JQuery :: Countdown To A Certain Time(s) In Every Day?

Aug 14, 2011

using the following script


just wondering if it is possible to have the countdown count to a certain time and then move on to a next time, basically every 12 hours start the timer again , i want it to count to 4.20 pm and 4.20 am.

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Passing Server Time - Countdown Timer That Currently Uses The Client's System Time To Calculate The Countdown

Feb 4, 2011

I'm using a javascript-based countdown timer that currently uses the client's system time to calculate the countdown. I assume that this line of code is where this is performed:


I'm trying to make the script use server time instead as some people may have wrong dates/times set or live in different time zones etc.

So what I did was use a bit of php:

PHP Code:

This gives a result but now the countdown is 30 days off. I am testing on my local xampp server (which also uses system time) so there should be no discrepancy. I also tried adding


But no difference.

I can post the whole script if required but it is reasonably long.

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Real-time Countdown (count From Start To End Time)

May 30, 2011

I do have the countdown script (see link below) to display the time between current time and the date given in real-time. However, I want to achieve to display the time difference between a given start and end time. Right now, it calculates from the current server time to the end time. I want to be able to set up my own start time and end time.

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JQuery :: Countdown Real-time Updates

Sep 21, 2010

I have been using the jquery countdown plugin made by [url] for a while and while I am pretty familiar with it, I haven't been able to accomplish what I want for one of my projects.

I want to be able to add hours/minutes/seconds to a countdown in real-time by clicking a button.

Let's say I have 2 countdowns. They both get their ending date from a mysql db, e.g: 2010-09-26 00:00:45 and 2010-09-27 14:45:00

When I click a button, I want the countdown Y to increase by the X amount of hr/min/sec, update my ending date in mysql, and update my counter for every visitors to see without having them refresh the page. I have tried messing with ajax, but wasn't able to accomplish anything close. (I got it to update every 1 sec but it would flicker then)

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Adding A Autorefresh To A Time Countdown?

Sep 17, 2009

What im trying to do is have the page auto refresh after the time countdown has expired. Here is the java code for the counter how would it be possible to add a autorefresh after the counter has reached 0 time left.

function ulticountdown(time, id, format, keepCounting, zero, langarray){
timeleft = time;
var countUp = false;
if (timeleft < 0) {


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Time Based Progress Bar - Countdown

Jul 2, 2010

I have looked and looked and looked but i can't find what i'm looking for. I need a progress bar that counts down and shows the time inside the bar as it is counting down. it doesn't have to be fancy it just has to work. what i'm doing now is a periodic update using ajax and then changing the size of a bar in css. it works but it is not ideal. does anyone know where i can find a tutorial for creating a countdown bar? it can be jQuery or just javascript i'm getting half decent at both.

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Countdown Clock - With Time Zone Specification?

Oct 28, 2009

modify this script be set to a specific Time Zone rather than picking up the time from the local machine? I want it to countdown to 6:00 am EST.


what to add where if it is possible?

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Turning Seconds Into Time Display In Countdown?

Jun 29, 2010

I am having a problem trying find out how to turn a number of seconds into a 00:00 format to do a countdown, and when it reaches 0:00 to redirect the window...

here is what I have figured out:


var tID = 0;
var startTime = null;
var timeout = 5*(60*1000);


Also, if they click the Button that says, "I'm still here" to ping the server to keep them on the page working without logging them out, will that code cause a javascript error because now the tooltip popup window that has the timeCountDown will no longer be open, so how would them clicking the ping server button stop that from causing an error when it goes to update timeCountDown?

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Multiple Countdown Timers From A Set Time On A Single Page

Aug 17, 2010

I'm new to javascript. I want to make multiple adjustable countdown timers on a single page. I've got a single timer working:

<script type="text/javascript">
var sec = 10; // set the seconds
var min = 00; // set the minutes
function countDown() {
if (sec == -01) {

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Countdown Clock - Convert Resulting Milliseconds To Back To Time Format ?

Apr 28, 2009

teaching myself javascript. my current self-challenge is to write a countdown clock that will tick off the days, hours, minutes, seconds until a certain date.i'm thinking that this should be what's happening in the javascript:

get current date/time (using new Date())

get future date/time counting down to (using new Date(2009,7,7))

subtract current from future (Math.ceil(movie.getTime - today.getTime))

convert resulting milliseconds to back to time format (not sure how to do that yet)write result back to html page (not sure how to do that yet, either)loop the whole thing every 1000 milliseconds.is this a workable idea? it seems the most straightforward way of doing it, but other scripts i've found on the web seem much more complicated.

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JQuery :: Countdown Plugin: Restart Countdown Timer Every 24 Hours?

May 27, 2011

Im putting together a pair of countdown timers that need to restart every 24 hours. One restarts at noon and the other at midnight. Im using Keith Woods plugin @ [URL]

So far I have been able to implement his serverTime function to sync to the servers clock and instantiated 2 countdown timers. so far so good.

What I need to do now is 2 things:

1. I need to define today + X hours to countdown to instead of setting a exact date like in this example:

var noonCountDown = new Date();
noonCountDown = new Date(noonCountDown.getFullYear() + 0, 5 - 1, 28, -12);// 2011, May, 28, 12pm

2. Once today is defined dynamically I believe that may just solve the problem and reset the timer. But I may not be thinking clearly here. So I guess Im just wondering if this is how you would go about making the countdown restart upon completion.

Here is my code that Ive got so far:

$(function () {
function serverTime() {
var time = null;
$.ajax({url: 'http://www.localhost.com/projects/countdown/servertime.php',


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Countdown Timer - Show How Much Time Is Remaining Till The Daily Surveys Resets And Becomes Available To The Member For Completion Again

Sep 1, 2010

I own a GPT site that offers member Daily SUrveys. When a daily survey is completed, the time of completion is stored in SQL in Unix time format. I hired a guy to code a Countdown timer for me that would be placed next to every completed offer in member's panel and that would show how much time is remaining till the Daily surveys resets and becomes available to the member for completion again(Daily Surveys reset every 24 hours)


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Advanced Countdown Timer - When User Refreshes Page - Countdown Starts From 5 Minutes Again

Aug 7, 2010

I found the below script that works fine for the actual countdown, but when the user refreshes the page, the countdown starts from 5 minutes again.

What I am trying to do, is handle users that put something in their shopping cart and then get side tracked or what ever reason and that same product then being purchased by another person when I only have 1 left.

So using PHP I am going to subtract the qty of that product by 1 and then I want the website to either put it back, if the users checkout times out, or if a normal process it is taken out permanently.

So long story short I think I need some sort of 'memory' for the javascript, so the user can't just keep refreshing and it starting from 5 minutes each time. Also it needs to be carried through to other pages.

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Countdown Script - Countdown Jumps Back Up To Accommodate Tomorrow's Deadline?

Nov 15, 2010

I'm really struggling to write a bit of JS that displays the amount of time left to when your order will be shipped.For Example: If it's

1:05pm on Sunday, it would say: "Place your order within the next 1 day 2 hours 55 minutes and your order will ship Monday"

Another example: If it's 2:00pm on Saturday, it would say: "Place your order within the next 2 hours and your order will ship today"

I need to be able to change the cut off point from 4pm if needed...It must also ignore bank holiday (Ideally, it would have a section in the code where I could put all 'excluded' dates, e.g. 12/25/2009, 01/01/2010, etc. - This way I could keep it up to date).The code must take into account that we only deliver Monday to Friday (Therefore on a Friday after 4pm, it would not say delivery tomorrow, but Monday).Once the deadline hits (4pm), the countdown jumps back up to accommodate tomorrow's deadline, etc.Amazon does a very similar thing,

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JQuery :: Application With PHP - Ajax Doesn't Work Time To Time ?

Apr 21, 2011

I'm writing an application with PHP that let me have statitics about visited pages for my web site. to save informations needed i use an ajax query with the unload event. The problem that i have is titme to time the script uses with that ajax query doesn't work especially when i stay long time in a page.

This is my code?

Why it works most of time but sometime doesn t work? is there any specifications to take for the unload event ?

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JQuery :: Countdown Timer And Database?

Jun 23, 2010

I'm trying to create a countdown timer based upon[URL]...what I'm trying to do: The database has a date, then there is a certain amount of seconds. Say 60*10 = 600 seconds / 10 minutes.

Everytime somebody buys something the datetime in database will be updated to the datetime item was bought. Now my goal is that anyone who is watching the timer in REAL time will have their timer reset to 10 minutes when somebody else buy.

Now the probem is this. The timer works sometimes only. Usually the first 3 times after a page load when somebody buys an item it works. Then it doesn't work. Or work at random intervals. It just doesn't make any sense to me!??


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JQuery :: Multiple (Realtime) Countdown Timers ?

Aug 17, 2010

I am going to be doing a simple page where I can add (for example) an item what will be visible for 60 Minutes and then dissapear, then simply I will ammend the content and put it on for a further 60 Minutes.

There will be a few Instances of this on one page and I am very new to jQuery but I am good at HTML / CSS and pick it up easy. The countdowns that I have seen on the internet dont seem to be what im looking for.

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JQuery :: Change Countdown Timer - Timezone Difference Added

Jan 9, 2012

I have a countdown clock in bidding. When someone bid within 30 secs clock will reset from 30 sec. In my case clock is reset but timezone difference added. So if bid within 30 sec clock counting down 4 hrs , 30 mins , 30 secs.

My code is below----
"cd".$clock_no is the countdown div
var periods = $("#cd". $clock_no."").countdown('getTimes');
if ($.countdown.periodsToSeconds(periods) < 30) {
$("#cd1").countdown('change', {until: periods[0] + 'y ' + periods[1] + 'o ' + periods[2] + 'w ' + periods[3] + 'd ' + periods[4] + 'h ' + periods[5] + 'm ' + periods[6] + 's'});

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Script With Document.write Inside Iframe Hangs First Time, Works Second Time (in IE)?

Dec 22, 2010

I have put together a script which does this:

1. Make ajax request (via getHTTPObject(), no libraries is used)

2. Create an iframe with script, src is "blank.html".

3. use iframe.document.write() to execute scripts (inkluding document.write based scripts) in the iframe.

4. call parent window's document to clone the iframe content.

5. Append the content clone to parent body.

Works like a charm in all browsers but IE, where every version - including IE9 beta - hangs on iframeWindow.document.close() with empty cache, leaving the window/tab unresponsible. When I force quit, restart and load the page again (now in cache) it works.What I've tried already:

* Googled.

* called the ajax request callback manually with string instead of request.responseText - it works even with empty cache here.Removed document.close() - resulting in scripts in iframe not executing at all (again, only with empty cache, cached pages works fine).

* Tested to make the ajax request synchronous - no difference.

Console.log trace:

append() begin
unlimited-scroll.js:160 install() begin
unlimited-scroll.js:194 iframe begin[code].....

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Automating Text To Change Daily At Specific Time To Website Viewers Time?

Sep 17, 2011

I do pretty much all the computer related tasks, which includes computer system repair, audio/video editing, cd/dvd printing and duplication, document format and creation, etc etc. But when it comes to HTML (or other codes) I know very little. But we needed a website, so I use Homestead hosting and the Homestead (offline) Site Builder program.

Anyway, inside the sight builder program, they have the option to insert HTML Snippets. Which I use for various objects, off site tools, and other. But now I need to do something for which I have not been able to find a "premade" html code object, that can perform the task desired. I have searched and searched google and went through many sites, including this one. I have tried to take some codes which I thought I could alter to make it perform, but they just wouldn't work for what I needed them to do.

I need a code that will automate a "specific text message" to change daily, and to schedule a "different specific text message" to appear each day. I need to be able to schedule each days "texts" at the very least 31 days in advance. In other words, I need to make an array (I think that's what it is called) for the entire month:

Day 1 "today's text 1"
Day 2 "today's text 2"
Day 3 "today's text 3"


If were possible to make an "array" that would go six months out (or more) that would be very helpful! But the longest that I have seen is one month at a time, so that may be as long as they go, but I'm not sure.On top of all of this, I need these changes to be performed at a specific time of the day. I would like them to be preformed at sunset everyday, but I don't think there is anyway to direct the code to look at like [URL] sunset times or such. So if I can at least choose a specific hour, like 8:00 pm, that will work, I will just have to adjust this every once in a while.

However, I don't want it to change just at 8:00pm in my timezone. I need it to change at 8:00pm according to the website viewers timezone. Is there a way to make the code "look" at the users computer and "get their time" and use that to adjust what text is displayed? In other words, I live in Indiana USA. If someone in Australia looked up the webpage on the 15th day of the month, but it was 9:00pm Their Time. The text I need to be displayed should be for "Day 16" from the array.

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Populate Select Boxes - Create Events, With A Start Time And An End Time?

Jun 3, 2009

I'd like some direction on creating a small piece of Javascript that will populate my <select> boxes.Basically, I have a form for users to create events, with a start time and an end time. (These are the two select boxes).For example:

<select id="startTime">
<option value="12:00AM">12:00AM</option>
<option value="12:15AM">12:15AM</option>

What I am trying to do is:

1) Have times populated in 15 minute incrementals from 12:00AM to 11:45PM

2) Have some type of "error checking" available to where the End Time must be after the start time. It would be nice for the script to automatically change the end time field to a time that is after the start time.

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Check The User Enter Time With Current System Time

Mar 2, 2011

I am trying to check the user enter time with current system. If user enter the time less than the current system time then I want to display the alert box. But the code is not working. Here is the code

<script type="text/javascript">
var d = new Date();
var curr_hour = d.getHours();
var curr_min = d.getMinutes();

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Live Clock With Date, Time, And Time Zone?

Jun 7, 2009

I have scoured the net and found nearly what I'm looking for, but not exactly, and I don't really know javascript, so trying to piece together bits of code hasn't worked. What I need is the script for a live clock with date and time format exactly as follows: Sunday, 07 June 2009, 24:00:00 (GMT+1).I have two separate files with the following code, which gets me close to what I need: Sun Jun 07 19:05:48 2009 Obviously the time is in the wrong place and it doesn't show GMT+1. These are the scripts:

function update() {
time = Date();[code]....

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Countdown In Each Table Row?

Oct 8, 2009

I'm making an additional page for a phpbb forum for a game. On the page there's 2 textareas to paste in a list of coordinates from a map and then the time it takes to get from each of the coordinates in the left box to each of the coordinates in the right box is calculates and shown in a table. Also is a date/time input, where the user will pick the desired time of arrival. I have this all calculating the times etc. but I would like in one of the columns for it to have a real-time counter that will count down the time before they need to start on the trip in order to arrive at the desired time. I am having a nightmare of a time with this. Here's the script

<!-- INCLUDE overall_header.html -->
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function timeLeft(now, next)


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How To Stop Countdown

Jun 10, 2011

I'm using a countdown timer in a student project, and I use a simple code that I find on google. My problem is when the clock ends at 0 min 0 sec, it continue with the count. I want to stop when reach 0 min 0 sec. I show you the code.


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Mar 16, 2005

I would like a counter/timer that will show in textboxes the time left to Saturday 07:00. When it reaches zero it should reset and calculate the time until the next Saturday 07:00, 4 weeks ahead...

Ex. next saturday is 19.3, when it resets it should set the timer to calculate the time to 16.4. 07:00, and when it resets again it should calculate the time to 14.4. 07:00. I hope you understand.

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