Clicking this link works great. The data is loaded into the content div as expected. But the problem is the html that is loaded into the div has funny-looking characters where the single and double quotes should be. (See attachment).
What do I need to do in order to make the quotes show up properly?
Is there any method for <input> tag like .html() to escapsing html code? Example with a label, I can use: $("#label").html("NGUYỄN") will become NGUYỄN (that what I want); so I want to do the same thing with <input> tag.
When publishing bookmarklets, we put the bookmarklet code in anchor tag like this:
<a href="javascript: alert('test');"name </a>
Some characters of the code need to be escaped. For example, double quotes need to be escaped as %22 like in this example: <a href="javascript: var doubleQuote = '%22' alert(doubleQuote);"> name </a>
Question: Is double quotes the only thing that need to be escaped?
I have seen examples of escaping spaces as %20, but it seems unnecessary in most browsers i have used.
The problem with the loop is that it's infinite, which I understand is generally not a very clever solution. In this particular case I would like to escape the loop with P20 and then link to a new page.
I'm dynamically generating an image tag, and the final slash for self-closing the tag is not coming through, even though the slash is escaped with a backslash. Worse, I think this is screwing up my attempt to select the image in another function. Any ideas what could be causing problems? [code]The image does appear, but I can't reference it later on.While everything works fine if I drop the " img" from the call and let clicking anywhere in the div start the search.Any idea why escaping the slash isn't working?
I've got this bit of code that I've wrote and it was working absolutely fine like this:
function validatepostcode() { var postcodevalue = document.getElementById("postcode").value; if (postcodevalue.indexOf("S") == -1) { alert(postcodevalue + " is not a valid postcode.");
What I want to do is wrap the value of "postcodevalue" in double quotes, and since it's inside an alert, I used the escape sequence ", which is how it should be done as far as I know. But for some reason, Dreamweaver's giving me a syntax error warning and the code doesn't work. Am I using the double quotes wrong?
I'm using jQuery AJAX to request html pages so no refreshes will be needed when someone clicks an menu item. But the things is, I'm currently requesting HTML pages with no doctype, head and body tags.. just only the content (with just h1 tags and tags like that). The problem is that when I inject that into an div on my main page the css doesn't get applied to the injected content. It does set the text color and makes H1 an heading but it doesn't apply specific things like h1:first-letter. So I'm assuming it only applies general css properties like the text format I applied to the body of the main page. So the question is how can I make the css apply to the AJAX requested and injected content? Should I include an css file to the file I'm requesting? Should I use some jQuery function to apply it after the injection? Or .. ?
I'm using $.ajax for an ajax request and I've setup a basic html form and if there are errors in the form when the user submits them my server side script is returning them in an array to the client with the errors.
If there are multiple values in the array, how do I display each error on its own line either using <li> tags or even just a <br/>? I'm injecting the ajax response into a div using .html() but how do I iterate the array within that div so I get one error message per line?
Do I need to construct the HTML on the client side after the ajax response has come back or should I do this on the server side before the data is even returned to the client? Right now I'm returning a raw array so that is why I'm asking the question about how to format things up and get the form errors into my div.
i am wondering, what is the best way to render HTML on a page using an ajax request that gets the data as an XML file?
Say for example you wanted to load the comments on a particular news post, and wanted to pull this data in via ajax, and you server returns an xml with the commens in it, for example:
and then take that xml file and use it to render a list of comments, with profile pictures (worked out from the `profile_id`). I ask as i can do this easy enough by just making the server return the output as HTML, then placing it inside a container for the comments, but this is slower as the html output would be much bigger in size then the xml output.
I also need the ability to add a callback function so i can make a popup display if there is an error, or run a function that does something after the data is loaded. Ideal'y id like to load the html template which i would use along side the xml file, via ajax, but this isnt completely neceserry.
So I have an odd round about fix that i'm using to get data from one server to another. First I have a classic asp file that does an http request to a different server (it's all on an intranet so I can't share the exact code) like this:
Set xml = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") xml.Open "GET", "", False xml.Send Response.Write xml.responseText Set xml = Nothing
This external URL returns an XML document that's written on the page. Pretty basic stuff. Then I created another page with this jquery:
I'm trying to read an html file using the ajax() method, and then place content from that in certain places (e.g. 'info' in my 'InfoBox' section, 'details' in my 'DetailBox section). I'm very new to jQuery, and am pretty sure I'm screwing up the selector - it's the 'data' object used in the success callback (is that the right word?)
I have a URL (var spUrl) and I am trying to get the <title> of the page at that location. I am using $.ajax() to pull the page and process the <title> tag from the response $(data). For some reason, Opera is able pull the title from the <title> tag, but no other browsers are able to do so. When I modify the code to pull the <h2> tag instead of the <title> tag, it works in all browsers.
I am using jQuery for ajax call and receives HTML as a response.
Response I am getting is
I would like to parse this response and fetch "1","Debopam" and "Poddar" from the response HTML. How to do this and is there any way to parse it using jQuery selector.
I want to use AJAX where the response from server side would be an XML with root element has two divs one for status with values success or failure and other child is HTML which needs to replaced if first div is success.
I have run into a bit of a problem. If I want to set the html of an element via an ajax call but the content page has a peculiar apostrophe, it's sort of curved, not like a ' but a ’ (slight difference there) . When I view it in my browser it looks ok but if I try to get it via ajax all the ’ chars end up being question marks in black diamonds. How can I avoid this?
Umm and also could anyone tell me the origin of the curved type apostrophe? I feel stupid asking but I really am at a loss for what it is, I can't seem to actually make the character on my keyboard. I am thinking it could be Mac specific but that is a total guess.
I'm using ajax like this (from the docs): $.ajax({ url: 'ajax/test.php', success: function(data) { // do something with data } });
Does anyone have any idea how to get the html inside each #content or do I need to use a different approach altogether? What I basically want to do is to be able to print a lot of HTML in the file, and then in the "success" update different parts of the current page with parts from that HTML.
$('#mood').html always contains the value of the values food_rate and tax_rate had before I loaded the new values in. (Before Line 1 and 2 happen)I already red, about event bubbling and event delegation, but the html-elements fax_rate and food_rate exist from the beginning, and only their innerHTML does change.
Problem in the timing of the script. The problem is that when I try to get an id of an object that was added by ajax, the script doesn't recognize it. The html: <select id="categories" name="categories"> <option value="3">aa</option> <option value="43">bbb</option> </select>
When I load the page, there is this script that get the value of the #categories and use ajax to fill another select and in the same ajax, I load images by another function using the new select input that was created: function fill_subcategories(){ parent=$("#categories").val(); $.ajax({ type: "post", url: "ajax/sub_galleries.php", data: 'parent='+parent, success: function(data){ $('#sub_categories').html(data); }}); show_exist_imgs() }
This fills this div: <select name="sub_categories" id="sub_categories"></select> Right after filling the #sub_categories, I use another ajax that get images of the new id of the #sub_categories, and here I get the problem.. the js: function show_exist_imgs(){ g_id=$('#sub_categories').val(); $.ajax({ type: "post", url: "ajax/show_exist_imgs.php", data: 'g_id='+g_id, success: function(data){ $('#exist_files').html(data); }}); } This script doesn't recognize the id of the new $('#sub_categories') select input.. why is that?
So I know that with .load I can load a specific chunk of html. What if I want to load 2 chunks of html in one request? For instance my current page has
#nav and #content. My loaded page has the same and I want to replace these 2 elements with the new one (or it contents).
So the above doesn't work for me for 2 reasons: 1. I load twice. I don't want to do that (but I also don't want to load the js and all because it will mess things up) 2. This puts #content inside #content
I have a web service that accepts application/json but returns HTML to place in a DIV. I am not having any luck configuring the .ajax call so that it both POSTs in a format accepted by the web service and does not attempt to validate the HTML response as JSON.
It would seem that I cannot have anything other than 'json' in the dataType, even though from the docs it appears that this only affects the interpretation of the response, changing it's value to 'html' causes the web service to reject the call. I've also tried a converter but perhaps I'm not using it properly. Is it possible to use jquery to post JSON and get back HTML? What configurations am I missing?
In the code below I am trying to show the echo statement from a php file. The ajax call works when I use the alert(), but I am trying to put it in a div tag but not working.
I have a problem with returning html data from an ajax request. I have php method which is called via ajax and returns a long html string which consists of multiple tables, each table represents one question in a questionnaire. They display fine. I then have a button which calls a second php method that returns one individual table - identical in structure to the multiple tables that were returned previously. However,when displayed,the new table has the an inline style "display:block;" and so it screws up the way it looks. I have, at no point, declared this additional style anywhere in my code. Even if I do add an inline style of "display:table;" to the returned html, it is overwritten in the output html - so it is clearly being done by javascript.
I have a textbox and button in html, and when something is fill in the textbox, i want to pass the value of the textbox to ajax, data: '{"name": theName}', I couldn't seems to get it to work.
Of couse when i use string value, it works just perfectly for example: data: '{"name": "Joe"}',