JQuery :: Setting A Div Dimension Based On Window.height & .width?
May 7, 2010
I would like to set the height of certain #div elements on a page based on the height of the user's current window state. It should draw the elements based on the size of the window at onLoad, and also respond to the onResize event.
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Jun 9, 2009
I have always been using Prototype but I finally made the switch to jQuery because of its good documentation and large user base.
I have a problem that I hope someone can solve. The problem is that I cannot correctly set a size of my dialog when loading the content using Ajax.
I have the following code:
The content is loaded but the dialog is not sized properly. I guess that it depends on the content being changed after the dialog has been initialized. Is there a nice way to solve this problem?
I tried the following solution (not very good looking but anyway...)
This causes the size to be correct but it doesnt center the window and it also removes scrollbars from the content. I must have the scrollbars but I want the dialog not to exceed the viewport.
Another solution is to download and use YET ANOTHER third party plugin but hey comeon, shouldnt jQuery UI be able to do this?
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Jan 4, 2011
Applied this:
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Jul 20, 2005
Im working on a site for a friend, and we've setup a popup window for a couple pages, but with the code we have, the variables for the width and height are in the <script> portion of the code, and not on each individual popup code segment. Is there a way I can add "width=400" or something to each popup to change its width? Code:
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Aug 8, 2002
I am currently using a popup window to establish the dimensions of a window, specifically based on the the width/height of the content area.
I would prefer to simply resize it and avoid the need for a popup altogether, but this is made difficult due to inconsistancies as to how resizeTo() accounts for whatever toolbars are 'on' which varies from browser to browser and platform to platform.
The site is coded to W3C (X/HTML, CSS) and the DOM/DHTML content is gradually being rewritten in accordance with the W3C DOM.).
The W3C DOM property to get/set the window content area dimensions are:
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Feb 3, 2009
Is this correct?
window.pageXOffset/pageYOffset = how much page has scrolled in standards compliant browsers
window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight = viewport in standards compliant browsers
What browser supports these properties?
And does document.documentElement.scrollWidth and document.documentElement.scrollLeft return the same value?
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Jul 26, 2010
I'm having trouble with an overlay layer on a page I'm rendering on an iPhone, I'm trying to set it's height to the window.innerHeight but it doesn't appear to be working. I'm trying to do something similiar to a lightbox. I have element
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Jan 8, 2011
I'm trying to build a background in two parts. The header bg is in the body and the lower part is a div with a gradient background color generated by CSS3 or IE filters. I had problems with getting the gradient to stretch all the way to the side in IE7 with plain CSS so I had to start looking for more watertight solutions.
If there are easier methods to solve this split background thing than JavaScript, I'm all ears. I can PM the address of the website, if someone wants to take a look.
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Jul 7, 2003
How can I create a popup window in a form without showing the status, menubar, location and with width of 502 and height 550?
I was doing something like this, it will popup a window, but I do not want to show the status, menubar, location, etc. The form is submitted to other site.
<form action="http://www.otherdomain.com/preview.php" target="_blank">
<input type="text" name="value" size="20">
<input type="hidden" name= "1" value="1">
Any idea?
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Apr 10, 2009
I want to make a nice floating bar at the bottom of the screen, which hovers about 15px from the bottom. I am doing this to make a site look good in small and big resolutions. The minimum height for the bar to hover is 600px about, if the window is smaller, it is still there so it doesn't go into the content, if the window is bigger, it will follow the resize and be at the bottom still. It is obviously absolutely positioned, and also centered using some javascript (getting the width of the window).The second function is called in the header and positions the bar. The last two document.get things are just for testing so I can see the height in px somewhere. This works fine in IE. If I resize the window, making it shorter, everything goes as planned, and I can see the pixel count dropping in the header where it is displayed. However, in FF it does not work.
The weird thing is this. If I resize by a small amount, less than 10px, it works fine. However, I can not resize by more than 10px! If I do, the window height shown in the top still drops by only 10px.So if my window is 1000px tall, and I close it to say 500px, the value of the height will still be 990px. If I then resize it to any where higher than the 500px, say 550px, the javascript still sees it as making it smaller, since it says the height is 990px, therefore, the window height goes down to 980px. If I shrink the window to 500px and reload everything is fine, if I make it bigger, it works in both browsers. I am thinking that this could be a problem which is like "sampling rate" in music. When in IE I expand or shrink the window I can see the pixel count drop continuously and the bar floating down as I move the window, as if it was "sampled" every 0.05 seconds or something. In FF, shrinking is not working, but if I expand the window the pixel count doesn't change and the bar doesn't change place until I stop resizing (let go of the mouse button), as if it was sampled once, when I stop, so the problem maybe is related?
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Jun 4, 2011
I am trying to setup a javascript function that sets a div's width based on the combined width of the li's with the name "navItem". The problems I have been running into when trying to define the width of the li's is that they do not have a width defined in css. Can anyone help me out with this? The javascript function setWindow is suppose to show the div loginWindow and set the width of it.
<div id="topNav">
<li><img src="<?php print $site->folder['images']['header']; ?>topmenu_left.jpg" border="0" alt="" /></li>
<li name="navItem"><a href="<? print $site->url['about']; ?>">About Us</a></li>
<li name="navItem"><a onmouseover="setWindow('loginWindow');" href="<? print $site->url['billing']; ?>">Client Services</a></li>
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May 18, 2010
I've recently start using Flexigrid (old JQuery grid plugin), and, as you may know, one of the few issue this really good grid plugin got is the lack of liquid layout option. My personal idea to solve the problem is to set the "width" parameter depending on $(window).width. Here is the problem (and here's why i post this question in "General use" and not in "Plugin").
The starting, and working, code is:
This work fine for me, but I supose it could be done way much elegant... maybe somethin without "IF" that could emulate the "%", like var percentage = $(#div.id).width()*0.XX with the 0.XX picked from an array of percentage, one for each column. Probably I should set up a function... ahhhh, as you may easily see I'm a total beginner with JQuery (and JS in general...)
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Apr 7, 2011
I use autocomplete on my application. The width of the dropdown is equal to the width of the Input element that is used. I would like to use a custom width for the Dropdown leaving the width of the input same. Can this be done?
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Nov 18, 2011
The function will be
1.get the 70% width of the browser's screen.
2.convert that width into its corresponding px value
3.set the max width of the #mainContainer using the value got from the conversion/calculation.
Here is the css style for the container i want to set max-width with.
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Jul 20, 2009
Currently for the height and width functions, this is the description:
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Apr 3, 2010
I've ran into this problem more than once, there are plenty of tutorials on how to toggle/fade a hidden div that already has data placed into it, but I want to $.load() a page into an empty div ID and then toggle/fade it into view.
I can't for the life of me figure out how to do this or find anyone in Google trying to either. This has to be the first time I've ran into a limitation of jQuery and it isn't even something that should be such a problem.
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Oct 27, 2011
I'm facing the following problem: I'm using .append() method to add a new <div> on the fly and I need to read its width and height right after it's been created. How can this be doneMy current strategy to accomplish this task is:
$("<p>").html("This is a content example that goes inside my just created div")
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May 22, 2010
I'm just starting my first jQuery project (tutorial from this months Web Designer) and I've got a background image that I want to spread across the entire background, regardless of browser size. It's big, so I originally had an onload function. This works fine in Mozilla and Safari but not in IE.
My question is, can jQuery set a width and height of 100% and have it work in IE?[code]...
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Apr 11, 2011
I have x amount of draggable & resizable divs, they work as I want them to, I am outputting the coordinates of each div in a textfield. My problem is that the textfield only displays coordinates when a div is CLICKED, so when holding the mouseBtn and dragging a div around then releasing the mouseBtn the coordinates aren't displayed in the textfield. I tried to set 'mouseup' instead of 'click' but then the divs are being dragged around all the time even tho you released the mouseBtn. The second thing is that i want to output the size of the div in another textfield, so when a div is resized the new size of that div should be displayed in the textfield.
$('#resizeDiv, #resizeDiv2, ,#resizeDiv3')
minHeight: 150,
minWidth: 200
$("*", document.body).click(function (e) {
var offset = $(this).offset();
$("#result").text(this.id + " coords ( " + offset.left + ", " +
offset.top + " )");
For the size I tried to work with
function showWidth(ele, w) {
$("div").text("The width for the " + ele + " is " + w + "px.");
$('#test').click(function () {
showWidth("paragraph", $(this).width());
I want to send both size and x&y of each div to a database.
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Oct 30, 2011
I have a strange issue with jQuery while using the following code :
$("#image").append('<img src="'+json.filename+'" id="cropje" alt="None" />');
$('#cropje').load(function() {
}) .error(function(){
And the result is : 0 But it looks like the image gets loaded after the alert... How is that possible?
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Mar 11, 2011
i have a small question .... Lets say i have a html web page withthe folowing code inside:
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Jun 18, 2009
during the initial phase in the development of amuch more complex zomm&pan widget, i ended up with this tiny (yet another) zoom&pan plugin. Since it's small and with just few functionalities i'd call
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Jun 12, 2011
control the page height and width using js/jquery? I have a page that is:
width: 980px
height: 2500px
I would like the page height to be set to around 900px with the viewable scrollbar and all other content not viewable underneath.
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Oct 21, 2011
How to resize the dialog to fit to browser height and width? I want the dialog to resize if user resizes the browser size..
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May 17, 2009
I had problem when try to reuse div element with ui.dialog().If I set the width & height the first time it works; but if I call it from second function with different width & height it won't apply the new setting. Also if I manually resize the dialog when it appear after close and reopen it use the new size (resized manually) not the one I specified in the code.is it possible to resize the dialog before it show up?
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Jun 29, 2011
I have a div with content that i want to overlay over some other content. The tricky part is getting it to be full browser width and height. This doesn't seem possible in CSS, so I'm looking for a jquery solution. It will basically fade in when a button is clicked. I'm comfortable with the fading it in etc, but I'm just having trouble working out the full screen part - especially since I want it to stay full screen even on browser re-size.
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