JQuery :: Example From Pocket Reference Wrong?
Aug 23, 2011
I am new to jQuery and I am reading this book as an introduction. I find it very good, but I came across an example today that doesn't make sense to me. It is an example of the prev() method and is like this:
$("h1").prev() // Sibling elements of <h1> tags
Is this correct? I thought prev() just picked one element so it should be "element" instead of "elements" in the comment. Alsoa sibling of <h1> tags would have to be another <h1> tag wouldn't it? And there are no <h1> tag before all <h1> tags?
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Jul 12, 2004
I have on my apache server some html/javascript pages. I put a lot of javascript code inside a .js file, that I load by the command:
<script language=JavaScript src="file.js"></script>
If the client is a normal PC with IE5.5 no problem...
The problem is when the client if a pocket PC with Pocket Internet Explorer. (I tried it with the emulator always on PC). In that case it seems that the .js file is totally ignored.
For me is very important to use a .js file, because the my target is to hold it on the cache of the client, so to avoid to download every time a lot of javascript code.
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Oct 2, 2005
trying to remove one or all elements of select options fails for Pocket
Internet Explorer. Is there a way to do this?
if is_PIE {
// this does not work on Pocket IE
while (opt.length) {
} else {
# IE 5.+, Moz, FF, Galeon, Opera, Konq
# remove everything at once
opt.length = 0;
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Jul 23, 2005
I want to access all the <div> tags on my page. below is javascript
which is use to access them
var divs=document.getElementsByTagName("div");
this works on IE but is failing on Pocket PC 2003 browser.
any of guys faced this problem..any work arounds?
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Jan 9, 2011
It is possible to run dynamic web pages on a pocket PC without internet connection?I would like to read/write files using a browser on my pocket PC without internet connection.
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Nov 16, 2010
So im basically using a link, to scroll through a series of divs to select the correct one.Ie click on happy, and scrolls to 'happy' div, However, the scroll seems to not go to what its linked to, but scrolls to the third div in the list.
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May 21, 2009
I have a datePicker defined in this way
the problem is that when I the datepicker is shown the user sees 1900 in the year's selectbox but when he choose the day this is added as xx/xx/2009.
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Feb 13, 2011
I'm trying to build a slideshow for wordpress. On a static page everything works as expected.In Wordpress however, the same script*1* behaves differently. The activeSlide is hidden behind the "default anchor image". I think it's because activeSlide gets assigned to li instead of the a -tag. You can see that with Google Chrome. The activeSlide class is advancing, it's just assigned to the wrong element. I'd like to target the link (a) again, so the green box appears in front of the red box.
This is the script
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$('#slideshow').after('<div id="slide_navi">').cycle({
fx: 'scrollLeft',
speed: 600,
Timeout: 4500,
activePagerClass: 'activeSlide',
pager: '#slide_navi',
pagerAnchorBuilder: function(idx, slide) {
return '<li><a href="#"><img src="images/transparent.png" /></a></li>';
The only difference is the way I get the images. But this shouldn't change the activePagerClass target, right?
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Aug 2, 2009
I set up a function in JQuery to do .load() to a DIV. (This function appears to work only in IE.) This works fine if I am loading an html document to the DIV, but if I load a .pdf file, it looks like it doesn't use the right mime type for interpretation. It looks like it just streams the binary code into the div. Is there a way use JQuery to load a PDF file into a DIV and have it render correctly?
Here is my source:
<title>jQuery test page</title>
<script src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function loadContent(elementSelector, sourceUrl) {
$(""+elementSelector).load(sourceUrl); }
<div id="top" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px" >
<a href="javascript:loadContent('#content', '[URL]');">I work</a>
<p><a href="javascript:loadContent('#content', '[URL]');">I don't work</a>
<p>Here's the stuff!</div>
<div id="content" style="position:absolute;top:200px;left:0px">content will be loaded here</div></body>
If you click the link that doesn't work you get:
%PDF-1.6 % 37 0 obj <> endobj xref 37 34 0000000016 00000 n 0000001386 00000 n 0000001522 00000 n 0000001787 00000 n 0000002250 00000 n 0000002274 00000 n 0000002423 00000 n 0000002844 00000 n 0000002888 00000 n 0000002932 00000 n 0000004113 00000 n 0000004147 00000 n 0000004211 00000 n 0000006880 00000 n 0000007023 00000 n 0000007172 00000 n 0000007312 00000 n 0000007455 00000 n 0000008176 00000 n 0000008566 00000 n 0000009066 00000 n 0000012518 00000 n 0000012667 00000 n 0000012803 00000 n 0000012939 00000 n 0000013072 00000 n 0000013208 00000 n 0000013344 00000 n 0000013480 00000 n 0000013632 00000 n 0000013818 00000 n 0000014039 00000 n 0000001220 00000 n 0000001005 00000 n trailer <<15349106D985DA44991099F9C0CBF004>]>> startxref 0 %%EOF 70 0 obj<>stream 0>esf"$ 44}2 Y,(A-$ea,
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Jun 15, 2011
I have a text-box. On the event of `OnKeyup` a function is triggered that looks like this:
$.each(data, function(key, value) {
No my problem is that when you type really fast then the return search result does not always return relevant to the current value of the textbox.
[I did think of adding a very small time-interval on the onkeyup event but i thought there might be a cleverer way of doing it ]
This problem is because the Ajax calls do not sometimes return in the same sequence that they were fired.
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Jul 9, 2011
im using Jquery.validate, and I have a particular issue, jquery plugin is validating fields which didn't have rules. this is my code. Im attaching my code.Display name, First and Last name works fine. The wrong behavior is when I change DDL values and Do click elsewhere in the page, the minlenght validation activates for the dropdown lists.
Size : 2.11 KB
Download : 276
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May 20, 2011
I have a jquery script converting a XML file into html and part of the script is set to display an image based on the value in one of the elements. It's almost working as planned except that it affecting the preceeding record instead of the record that meets the conditions of the if/else statement.[code]
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Jul 19, 2010
I am using jQuery tool tip plugin. It works fine but a problem which I am facing is that on some fields where I don't have a tool tip plugin It shows me the tooltip for the older field (the tooltip for the field which was last shown). The last tool tip is repeated for other fields also which do not have a tool tip. I do not want to show any tool tip where there is none. How can I do that.
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Oct 18, 2010
Got the following code, which loads some html into a div, then set's the focus to a textbox:
This works fine with 1.4.2, but with 1.4.3 I get an error in jquery-1.4.3.js using Firebug: handler is undefined Line 1797
This happens on line 2 of the code
To me it looks as if the wrong .load method is being called, from the jQuery docs:[url]
Note: The event handling suite also has a method named .load(). Which one is fired depends on the set of arguments passed.
I think the event .load method is being called because line 1797 in jquery-1.4.3.js
if ( handler.handler ) {and comments around it talk about binding events to objects etc.
Can anyone confirm this is the case, or something else is causing the error with 1.4.3
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Aug 15, 2011
Quite often, some images are displayed with much smaller sizes than what they should be. For example, an image with height 768px may be displayed with a height of about 100px. This problem is usually sovled by refreshing the page. The page may need to be refreshed more than once to get all the images to their correct sizes.
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Mar 12, 2010
I'm running into a prob with an ajax form post where the content type is being sent to the server as text/html instead of text/javascript... here's some of my code: I do this at the top of my .js file -
'beforeSend': function(xhr) {xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", "text/javascript")}
I have 2 pieces of code for 2 diff fxns... the first works fine... the second posts with the wrong type -
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May 6, 2009
I created a test page here: [URL]. But basically the problem is that $("#button").attr("disabled",true);
should disable a input button, and it does, HOWEVER it outputs disabled="" when it should output disabled="disabled".
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Aug 30, 2011
I'm working on dynamic list with jQuery. I've appended hundreds of <li> elements with for loop to make very long list. When user scroll down again, remove older ones and append new ones at last of the list. I used$('li:lt(50)').remove() to remove first 5 elements from the list. At first, it works. But, for the second time, it always delete half of '50'. When I enter 100, only 50 elements deleted. How can it be? Could you check the ':lt(n)' selector and remove function? My HTML is very simple. only <UL> <LI> tags in the body. Tested on latest Chrome(ver.13.0.782), jQuery 1.6.2.
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Jan 26, 2011
I made a shortened version of code:
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.1/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="http://www.ylakiudarzelis.lt/js/jquery.validate.js" type="text/javascript">
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Jul 28, 2010
I am using ajaxSubmit from the jquery.form plugin for a file upload. Obviously my form contains a file input element, and therefore it needs to be submitted to an iframe and have its response read from the iframe (since xhr won't work with a file input). This is built into the jquery.form plugin and is working fine in firefox. However, when I submit my upload with IE, it is still acting like the form was submitted to the main page -- not the iframe. The response is just some JSON string indicating the results of the file upload.
In firefox, the upload runs, the json response comes back to the iframe, and then the callback reads the response from the iframe and updates the page. In IE, the upload runs and then the json response comes back to the main page as a text file...so IE pops up a window asking me if I want to download or open the file. Does anyone know why my JSON response is coming back to the main page and not the iframe?
Here is some of the code. The only semi-funky thing that goes on here is that the form is not set with a multipart encoding originally. This is because the main page's form submit should not be multipart. I set the form as multipart right before the fileUpload, and then before the main form is saved I reset the encoding. As far as I can tell this part is working, though...since the file is uploading no, problem; it's just the response that isn't being read correctly (or directed correctly?)
Here is a code snippet from the code that runs when the upload button is clicked.
// set the encoding to multipart. I've heard IE can be wonky, so it's set in two ways.
form.setAttribute('encoding', 'multipart/form-data');
form.setAttribute('enctype', 'multipart/form-data');
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Sep 30, 2009
I have three radio buttons, and when a certain radio is selected I want to show a series of checkboxes. If the other two radio buttons are selected, I want to hide the checkboxes. I *think* the problem is that I am using the wrong syntax to call the click() function on the radio "name" attribute.
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Jan 5, 2010
I have links in my tab panels. Those links are broken because (from what I can figure) the remote tab section in the ui.tabs.js file adds #ui-tabs-(some number) to those links.
var id = self.tabId(a);
a.href = '#' + id;
What can I put in my tab function:
function() {
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Sep 25, 2011
I made a request to db via jQuery.post(). Generally it works as it should, but if I use german special characters, they are treated wrongly. For closer examinations, I set up a new file without db-access, only displaying regular and special chars. I checked the characters after reading the value of text-input by alerting it. At this moment, it is correct! The issue happens when jQuery gives the variables to POST (its the same with GET). The target-file can read only wrong characters from POST. I crosschecked it by submitting data by a standard form. Now, the POST is read correctly. Special chars, which are echoed explicitly (not questioned by POST) are given back correcty
- I defined charset it in html header and tried other charsets - always the same.
- Adding the accept-tag to inputbox didn't help.
- Redefining charset in target-file didn't help.
- Adding the charset-tag to the jQuery including script didn't help.
So, I think, the code is correct but there is an issue with the charset. And it is definitley at this moment, when transfering the variable to the POST.
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Sep 15, 2010
What I'm trying to do is when the mouse hover on the level1 class, I want level2 class change it's background color. But I do not know how to reference a subclass.
<div class="level1">
<span class="level2">One</span>
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May 31, 2010
Where can I find API reference ? for example, on the web, I found Dates documentation[url]...
then I try to find similar docs in official JQuery website, failed.
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Feb 24, 2011
The following code works fine in FF and Chrome for getting a radio selections value but not IE8.
var check = $('input[name="search[gender]"]:checked').val();
Inputs are below:
<input type="radio" name="search[gender]" value="1" class="v_middle" />Male
<input type="radio" name="search[gender]" value="2" class="v_middle" />Female
<input type="radio" name="search[gender]" value="3" class="v_middle" />Couple
<input type="radio" name="search[gender]" value="4" class="v_middle" />tv
<input type="radio" name="search[gender]" value="" checked="checked" class="v_middle" />All
The first time you click a radio button in IE8, no value is returned at all (tested with document.write of the 'check' value), with an error "'null' is null or not an object". The second (and rest of the times) you click any of the checkboxes the wrong value is returned, it returns the value of the currently checked button (which we checked a moment ago) rather than the one we have checked the second time. Does Internet Explorer have issues with this onchange function method? Or is something wrong with my code?
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