JQuery :: Cycle - Images Runs A Bit Inconsistently?
Apr 23, 2010
Thought I might gives this a go instead of the usual flash. Installation went fine, but the images runs a bit inconsistently? Images are 30-50kb which shouldn't be a problem. [url]
I have to do a slideshow with images of different widths... am using cycle plugin, which I like very much... I have a little test slideshow here, http:[url]....it's not centering imgs in containing div (I made div width of widest image.. this will work for my situation, in which imgs will be hard-coded..)if you inspect img element in firebug (#slideshow img), it shows that the plugin adds a style of position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px .to the img; why does the plugin do this.. how can I center the images in containing div...
Iīve just launch my website-portfolio, well itīs not yet the final version but it is almost and despite I am satisfied with the final result Iīve detected a really strange bug that only happens sometimes. The thing is when the first introduction Slide appears (the one with the hand-made drawings), sometimes the images shrink from the normal size to small tiny images. This doesnīt happen always and if you refresh the page it disappears.
Follow the link to the page were the bug happens - [url]. I'm using jquery cycle plugin, check it out.
Given: a CSS definition of this sort: div {clip:rect(0px 30px 30px 0px); /*(values set arbitrarily) */ }
Using IE 8, if I attempt the following: $(document).ready(function () { alert( $("div").css("clip") ) });
The alert reports "undefined" unless the clip is defined in an inline style, i.e. <div style="clip:rect(...);"></div>.
When the style is inline, it returns space-separated values, e.g. "rect(0px 30px 30px 0px)," even if the clip is defined with comma-separated values. In FireFox 3.6.12 Mac, the alert reports "auto" if the clip is defined inline, but returns a string with comma-separated values (even if the definition uses space-separated values) if the clip is defined in a <style> tag. WebKit browsers (tested on Safari 5.0.2 and Chome 7.0) return space-separated values of clip no matter if it is defined inline or in a style tag, and no matter if the definition contains commas or not.
I'm using Cycle to transition multiple (8) images at one time. I want to fade in the first 8. In a slideshow where only 1 image displays at a time, the Cycle FAQ advises using the following code to fade in the first image:
This doesn't work on IE or Firefox at all; it kind of works on Safari, in thatthe fade actually works. However, this seems to have also changed the behavior of the slideshow. For some of the cycles, instead of sliding the slides off the page, it hides the old slides and slides in the new ones.
I used the amazing jQuery Cycle plugin to create a slideshow on a site. It worked great, but one day a couple of weeks ago we got email from a couple of clients with screenshots of improperly sized images. It appears to be the same issue described here, exacerbated by the fact that the page background image is just over half a megabyte: URL...
The clients were using IE 7 and 8 on Windows XP. We were able to reproduce it consistently with Firefox after a hard refresh, but only one person out of our nine-person office was able to reproduce it in IE (IE8, Windows 7) and then only intermittently.When the issue occurred, I was setting up my slideshow in $(document).ready(). I switched it to $(window).load(), and we could no longer reproduce it in FireFox or IE.My question: can I conclusively say that the issue was the same (timing issue, solved by switching to window.load) in FireFox and IE? Management is unsettled by the fact that we couldn't reliably reproduce or explain it in IE, and I've been asked to investigate further.
I have two separate questions. One being, how would I go about having the container resizing itself for different image sizes. So that surrounding elements can conform to it's size?
Also, is there a way to align the images in a slide shows so that it is always horizontally and vertically centered in the slideshow?
My code is very simple: a div conatining 5 images (always the same 5!) to swap using the fade effect. It works fine in IE but in Firefox (I have Firefox 8.0) the images are not being uploaded. I checked previous posts and some point out that instead of doing
I would need to include a 'load' event trigger. However, since I am not that familiar with javascript or jquery programming, I couldn't manage to program this solution and tested.
I'm using JQuery Cycle for the first time and am needing to rotate 4 images ina bannercontainer div.The page in question is Here. identify required changes to ensure that this works correctly?
Malsup's cycle plugin - can the image set being cycled through be changed on-the-fly? e.g. a user clicks on a thumbnail A and cycle shows A's images, clicks on thumbnail B and see B's images etc.
I am using the cycle plugin to vertically scroll images with text overlays on a WordPress homepage. I position a div with a semi-transparentbackgroundto darken behind the text The div style uses abackground-image with the -moz-linear-gradient and for IE it uses filter with the microsoft gradient. I thought it might be a problem but it actually works half the time. When a new slide appears and scrolls down the text background is completely transparent - through to the page background. The text over the background is also faintly visible. Once the new slide is in position however, the background and textappear as intended. The suprising point -while theslide is being removed the text and background display perfectly.
The only thing I can't figure out is how to create and use image pagers with slideshow images being clickable links as well. For example, view teslamotors.com. I see they use hero slideshow and drupal, is that something more auto generated by a back end ui? I tried reading through their source but its a little much for me. I have successfully setup images as pagers following: [url]
I'm using the Cycle Plugin for a slideshow with a pager-nav .The AnchorBuilder gets the imagesource from "slide.src" - this is the same source as for the big image. Since I'm using rather big PNG's (500kb each) this double up the total pagesize. Is there a way to scale down these thumbs?I'm using Drupals Imagecache - so I do have access to scaled thumbs. But I dont know how the get Cycle to use them (printing a php array inside a javascript?).My script looks like this:
I've used the cycle plugin on several Wordpress sites and it works great, except that when I run it the background is visible between transitions. Instead of a smooth fade between images, there is a long pause between images. Even when I use the default values, there is still a noticeable delay between the slides.
Quite often, some images are displayed with much smaller sizes than what they should be. For example, an image with height 768px may be displayed with a height of about 100px. This problem is usually sovled by refreshing the page. The page may need to be refreshed more than once to get all the images to their correct sizes.
I'm trying to implement the jQuery Cycle demo from 'mapsup dot com slash jquery'.It works, but my problem is that as the page loads all 3 images are shown briefly, one on top of the other. Once the page is fully loaded everything works OK. I've try removing all unnecessary CSS in an attempt to get it to load faster but it doesn't help. I'm running this on a Drupal site and have tried with caching enabled and disabled, but neither makes a difference, so I'm thinking the problem lies somewhere else. You can see the problem in action at 'cumbrevillas dot com slash landing slash test'.
I have yet to be able to do this successfully. I am using the Cycle Plugin to cycle through a series of images and corresponding caption. To show the images, I use:
Problem: The captions do not effectively cycle. What appears is the first caption from php the_excerpt but it does not change to the next php the_excerpt text. Can I solve this problem so I get the text from php the_excerpt to correspond to each image??
I am trying to combine the centering of the images. I get for the image title "undefined" If I remove the <div id="slide">...</div> the titles display normally.
I'm creating a slider with the Cycle plugin and ran into a little bit of a road block.
What I want to do is simply have anchor links on my slideshow images, which I can get working just fine, except that when I add these anchor links, it removes my image caption (which worked prior to adding anchors on my images)
I'm testing out the cycle plugin, I wanted to have it so the slideshow would pause on hovering over both the pagination links and the image. With the below code right now only the bottom slideshow pauses on hovering over the links but does not pause on hovering over the images as the top slideshow does. I seem to be running into problems combining the two, can you take a look? I want to keep the previous and next links and for them to be functional also.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head>
I didn't see this as an option, so I decided to give it a try on my own. I was able to add some lines of code (shown with the > in the margin below) to the jquery.cycle.js script to read in the width of each image and center the slide within the slideshow container // set position and zIndex on all the slides
Regarding a previous post of mine: jquery-cycle-plugin-24-12-2010 I seem to have a problem using the Malsup Image Cycle where the images suddenly appear shrunken. It appears to only affect me when using ASP.NET with site.master pages the problem doesn't occur every time just occassionally. I tried recreating the glitch outside of ASP.NET (simply using HTML, CSS etc......) but it worked fine. I will soon try and recreate the problem in a sample ASP.NET project and post the code on this thread as soon as it's ready.
I'm trying this Cycle Plugin, but whenever I load, lets say I have 5 images in the rotation pool, they all show up (briefly) whenever the page reloads, and then they dissapear (starting the rotation). Is there any way to avoid this? The images I'm using are 960 x 220, so it pretty much fills the screen before it hides.