JQuery :: Select Group Of Inputs?
Sep 17, 2010
I have a bunch of input, select, and radio elements inside a div tag. All of them have a name, and all of them have an ID equal to the name except for the radio buttons.I wish to send this data to the server using jQuery $.post. I would rather not manually add each to the list of data to be posted. For instance:{data1:$('#data1').val(),data2:$('#data2').val(), etc...}Is there a why to somehow grab all of the name/value pairs and send them to the server? If the radio cause more difficultly, I can easily just manually add them.
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Jun 9, 2010
I'm a relative novice at java script. I've been working on a google map that can be found at: [URL](way too much code to post here). Each of the makers on the map has s particular set of information that pops up in a window when it is clicked, including a hyperlink called "join this group." Right now clicking on that link merely takes the user to the form at the bottom of the page.
What I would like the link to do is to both take the user to form at the bottom of the page and automatically select from the drop down menu the group associated with that particular "join this group" link. For example, if a user selected the marker representing the Neighborhood, Beverly group and then hit the join this group link, the drop down menu would automatically select the Neighborhood, Beverly (Pless) for them. I suspect this involves using java script to pass a value. I just have had no luck getting it to work.
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Apr 28, 2009
I have the following html and would like to find out how to select #subgroup under #group2. I tried $(#group2 #subgroup) but that didn't seem to work.
<div id="main">
<div id="group1">
<div id="subgroup">
<div id="group2">
<div id="subgroup">
<div id="group3">
<div id="subgroup">
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May 11, 2010
I have structure like below (inputs are not direct childs for form1)[code]...
how to select all inputs that are "below" form1 (direct or no direct childs) ?
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May 29, 2010
I am so close to finishing this project and I stumbled upon this block...
<div class="line first">
<input type="text" value="0,00" class="nbr first">
<input type="text" value="" class="date">
<input type="text" value="" class="date2">
I have here two inputs with class nbr. The initial values are set, and those values change programmatically over time. My list of inputs is a lot longer than this but I simplified. You can see the work in progress on [URL]. Just insert two random dates in page1 with the datepicker and the navigation will appear. At the end of a series of calculation I need to grab all inputs with positive numbers, and all inputs with negative numbers.I was thinking of selecting all fields with nbr class first, then use .filter() with a function
edit: nevermind, I found it.
$('input.nbr.first').filter( function(){
if($(this).val().indexOf( "-" ) !== -1) {return true} else {return false}
} )
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Jul 19, 2010
I am creating table with input fields. I dynamically add new rows to the table with the following code:
Now I would like also to add autocompleter on newly created input. I do not know how to select newly created input with jQuery. I know how to do that with javascript:
So I would like to be able to do the same with jQuery so I can add autocompleter on newly added input field articles[].
I add autocompleter to all fields at the begging with the following code:
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Sep 15, 2011
Basically, i have a CSS/jQuery keyboard from NETTUTS; however my problem is trying to select multiple inputs. Everything works as it should, however i want to select the input, store it in hidden field (which input is current), then when i start to type, it can enter the characters into that input field (that is selected). Currently, it just allows me to enter inputs into a single textarea. I want to onfocus, set as "Focusedfield", and when i type it goes into that field.
Here is my JS code to select/store the "focusedField". Triggered by onFocus. to make the textArea i select, be the one i type into.
Here is the jQuery
The issue is with this first $write variable. I cannot for the life of me, get it to detect the dynamic variable. When i hardcode the inputs name, it works, but when i try something dynamic - it doesn't. Line 2 of that function is where my issue is (i believe).
I've tried to replace
As well as plain old JS var "current_form".
I think its just 1 or 2 lines where this issue is.
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Sep 28, 2009
Info:- jquery-1.3.2- jquery.validate-1.5.5- form with 1 dropdown select and 4 text inputsSetup:- all 4 text fields are not initially required.Issue:The first input element is a required dropdown select.If the user selects option 1, then text field 1 & 2 need to be
required.If the user selects option 2, then text field 3 & 4 need to berequired.How do code this?
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Jul 20, 2010
I am trying to populate inputs on a form from a select drop down list (with date being pulled from a mysql database). This is to allow for any changes that need to be possibly made.
Is this even possible? I've tried doing some internet research, and the books I picked up from the library don't seem to go into this at all, so I'm not even sure that what I want to do is possible. The only thing I can really seem to think is that i need to use onChange. But outside of that, i'm lost.
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Aug 6, 2009
I'm trying to create a group of radio buttons that enable user to select whether to maintain the current image, remove the image or upload a new image. If user selects maintain the current image or remove the image, the upload field will be disabled, when user select upload a new image, the upload field will be enable. My script is as below but I do not get it work correctly, do you have any advice for me?
HTML Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function Disab() {
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Mar 24, 2010
I got a table with some select, inputs and textareas in it. if i click a button i execute addRow function which populates the row and creates new elements in each cell (new selects, inputs, textareas). But i dont know why, when i get a child of TD where select is the tagName is undefined and nodeName is #text, for INPUT and TEXTAREA it works perfect.
Some code
It happen so in Chrome and FF, in IE works fine (first time something that works here and doesnt in ff)
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Jul 29, 2009
I have a radio group that, when a certain option is selected, it makes the radio group disappear and a textbox appear. It works great in Firefox, but it appears to be glitchy in IE.
<script type="text/javascript">
function showRestaurantTextBox()
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Jun 16, 2011
I've seen a variety of implementations around that enable selecting all or no checkboxes by using a checkbox to toggle that choice. However, I'm trying to find a way like this: I have two text links on my page: Select All, and Select None. How can I get those links to call a jquery function to select all or select no checkboxes in my form? As a little food for thought:
$(function() {
//function for selecting all or none...is there a way to make a single function that passes in a parameter to differentiate between selecting all or selecting none, or do I need a separate function for both?[code]....
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May 18, 2011
I would like to group some function in Jquery, I have this code:
$(document).ready(function() {
return false;
I would like to group all of this loke that:
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Mar 10, 2011
i have a list of elements like the following sample. Now i've want to group these elements by there nearest elements of same type. But the elements not grouped by parent element.
<!-- Need to build a group of these two teasers-->
<div class="teaser">
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Jan 5, 2010
Please unsubscribe me from this group.
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Oct 7, 2009
I am using the SORT plugin and moving entries around on the page. After each move I want to "blue line" the list all over again. So, I figured I could toggle all of the TR's, which I have named with the same class.
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Jun 25, 2009
I've seen this effect in Flash and am hoping to produce it in jQuery(that ought to get the juices flowing)...I have a list of events ordered by date. I want the accordion todisplay the event's name and when clicked, open to reveal eventdetails. Viewers will usually be interested in 'middle of the list'events but may wish to scroll (up) into the past or (down) into the
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Jun 29, 2009
In HTML code I have this situation:
<div id="nam1" class='nc1 nc2 nc3 hidden'></div>
<div id="nam2" class='nc1 nc2 nc3 hidden'></div>
I would like to remove "hidden" to class value which class valuestarts with "nc1"I tried the following jquery code, but it doesn't work.$(.nc1).removeClass('hidden')
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Dec 14, 2010
I have created a little script that is supposed to add another item to a radio group and set the new item as selected if none of the other items is selected. It works on initial load of page, but if I press refresh, the checked value of the radio group shifts one place to the right on each reload.[code]The code has some special names and labels.. Thats just because it comes from some generated code from another application.
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Apr 6, 2011
For some reason when I try to submit my form in IE8 it doesn't get past the radio group.It keeps asking me to select an age even after one has been selected. Validation works but it's not picking up that I have selected one of the items within the group.
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Jun 11, 2010
In this code I may have serveral ul's
How can I apply this so that it treats each group of li's independantly? ie the numbering starts fresh for each ul group?
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Jan 29, 2011
I have a form on which I've created 5 checkbox groups. Each of these groups consist of multiple checkboxes. The first group - it's id equals "MASTER" - contains 4 checkboxes. These checkboxes are labelled (that is, their actual label tags are) "A", "B", "C", "D". My vision is to have a user check, say, "A" in MASTER and this causes the "A" checkbox group to appear below the MASTER group. If a user then checks "B" in MASTER, then the "B" group appears below the "A" group. If the user then unchecks "A", then the "A" group disappears. And similarly for each of the four "subordinate" groups. My plan of attack was to iterate over the MASTER checkbox group, and for each checked box, somehow populate an array of their associated label tags. I would do the same for all of the checkboxes in MASTER that are not checked, placing their label tags in another array. I would then show and hide the subordinate checkbox groups based on these label tags. The subordinate groups have label tags equal to these captured label tags in these two arrays. All of this action would be triggered via a "click" action on the tag in which the MASTER group resides. I've tried all manner of techniques, including "$.each" and ".map" to populate arrays. I just can't get my mind around the needed syntax.
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Nov 28, 2011
I found .wrap() and .wrapAll(), but I donĀ“t know, how to wrap a group of elements..
I have repeating HTML like this:
<div class="class"></div>
<div class="class"></div>
<button id="button1"></button>
<div class="class"></div>
I need wrap each group of three elements (.class, .class, button) into one wrap, e.g. <div class="wrap">..
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Jul 28, 2010
I'm building a custom component in Joomla. All the Jquery up till now is working just fine.
I'm not sure if I'm using the wrong keywords or what, but I'm not having much success finding a way to make the following happen:
I have a form that asks for a bunch of information. First it's name, etc... Then it asks for vehicle information: The code for that is this:
<table class="rsmformtable contentpaneopen">
<td colspan="2">
<div class="rsmformtablediv">
So, what I want to happen is that there is an add vehicle link or button so that when someone hits it, it allows them to add in another vehicle. Of course it should also add some index to the id's of all the inputs as I will use the post data to add the vehicles to a database.
Now at first I thought I had found a solution, that works a little bit. But then when the PHP comes into effect things break.
Also, this is an aside: the truck vin row is controlled by jquery now. If the plan type selected is for a truck, it will show that row, if it's not then that row is hidden. I'm pretty sure I'll need to build a loop in the Jquery script that will allow that hide and show feature to work based on the index added to the truck row.
in my searching, the only thing I've really been able to find is that I might have to use AJAX, but that's not something I familiar with just yet.
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Jul 6, 2010
I am extensively started using jQuery in my project.But I got stopped where I need to get either checked or unchecked checkbox values from group of check boxes.
<input type="checkbox" name="attribute" id="attribute" > ONE
<input type="checkbox" name="attribute" id="attribute" > TWO
<input type="checkbox" name="attribute" id="attribute" > THREE
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