggerHandle would do it, but nothing seems to happen.
Here's my script I'm trying to use to activate these scripts:
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#en_date").blur(function() {
$("#input25").blur(function() {
My input fields have this:
<br /><b>* Start date - </b>
<input type="text" id="st_date" name="st_date" maxlength="25" size="25" value="<?php echo $st_date; ?>" onblur="cal7();" />
<a href="#" onClick="cal13.select(document.forms[0].st_date,'st_date','yyyy-MM-dd'); return false;" TITLE="cal13.select(document.forms[0].st_date,'st_date','yyyy-MM-dd'); return false;" NAME="st_date" ID="st_date">
<img src="images/cal.gif" border="0" width="16" height="16" alt="Pick a date" />
</a><br />
<b>* End date - </b> .....
The End Date is tied to the Start Date, as you can tell above. For the calendar, I am making it launch with this command:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" ID="js13">
var cal13 = new CalendarPopup();
I've tried just using a simple if/then statement within my javascript that calculates the values, but it doesn't launch automatically, which is my problem, and it should launch immediate after the "End Date" variable has been entered. Everything else works.
I have a feeling this is going to get ugly quick but here goes. I havetable rows with dates (IE: Sunday, January 1, 2011). I need to be able to "clone" the rows with this caveat. I need to recalculate the number of rows based on a day/week combination.. ex: September 1st 2011 falls on a Thursday so my pattern would look like this:
I am using smarty and jquery and have got a little problem with the jquery datepicker with restricted date range. min- and max-date are coming via smarty, and i can't figure out how to pass those to the Date-Object.
Here is what i've tried so far:
I have searched Datepicker, the forums and the internet in general to find the way to determine the number of days between two dates using Datepicker. My inputs are named: Starts, Ends, Days. I found the code below, but cannot get it to work.
// calculates reservation duration
function resDuration(#Starts, #Ends) {
var date1 = new Date(#Starts.value);
var date2 = new Date(#Ends.value);
var minutes = 1000*60;
var hours = minutes*60;
var days = hours*24;
var diff = Math.abs(date2.getTime() - date1.getTime());
return round(diff / days);
/* put that value in elapsed days field */
I will then do validation on the result - input field "Days".
working further on my project lined out in a previous post - here's another pickle:
I have two dates set, a beginning date and an end date for a period of time. That period can span several years. I now need to calculate the months in that period in accordance with the following reasoning:
I've used jQuery's datepicker in the past to choose start/stop dates for a single record. Now I'd like to create a page where I can use the datepicker to choose start/stop dates for multiple records. You can see a stripped down version of my code at [URL]. I have start/stop dates for three records and would like to use the datepicker to let the user change the default date. I currently have an icon next to the start times and if you click on it it pops up a datepicker element for the top record where you can select a date and it'll be posted.
My problem is that I'm not sure how to generalize the code to let it work correctly for the 2nd and 3rd records. I'd like to keep just one function to handle the hide/show so that I can later let the user add additional records to the list and also let it be intelligent enough to handle it. I don't have much experience with the proper way to create name/id selections that javascript will then know which fields it needs to edit. A minor problem that I noticed is that the calendar seems to push the time over to the right even though the row it is in should span two columns. What am I doing incorrectly that is causing this?
I'm trying to implement a datepicker that disable the dates from a database. The problem I've is that I don't really understand what must I return. I'm using VB (2010) and SQL Server. To do it fine I'm using JQuery to call a page method that return a value (0 or 1) depending if that date it's or not on the database. The problem I've is that I don't know (I don't understand) how to do the array I must return to the datepicker. I've been looking the page of jquery but I don't understand it at all.
I don't understand what value must val has to make a day available or not...
I'm working on redesign of a vacation rental company web site, and I'm looking to use a drop down calendar to select the arrival/departure date on the search form. getting the number of nights difference between dates (though I think the code/labels are slightly backward in that example), but I don't know where to start to split off the variables I need. Basically, the search.php file I'm passing the variables to need to be in this format:
search.php?month=(arrival month digit)&day=(arrival day digit)&year=(arrival year, 4 digits)&days_count=(number of nights)(...plus some other variables...)
how to split things off properly and get a properly formatted URL? I'll experiment a bit, and come back here with sample code
i have a jquery multiselect calendar but how will i put the output or the dates in the database?
View 6 Replies View RelatedIm having to create an html page that displays the current date that i need to extract from a .JS file eg: daysOfTheWeek: [Content.dates.sunday] I have to convert this into a string to work on my HTLM page...So far i have managed to get this far
<h4>It is now </h4>
<span class="dateHolder"></span>
I have been checking out the calendar plugins and I was hoping I would find one in which I could display listed events during certain dates. For example, I have a web site for a divers club and we have events that happen on certain dates. I would like to have a calendar in which the user could click a certain date and something shows the user what is going on that day.
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