I want to be able to select the span elements that have a sub ul (ie, Grandfather,Father, but not son or daughter. I tried $('#page-ui li:has("ul") span'), which works for the top level nav that doesn't have any children, but shows up for uncle and son and daughter since it applies it to all the spans inside the first li with a sub ul. I also tried$('#page-ui li:has("ul") span:first-child'), but that didn't help either since all the spans are the first childre
i want already select .postlike in $(this) now i want to select the tagh1 who is in .commentboxelements.i want to change the h1's inside text 1 to 2 so i write the code
$(this).closest('.posts').children('.commentboxelements center h1').html('1');
i try this but it's not worked anyway how i can do this.
This seems like a relatively straight forward problem. I've searced google and these forums. I just want to select this's last child. How do I do that?
I have 2 lists on a page and I have a link set up to remove an li item from the one list. I need to check to see if there is a copy of that item in the other list based off an attribute in my li item called qid. How would I look for a child list item based off this custom attribute? Assuming I have html like the following and I want to get the one where qid=14.
I am trying to figure out the syntax for the following. For this version I am simply trying to select the 2nd child of the SLIDE HOLDER div. For this test I am just making the width grow. My next pass will be to get the index of the DOT clicked and then pass it to the child of the other parent. Please see line 24. I know this is incorrect but placed it to give you an idea of what I am trying to accomplish.
and I receive the click on the remove.gif. What I want to do is to get the title attribute of the div around and write it into the <p> tag instead of the name of the file now. I've achieved several selection (yeah i'm new to jquery) but can't figure this one out.
here it now selects all a tag in "lists" but I only want it to reference the a tag that is the direct child of "lists" li. I want it to ignore the freen highlighted part.
so i wrote this slider with some help from an admin, everything works as I would like it to but I'm trying to make it a plugin so i need to tighten up a certain part of the code:
(function( $ ){ $.fn.jmSlider = function() { // get total width of all li elements in the slider var wrapWidth = 0;
what i would like to do is instead of using "li:first" and "li:last", i would like to use first-child and last-child so the element doesn't need to be a li, in can be anything that is the direct child of the parent container.
I have a difficult work around Jquery. I want to remove all li items from the ul except first li and last three li how to remove the li elements from these list.
I have created parent child checkboxes. When one child is selected, then parent of that child, other child of same name and parent of that same name's child will be selected... Now I want if I unchecked any child, then only same name of child and parents should be unchecked or if I unchecked Parent Child, then same name of parent and child will be unchecked.
I've seen a variety of implementations around that enable selecting all or no checkboxes by using a checkbox to toggle that choice. However, I'm trying to find a way like this: I have two text links on my page: Select All, and Select None. How can I get those links to call a jquery function to select all or select no checkboxes in my form? As a little food for thought:
<head> $(function() { //function for selecting all or none...is there a way to make a single function that passes in a parameter to differentiate between selecting all or selecting none, or do I need a separate function for both?[code]....
This pops up a new window with every call. In the child window I call a parent function onbeforeunload, appClose() :
function appClose(){
if (window.opener && !window.opener.closed){ window.opener.CloseChild(getQueryString("application")); }}
This is in my frameset tag of the child code :
<frameset ... onbeforeUnload='appClose()'>
The window.opener.CloseChild() function is called perfectly when I have one child window open, but as soon as I create another child window both of the open child windows don't ever call it. They do both go into the onbeforeunload appClose() function, but do not call the window.opener.CloseChild() function inside of this routine.
Anyone have any ideas why when I have two child windows open I can't access the window.opener functions?
I have tried taking each new window out of the array and used the following code in CloseChild() :
Lets say I had a wrapped set of <p> elements. I understand how slice could return more than one element, but what is the difference between nth-child() and eq()?
I am trying to update a progress percentage using jquery in my event handler. The first line works fine. The second line should be the jquery equivilent, but does not work.
how to find this. I just need to know how to find child elements on a parent element that I already have the object for. The parent node doesn't have an id so I can't just get the ID and use the find functionality in jquery.
I've got a reference to a TableCell and I'd like to use jQuery to get the first instance of an <IMG> tag within that TableCell, but can't get the syntax right, I understand how it would work if I were to reference the TableCell by and ID or class, but not when I have a direct reference to the cell, I've got:
What the jQuery syntax should be to get the first img tag within "tdRef"?
I have a php function that list all of the countries from my database as a select option, then based on what the user selects for their country im using jquery to make an ajax call and get all of the states/regions for that country. This part works fine. I'm running into an issues, as when a user login's in to edit their profile, how would I make the select change based on what is in the databse.
I want to automatic calculate the width of a child div. I have a parent with a fixed with and two children in there. The first has a flexible width due to his content (title of post) and is transparent. The second child contains only a background image and should always fill the rest-width. I tried it like this but it doesn't work [code]...