JQuery :: Form Functionaltiy - Scroll To Top Of Page On Submission?

Jun 19, 2009

Below is a block of code from a Wordpress plugin called "MM Forms", which handles form creation. The part of the code below deals with what happens when a form is submitted, which I believe is around this part:if (1 == data.mailSent) {


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JQuery :: Form Functionality - Scroll To Top Of Page On Submission?

Jun 19, 2009

Below is a block of code from a Wordpress plugin called "MM Forms", which handles form creation.The part of the code below deals with what happens when a form is submitted,which I believe is around this part:


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JQuery :: Prevent A Particular Field Being Submitted In Form Submission - Ajax Submission Doen't Work

Jun 1, 2009

I have email, password and some other fields, and I'm using $.post to send data for Ajax submission.

The problem is that I don't want to submit a particular field. The serializeArray() returns all the fields in the form. So, I tried something like this to prevent the password field being serialized.

This works great but the ajax submission doen't work.

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JQuery :: Ceebox Page FORM Submission?

Mar 14, 2011

I am using jQuery ceebox. the page opening in ceebox popup contains a form which submits to a new url. Now the new page opens in the same ceebox popup window. I need to close the popup window and reload the new url in parent window.

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Form Submission-page Unload ?

Jan 26, 2011

I have a entry form which inserts data 2 DB. while the user entering info if he wants to click on any url in left nav pane there should show message: the data won't be saved if you navigate from this page. I have written some code..it works fine but if i Hit submit button on the form It wont submit, still gives the same popup -the data won't be saved if you navigate from this page.

HRE IS my code:

BUT this works only if i try to navigate from page. But it still prevents the submission.

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Keeping Page In Same Place After Form Submission?

Aug 4, 2010

I would like the page to not refresh and jump to the top of the page after they submit there answer. So on questions that use radio buttons I have been using

<input type="submit" value="Submit" onclick="get_radio_value(); return false;" />

for the submit buttion and that works perfect. I try and use it on questions that use checkboxes and it doesnt work so as a work around I am using the form's action attribute to set it to a link on the page. Here is my form code:

<form name="question2" action="#q2">2. <strong>Multiple choice:</strong><a name="q2"></a> Which patient or patients could be transferred to another hospital under the EMTALA Act?<br /> <input type="checkbox" value="a" name="aquestion" />Smith, Bill<br /><input[code]....

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JQuery :: Malsup Form Plugin And The JSON Returned From A Form Submission: The Error Callback Is Always Called?

Aug 19, 2010

I'm having troubles with an existing J2EE application (which uses Dojo) and in which I'm gradually introducing jQuery. The specific issue is with the malsup Form plugin and the JSON returned from a form submission: the error callback is always called, regardless of what happens on the server side, and the error is always "parsererror". I'm using jQuery 1.4.2 and the 2.45 version of the malsup Form plugin.
For example, given the following code:

$(document).ready(function() {
var options = {
dataType: 'json',[code]....

the server receives the submission and handles it without errors, then in the browser I always get the same alert from the processAddressEditSubmitError() function, with an "Invalid JSON" message:

pErrorText=Invalid JSON: {"nickname":"trytrez","success":"success"}

However, the JSON looks OK for me (and http:[url]...agrees that it is valid).

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JQuery :: Form Submission And JConfirm?

Oct 14, 2011

I am trying to use jConfirm to make sure a user wants to post a form. My selector is working as well as the jConfirm (I have tested it well). However, it is not submitting the form. The form action is PHP_SELF and I am simply echo'ing the POST vars. Without the js, it posts fine.


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JQuery :: Form Submission To Two Actions

Oct 12, 2010

I've got a form that I need to go to two different places. First, I need it to submit a portion (but not all) of inputed data to one url (url.php). If that is successful, I need it to submit another portion of the inputed data to another url (url2.php). The trick is, I need the information from some fields to go to both places, but with different names.

Here's what I'm doing:
$(function() {
$('form').submit(function() {
return false;
type: "POST",
url: 'url.php',
data: $('.string').serialize(),
success: function(){
type: "POST",
url: 'url2.php',
data: 'firstname='+$('#Contact0FirstName').val()+'&'+'lastname='+$('#Contact0LastName').val()

I have the information I need to go to url.php serialized by class (.string). Then, I try to make a string out of the data for url2.php. What seems to be happening the form is submitting ALL fields to url.php, ignoring the serialized string I told it to use, and then submitting ALL fields to url2.php, again ignoring the string I told it to use.

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JQuery :: Show Data From A Form After Submission?

Feb 9, 2011

is it posssible to show the client what they have submitted using jquery basicly i have a form with 3 options that they have to select 1 month 2 months 3 months i what the thankyou message to show what witch option they have submitted. my form works as client fills in form data then sends for with sendform.php jquery validates and activates a <div id="sent"> on the same page no refresh with my messsage. 1 Month <---- the option they have chosen is this possible as you can tell quite a noob with jQuery

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JQuery :: Cancel Form Submission By Outside Link

Oct 30, 2009

What I mean: everyone knows that to cancel a form submission it just have to put an "return false" in the submit function of the form. But I want a link in the page that executes a function that can stop a running-submission of a form. got it?

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JQuery :: Form Animation, Validation, And Submission With Refresh?

Feb 21, 2010

When you press the subscribe button (beside RSS), a form drop down (which is initially hidden), and it is then validated (for email) and once submitted replaced with a thank you message. I need to duplicate this.

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JQuery :: Form Submission Onclick Of A Href And Use Ajax

Jan 14, 2011

I want to have multiply forms dynamically created on a page with dynamic id's, I have a href and image styled submit button. When user click on the submit button i want to submit a form with AJAX request. I am using following code but nothing happens.

/*** HTML ***/
<form id="a2c" name="a2c" action="submitToCart.php" onsubmit="return false;">
<select name="25687">LCD TV</select>


Note: on page have multiple forms with dynamic form and submit link id's.

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JQuery :: Disable Submit Button After Form Submission?

Apr 5, 2010

Everywhere proposed solution
$('form').submit(function() {
$(":submit").attr("disabled", "disabled");

doesn't work for me, because in that case the button name and value won't be included in the request to the server (because the button is disabled), and I've got a situation where I need to know which button was clicked to submit the form.Is there any way to disable the submit button AFTER the form submission, so it would be included in the request?

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JQuery :: CSS Styles Being Lost In IE After Ajax Form Submission

Jun 5, 2007

I am getting a strange behavior in IE 6 and 7 where not only do I lose my CSS styling in the replaced DIV but some of the jQuery swap classes code no longer works after an ajax form is submitted. I am using jQuery Forms to post the data and use the exact same approach on the same page with a different form with no trouble.

Works fine in Safari, and FF, though I do see my styled Form submit button do a little hop in FF when the div is refreshed (this does not happen in my other successful form post.)

Best to see by example I guess:

1. Goto [url]

2. Click Level1Page1 in the first Nav Window you see

3. Click on 'Edit' when it appears

4. In the following pop-up, under the Page Settings tab (the default), make some changes and press update - this should work with no problem.

5. Now click on the second tab in the pop-up labeled Page Design

6. Make some changes and click update - You should see the problem here. The styling will disappear in the form and you will no longer be able to select a page layout.

The code that is spit back is the identical server side code that generates the form in the first place. There should be no difference between the pre-post state and the post-post state except for the data itself.

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JQuery :: Prevent A Particular Field Being Submitted In Form Submission

Jun 1, 2009

I have email, password and some other fields, and I'm using $.post to send data.

In Ajax form submission, I don't want to submit a particular field. The serializeArray() method returns all the fields in the form. So, I tried something like this to prevent the password field being serialized.

This works great but the ajax submission doen't work.

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Make An Image/text To Scroll As The User Scroll The Page Also?

Sep 25, 2009

how to make an image/text to scroll as the user scroll the page also? for example if the user scrolls down image/text also scrolls down and when the user scrolls up image/text also scrolls up..

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Make A Div Tag And Its Contents Scroll Down The Page Automatically When You Scroll?

Jun 13, 2006

Does anyone know of a script that makes a div tag and its contents scroll down the page automatically when you scroll?

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JQuery :: Adding A Class To Body Tag Upon Validated Form Submission?

Nov 13, 2010

I'm working on a little project where they have a slider form and I need to piggyback a tiny line of code into the validation function for the form.

What I need to happen is when the user has filled in all the fields and clicks the submit button AND the data validates THEN a class is added to the body tag. My jQuery knowledge is very minimal - I added the code to where I 'thought' its supposed to go but it didnt seem to work.

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
// Set up the scrollable registration
var wizard = jQuery('#scroller').scrollable();


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JQuery :: Form Submission Opens Modal Confirmation Dialog?

Apr 8, 2011

I'm going to preface this by saying I know next to nothing about implementing jquery. Thus far, I've just been very lucky and able to figure out a few things on my own.

I have a simple form on my site that, upon clicking "submit" calls a PHP file.

I'd like to have a modal dialog box open when you confirm submission(like this.... [URL] but can't understand how to target the submit button to make this happen.


I already have jquery script on my page but dont know what to do from here.

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JQuery :: Input Field Bypassing By <enter> Without Form Submission

Feb 9, 2010

I want to bypass from one input field to other one by <enter> (<return>) key pressing instead of default behaviour (<tab> key pressing).But there was default form action on <enter> keydown event was performed. Remember that <enter> keydown event on form means default "Form submit" action. How to prevent default action, form submission, in time of <enter> keydown event processing?

How to modify following code? I use hotkeys jQuery plugin for key binding to input fields.

//find next input field in the form MyNextInput


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Pop-up Form Submission

Aug 14, 2001

I'm having a few problems... none are caused by my browser, so they are proving hard to troubleshoot. A user has pointed a couple out to me.

I have this code as part of a script:

(I have inserted hard breaks to make the post look better)


"subForm" targets "confirmation". The user is getting two windows instead of one. One contains the initial window document and the other contains the form action. Also, she says they are both big... the size (of at least one) should be 250x250. She is running AOL 6 and IE 5.5 on the related computer.

Perhaps a timeout would help the 2 window situation? Why are the windows big and not 250x250? If you know what's going on please let me in on it.

This same user has a laptop that runs AOL 4 and IE 4 (she thinks). On that computer the form is submitting to one window, but none of the data is making it to the new window. I am guessing this has to do with the way I have the "form" and "table" tags within the javascript document.write statements. Does anyone know a good web page on this subject? OR What else the problem might be?

Ok, next issue! I am trying to submit a form using Netscape 4.03. When the submit button calls the related function I receive: "subForm is not defined". Here is the line that is throwing the error:

eml = subForm.email.value;

The final problem is regarding the same form. When I hit the submit button in N6... nothing happens.

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Faking A Form Submission

Jul 23, 2005

Is there a good way to use JavaScript to send a form submission, but get
back the response as a string, rather than loading it into a page? I
could write the code to send the submission via XMLHttpRequest, but that
seems hard... especially implementing multipart-encoded form submission
such as required for file upload.

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Using Validate And Act On Form Submission In CSS Box?

Jun 14, 2010

I'm working on a project for my company that will be deployed next week. In a nutshell, we have a bunch of touchscreen computers that we are using as kiosks for an internal event. The various screens have been build in XHTML/CSS, with a smidge of javascript for the few points of interactivity that aren't being handled through the HTML.

I just started dabbling in Javascript for this project about a month ago, and I think with enough time, I could probably figure this out. But I'm feeling crunched on time, and I thought someone here might have a simple solution.

So here's where I am. The "boss" doesn't want to use the built in browser alert/prompt boxes, which is fine by me, since I can just skin up some alerts in CSS, and attach JS functionality to them. But I ran into a snag in one of them. On each kiosk, we are placing a transparent DIV in the upper corner that invokes a password prompt. If the password matches the password stored in the JS, the kiosk browser window closes (window.close). If the password doesn't match, the user is informed of such, and remains in "kiosk" mode.

For the password box, I've written in a hidden box in CSS, who's display value is set to visible when someone hits the hidden area in the upper corner. That works fine. The box itself is a <p> that simply prompts the user to enter the password to continue. I have a form with a text field as well as an "ok" button.

Here's where things stop working. If I pre-define the value of "var password" to be the correct password, clicking the OK button works as expected. But if I try to use the user input from the form, I get an error. I'm happy for someone to start me from scratch if the below code isn't workable. Here's what I need:Password prompt box that's skinnable in CSS.Value checked against stored variableIf accepted, window closes.If denied, user is informed and prompt box is returned to hidden state.


One note, before I toss this to you all. If it's easier/better to simply include the error message as part of the FORM, instead of it's own separate box, I'm A-OK with that.

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Cannot Break Form Submission?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm using simple form validation, found online, to check certain fields before submitting. The problem is that, although the script detects the error/missing field/wrong syntax and pops up the corresponding alert, after the user presses OK in the alert box the script continues and sends the form - which of course is not valid.


<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="textfield" value="Register" onclick="checkitems();">


function checkitems() {
valid = true;
if ( document.registration.Onoma.value == "" ) {


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Form Submission With Iframe?

Jul 23, 2009

user fills in a form (selects files for upload, writes a post, etc.) and submits it - without page reload she gets a response from server (error, unsupported file type, inappropriate language, success, etc.)I imagine first, submit-without-reload, part is done via the form.target property like this: - iframe is either created dynamically with JS createElement or statically. But in any case it should look something like this:

<iframe id="#iframe123456" name="#iframe123456"></iframe>

- form, also created either dynamically or statically:

<form action="process.php" target="#iframe123456">
<!-- inputs of various types -->

As for the response/result part, server dumps its reply into the targeted iframe, so I have three alternatives:- use iframe's onLoad (onReadyStateChange) event: attach a get_data() function to it.- frequently/manually poll iframe for data using setInterval(get_data, milliseconds). - inject some script into the server response that makes iframe itself call get_data() .how I can check if an iframe has data in it.I use the following script to get the iframe's inner document object (excerpt from get_data() fucntion ):

if ( iframe.contentDocument ){
doc = iframe.contentDocument;
}else if( iframe.contentWindow ){


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