JQuery :: Find Text (nodes) Within An Element?
Jun 10, 2009[code]...
Anyone got any tips on how to find out if the last letter of my label is 'F'?
Anyone got any tips on how to find out if the last letter of my label is 'F'?
Consider following html code
<p id="oliver">
<a id="oliver1" href="/oliver1/">Oliver Twist 1</a>
<a id="oliver2" href="/oliver2/">Oliver Twist 2</a>
<a id="oliver3" href="/oliver3/">Oliver Twist 3</a>
<a id="oliver4" href="/oliver4/">Oliver Twist 4</a>
Applying JavaScript to above html as following:
Why are anchor nodes pointing to href and text nodes pointing to [object]? As anchor and text both are objects therefore all outputs from indices 0 to 7 should be [object].
So I have the following xml:<ingredient name="rice"><us>1 cup</us><metric>250 mL</metric> of uncooked Korean rice</ingredient>
I want grab only the "of uncooked Korean rice" part. I tried to use text() but it would grab the text from inside the "us" and "metric" element.
I have been scratching my head on this one for a couple days:
function hideAll(){
var education = document.getElementById("education").childNodes;
As far as I know, this should be working the way I expect it to (set the display of all the childnodes to none), but I guess I'm missing something. Is it not possible to instantiate a variable using childNodes without choosing a specific index of the array? I just assumed it would work like any other array
My DOM structure in HTML page have some elements 'IMG'. One of 'img' element have attribute 'src' = 'lolo1.jpg'. How can i find the 'DIV' element with this specific 'img' element inside? I have to find nearest 'DIV'.
I wanna write function like a GetNearestDivID('lolo2.jpg') which would give me result 'mix2'
I have a bunch of numbers on my page, wrapped in a particular HTML element e.g.
<h2>5</h2>, <h2>1</h2>, <h2>3</h3>
I am looking for a javascript function that can add these numbers together. The tricky thing is that I do not know how many numbers there might be - anything from 0 to 7.
If necessary, I can give each of the <h2>'s a unique class eg. <h2 class="a">5</h2>, <h2 class="b">1</h2> etc.
I'm loading an xml data file and then trying to take a particular node
and add it, as html, to an element on my page using inner HTML. The
xml is like what is below, with the . Code:
I'm trying to figure out how I can take user input from a textarea and insert it into a table as HTML. An example:
<script type="text/javascript">
function echo_input() {
var input = document.getElementById("user_input").value;
var cell = document.getElementById("display_area");
cell.childNodes[0].nodeValue = input;
<textarea id="user_input" name="user_input" onkeyup="echo_input();"></textarea>
<td id="display_area">test</td>
The childNodes[0] that the script keeps editing is the text node that starts out as "test". The problem is that I want the text that I put in the table to be parsed if any markup is in it (so that a <br /> will become a break, and not literally printed out as "<br />"), something that the DOM automatically escapes. It seems a very cumbersome means of doing this is to write a javascript parser, which would go through the text and create different types of nodes as it stumbles upon markup.
Why does Firefox insert #text nodes as children of TR elements?
As a work-around for older Safari versions not properly supporting a
table row's cells collection, I used the row's childNodes collection as
it was pretty much exactly the same thing. However, in Firefox 1.0.7
text nodes are inserted between the TDs. I'm certain that this didn't
use to happen with older versions.
The HTML specification states that the only element that can be the
child of a TR is a TD, so why does Firefox put text nodes in there?
If this how the DOM is supposed to be built, can someone give me a
reference to where it states that? Or should this be reported as a
Firefox bug?
making a variable equal the h1 html() without the span text.
// equals 'November2009'
var monthDelete = $('h1').html();
// I need just 'November'
How can i find out the div element with in the Div?This is my aspx Page CodeThis is for Fixed Table Header when table has thead and tbody tags
<div id="gridDiv" class="fullScreenTable">
<asp:GridView ID="gvMyRecipesData" runat="server" AllowSorting="true" ShowHeader="true" >
I started working with JQuery. Mmy first function comes here:
<script type="text/javascript">
$("li.um-gallery-1st").toggleClass( "big" ).show()
$("li.um-gallery-1st").next().toggleClass( "small").show()
$($this).next().toggleClass( "smaller").show()
How do I select the next element after next? In that case the third.
What's the best way to wrap all the nodes between two nodes in DIV tags? Is it possible with the DOM? I have code similar to the following:
HTML Code:
<h3>First header</h3>
<p>First paragraph</p>
<p>Second paragraph</p>
How can I achieve this with the DOM, without resorting to doing something like a string replace?
I'm getting all kinds of errors, no matter where I put the parenthesis: This all works without trying to find the attr. So, I am trying to slide a ul menu that has a parent anchor with an id of "A". $(("#VerColMenu > li > a").attr('id')=='A').find("+ ul").slideToggle("slow");
View 4 Replies View RelatedThis is probably a dumb question (noob) but I cannot seem to find the answer, either here or on StackOverflow or even Googling...
All I want to do is, when clicking on an element, find any other elements with the same class name (and show/hide or do something with them).[code]...
But I need the class name to be a variable so this function is reusable.
What am I doing wrong?
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
addIframe = function() {
} appendIframe = function() {
<button onClick="javascript:addIframe();">addIframe</button>
<button onClick="javascript:appendIframe();">appendIframe</button>
Now this work perfectly fine with jQ 1.6.2, but does not work with 1.4.2 because 1.4.2 does not yet know .find(element).
I want to find the parent element of some element.
$("tr input").each(function (i) { //loop input elements within tr's
if(this.name == "cid[]"){
I have an input box with an id. I also have a jquery hotkey plugin which fires when I press F8 in this case.
$(document).bind('keydown', 'f8', function (){
//do stuff here
return false;});
The hotkey works just fine. (ive tested with alert boxes). What I am trying to do is find the cursor location (and then the elements id) when the f8 key is pressed. or...
I want to find which input has focus on keydown.
I'm having trouble finding the image element by attribute "MyAttr" whose value is supplied: when the "onclick" function is called:
<div class="MyImages">
<div class="imageClass">
<img ... myAttr="abc"/>
<img ... onclick="findTheImageObjectByMyAttr("abc");" />
</div><div class="imageClass">
<img ... myAttr="def" />
<img ... onclick="findTheImageObjectByMyAttr("def");" />
How can i find real height of the element? It is changed with css to fixed, but i need its real height, as it be without css.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi have a couple of elements on my web page, that i want to manipulate in one loop.
jQuery.each($(".specificClass"), function(i) {
// do something
Within that loop i have to check what type of element that very one is e.g. a <div> or a <span> or an <img> or a <input type="button"> or something else.I managed to isolate some of them, the easiest was the button where i checked the following:
if ($("selector").is(":button")) {
// do something
In the jQuery API 1.3.2 there are some more useful Forms Filters like :input, :text, :checkbox etc. What i really miss is something for a drop down list. I would have expected that there is something like
if ($("selector").is(":select")) {
// do something
but i could not find it.It would also be great to have something to check if the element is an image. I have read that there exist such a check, but that is for images that are input-images within a form. I am longing for a simple check for an image somewhere in the web page.
if ( !isNullOrEmpty($("selector").attr("src"))) { // --- image ---
// do something
function GetDepartmentTree() {
type: "POST",
url: "Service/service.asmx/GetDepartmentTree",
How can I find if each of the <p> tags contains <img> tag, then style the <p> tags which contain <img> inside them?
I have pre-set all <p> will have this style,code...
I'm trying to create a list of recipes which will on document ready all be hidden except the first one. And then when I click one of the dynamically added links (in a ul) in the sidebar I want the corresponding recipe to go from hidden to shown. I've managed to do everything really simply except I have no idea how to find the corresponding recipe when I click a link in the sidebar (the links link to the recipes with #recipe<number>)
$("a[href*='#recipe']").click(function() {
Somehow I need to access the id of the specific recipe, which I suppose should be possible since the clickfunction should store that somehow?
EDIT: I just realized that I could just use the href value as my id for the recipe (since its the same e.g. #recipe). However I'm having trouble using the variable that stores the href/id in the .show function.
$("a[href*='#recipe']").click(function() {
var theHref = $(this).attr("href");[code]....
I have a unordered list and want to find out if this list has a subnode with a specific class [code]...
i want to attach the <li class="back">back</li> only to such uls, that don't allready have one
how do?
the jquery way to get the first char, of the first element that starts with some arbitrary char...
So I have a list of anchors, a person clicks on the letter and I want to search the list for the firstoccurrenceof that character :
<div id="dirnav">
<a id="A" href="#">A</a>
<a id="B" href="#">B</a>
<a id="C" href="#">C</a>
how to find,say, thefirstspan element with the content that starts with 'L'.