this class apply to each cell of my table as follow.
<div sortname="DiamondSKU" class="c2 DiamondSKU ds_grid_header_column sortable">
my div content
I am changing class value dynamically in my page using javascript,json, web service and jquery . assume didsku contain width of div that i have fetched from table and assigned to didsku javascript variable. var didsku = 93px;
then i am applying css using one of following way.
var a = { "width": didsku + "px" };
$("div.c2").each(function () {
I am using this javascript code to run 'onclick' to change my href class style. It works to change the style, but when I click on the next menu item, the previous one is not reverted back to how it was previously, but the formatting is stripped away leaving the link purple with no background image. How do I get it to revert to the original class which is set?
Here is the javascript :- <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> /*<![CDATA[*/ var Lst; function CngClass(obj){ if (Lst) Lst.className=''; obj.className='menu1'; Lst=obj; } /*]]>*/ </script>
Here is the relevant CSS :- .menu { background: url('../images/productblack.jpg') repeat; width: 100%; line-height: 24px; float:left; display:inline; font-family: Verdana; color : #ffffff; font-size: 8pt; text-decoration: none; text-align: left; font-weight:bold; } .....
Here is the HTML :- <div id="masterdiv"> <div onclick="SwitchMenu('sub1')"><a class="menu" onclick="CngClass(this);" href="javascript:nothing()"> RESISTORS</a></div> <span class="submenu" id="sub1"> <a class="productsubmenu" href="resistors.html">Surface Mount</a><br> ..... Here is a working page with it (the product menu on the right) [URL]
I embedded an external script to my website which output is generated on button click.This script creates inline styles which I would like to customize.I thought of doing so by adding
$('#submit').click(function() { initialize(); $('#divID div table').css("background-color", "#000");
I have following HTML code: <br/> <div style="display:none">.....</div> <div style="display:none">.....</div> How can I modify display to block in style attribute with Javascript?
For some reason I cannot get jQuery.css('name') to return a style property that was assigned by a class. However, it returns the property if it was assigned by style="". Has anyone else run into this issue? Bug?
I'm working on something that I want a user to be able to override by including a specific class somewhere in the CSS definitions. If that class doesn't exist I want to add a default style. This seems like something that should have come up before but search isn't coming up with anything. Can someone point me in the right direction? Local styles/classes override global classes right?[code]...
I would like an event to trigger a change the style of all the elements that belong to some CSS class.
I know it is possible to change the class of an element, for example with:
<script language=javascript> function changeclass() {document.getElementById(id).className="class_id";} </script> <input type=checkbox onclick="javascript:changeclass()">
But this can only change one element. I would like to change the "property:list" pairs of a CSS class, so that changes can apply to more than one element.
function test(id) { alert(document.getElementById(id).style.backgroundColor); }
Why doesn't this work? It returns nothing, but the class, which the element uses, has a background-color value set... ?!?!?! Am i missing something... ?
var ourDiv=document.getElementById('cretor); var t=document.createElement('table'); var tb=document.createElement('tbody');Ǝpx groove blue'
var tr=document.createElement('tr'); var td=document.createElement('td');
Then I append and everything... My question: I want to assign a class and a style, the class named "asdf" and in the style, a "border-top-width of 35px" and a "border-top-style of outset,
This does not work. Not sure what I am missing. Basically I want to toggle the none/block value in the style on the span class below based on the browser detection script.
I have a DIV blocked from data entry in IE, Firefox, Safari and Opera. Functionally all is okay -- super plugin! The only problem left is that the cursor does not change to 'not-allowed' on the overlay when I use IE 6,7 or 8. All other browsers render the cursor okay?
Here's the code: $().ready(function() { Protect('#divData'); $('#cbProtected').bind('click', function(e, ui) { if ($(this).is(':checked')) Protect('#divData'); else Unprotect('#divData'); }); }); function Protect(el) { $(el).block({ message: null, overlayCSS: { backgroundColor: null, opacity: 1.0, cursor: 'not-allowed' }});}; function Unprotect(el) { $(el).unblock(); };
I am using 1.8.4 jquery tab portion. Currently when a tab is selected or hovered the classes change for the UL, OL tags. I would also like the A and span tags to change with the same values (ui-tabs-selected, ui-tabs-active and ui-tabs-hover).
I am using the standard template as below. I have gotten part of the way there but can't get all of the way there. I am guessing I need to change portions of the code from instances of searching for parent of A to do parent of A, A itself and children of A. Or I could find the first parent ul and say addclass, removeclass from all children.
I have a collection of hyperlinks in a web page and I need to know how I can do the following:
1) When I click a hyperlink, change the Class of all hyperlinks that have the same link phrase text (or value).I have tried this but it doesn't seem to work (it was a bit of a guess!):
The script is working, tab-content is changing but when clicked a tab I want to change class property of the li of active tab as class="current"How can I do it
Code: function changeStyle(obj,newStyleType,newStyle) { //altoona design var myObject = MM_findObj(obj); = newStyle; } and i called it like this:
HTML Code: <td id="mywish" style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; color: #990000; font-weight: bold;">Go to» My wish list</div></td>
its supposed to chane the color of the text when rolled over, but nothing happens...can someone please tell me why its not working?
I have a script (thanks to brian.jquery12) which changes the class on my body, which changes the bgrd colour of my page. This imitates the changes seen during the day in the real sky.I would now like a script which speeds up the whole process for demo purposes when a button/link is clicked.The class change occurs at the following times of day 0, 7, 12, 15 & 18.I am not sure where to start with this. Any tips or links to other posts. I have searched but not found what I need.
The competition is that there is a table width a heckbox inside and if the ckeckbox is checked the tr of this checkbox should get class "sel" and remove this class if it get unchecked. So the problem with the actual code is that everytime a new checkbox got checked the <tr> of the checkbox which was checked before losts the class "sel" and just the last checked checkbox will get it. Do you have an idea how the could must look like to get it work?
And i would like to change value attribute of input field (for example only to file.txt but it doesn't matter). Is this possible? I'm browsing google 2 hours, but still didn't find nothing which works...If I had an id instead of class, it would be easy, but i have only class and I cant change this (its dynamically generated with framework i'm using).
PS. Int my html there are more input elements with class="text_field", it would be good to change them all.