Iterating Through Form With Dynamic Names
Dec 14, 2011
I have a php file with an almost-standard html form. The not-so-standard part is that the name-attributes of the form elements are dynamically generated as such:
<? for($i=0; $i<5; $i++) { ?>
<input type="text" name="field_<? echo $i; ?>" />
<? } ?>
Now I want to do some javascript validation on the fields, but I'm having a bit of trouble accessing the values of the fields. My current code is as follows:
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Jul 21, 2009
How do I iterate through an XML and get each tag name, without knowing in advance what these tag names are?
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Nov 15, 2011
I have a site that has dynamically generated forms with multiple submit buttons. My forms are like this, created using PHP and inserts different user names on the same page:
The member name goes into the JavaScript to variable: member. The Problem: is when this JS tries to submit the form called "john" for example, it searches for a form called "member" instead and it fails. Is there any way to fix this? I'm sure there is a way to deal with this kind of issue but I don't know it yet.
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Jan 27, 2009
I've got a PHP script that pulls some records from a MySQL database in a loop. They're images, so what I want to do is have a javascript onhover thing where a big image will display depending on which thumbnail you hover over. The code I'm using is as follows:
<!-- this bit goes between the head tags -->
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function showT(q) {document.getElementById('ima').setAttribute('src','../images/properties/'+q+'')}
Now this javascript does work, but of course it only displays the onhover behaviour in the first element, so if there are ten img id="ima"s on the page, hovering over their associated thumbnails only changes the img id="ima" at the top of the page. It would be useful if I could have the getElementByWhatever parameter accept anything from "ima01" upwards, that way I can just append $strID onto the end of the id name and make the unique identifier that way.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a table that I populate with an array using ASP. As each row is created, the form object names are appended a numeric, such as:
i = 1
<select name="select<%=i%>">
i = i+1
I then pass "i" to a javascript function, so that I can access the values of each form object. I can't figure out how to properly concatenate the "i" and still allow access to the value in the form object. Currently I have:
var ps = 'platSymbol' + I;
var sel = 'document.frmUpdPlatGrp.' + ps + '.value'
I know I'm wrong, as this comes back as a complete string. Ultimately I want to have something like this:
var s = document.frmUpdPlatGrp.platSymbol2.value - so that I can actually get the value.
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Jun 20, 2005
I have several fields being updated for a parking structure... The client inputs the number of cars and can immediately see the percentage before updating the database....
The field names always change so I need the JavaScript to be able to pick up the unique field names calculate and place into the total field box...
I found this code online, but I need to do this dynamically for hundreds of lots...
So basically I have a field name and an ID number identifying the 3 related fields...
Here's an example that works for one lot:
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- Begin
function startCalc(){
interval = setInterval("calc()",1);
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Jul 6, 2010
I have a form that generates field names dynamically based on a number selected from a drop-down. For instance, if I select 5 from the drop-down, it will generate 5 fields with the names email1, email2, email3, email4 and email5.
How do I loop through these to determine which ones are empty?
while (i<=ulimit)
emailval = "" + i + ".value";
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Apr 10, 2011
I have a function that needs to work for all my buttons. The below works.
function expand_toggle(num, h, o){
$(".project.1").animate({"height": h}, 2000);
$(".bar.1").animate({"opacity": o}, 2000);
I'd like to use the "num" var to create the div name... ie
project = eval(".project."+num);
$(project).animate({"height": h}, 2000);
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Jul 20, 2005
Is their a way of iterating thru each tag within a form and returning the
value given in the id property, by that I mean the below html would return
the values idBoxOne, idBoxTwo, idBoxThree from the FormXX form.
<form name="FormXX" method="post" action="default.htm">
<input id="idBoxOne" name="bxOne" type="text">
<input id="idBoxTwo" name="bxTwo" type="text">
<input id="idBoxThree" name="bxThree" type="text">
Up to this point I've only used JavaScript to change CSS properties,
innerHTML and outerHTML so I'm rather new to the game.
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Mar 2, 2011
I'm having a problem with the page at
The user is able to add new performances to the form. This functionality is provided by cloning elementsPart of the code should add a 'counter' array key to the names of the cloned form inputs (full code obviously available at the page linked above):
// Find the element to be copied
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Oct 3, 2010
I have 2 questons.
1) Is there a way for the loop counter to loop while less then [a php variable]?
2) Is there a way to use a counter in the name of the form elements? Example, instead of "switchBox1" use: "switchBoxCounter" instead of "nameaddy1" use: "nameaddyCounter"
{ = "#E5E5E5";
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Sep 13, 2011
I've got about 40 check-boxes on my 1 form. These check-boxes all have names (obviously) but they are NOT all unique names. The number of UNIQUE names on my form is probably around 8 or 9 (the actual number is NOT important). Because some check-boxes use the same names as other. It's set up this way, please don't ask me to change it, I can't change it.What's the syntax/method for looping through all the names? I was thinking I should do maybe a "for" loop;
for (var i = 0; i < fieldName.length; i++)
But I don't know how to hold a variable of the unique names to start with.
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Dec 8, 2009
I found a script on this forum that does almost what I want from this thread: [URL]. Instead of a dropdown, I'd like to have a list of names using check boxes, so that you have the option to send an email to one or all of the people. When you choose your selections and click submit, an outlook email will pop up with your selections in the to: field.
Here's the solution using a drop down, this works (and works well), but doesn't quite do what I need :
<form name="Contact_Us" id="contact" method="post" enctype="text/plain" onsubmit = "getEml()">
<fieldset id="selection">
Who would you would like to email:
<select name = "sel">
<option value="" >email 1</option>
<option value="" >email 2</option>
<option value="" >email 3</option>
<input type = "submit" value = "Submit the form">
<script type = "text/javascript">
function getEml() {
var emailaddress = document.Contact_Us.sel.value;
window.location = "mailto:" + emailaddress;
Is there a way to use checkboxes but to do the same thing?
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Dec 23, 2010
I have hashmap i.e. collection ,my code is as follows
<%! private HashMap<Integer, Domain>domainmap; %>
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Oct 5, 2001
I am having difficulty using javascript to validate form fields with whitespaces in the element names (ex: First Name, Last Name).
here's a code snippet:
function validate(formObj) {
if (document.form1.Payment Method.checked){
do something here...}
the problem is that javascript won't read the element "Payment Method" unless i mash the name into one word. (i don't want to do that because i later use the element names to provide a printable customer receipt
i tried using the ascii octal number for a whitespace in the above code (...form1.Payment40Method.checked...), but to no avail.
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Jul 23, 2005
I am having a problem with the last results. I can't seem to be able to
get the input2A and input3A to appear. I don't seem to have a problem
with the show and hide after a number is entered and submitted. If
anyone can answer my problem I will be greatly appreciated with a
prize. I actually have submitted it more than once and I haven't had
anyone been able to answer it yet. Code:
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May 2, 2011
I'm still struggling with creating a properly formatted form. This problem it two-fold. The first part isn't strictly a javascript problem, but I've included it here because it relates to the second part, which is:
1. Given the form below, how should I structure the input names to get an array like that at bottom?
2. The scripts are used to provide running totals and subtotals. They're fun - try them! But how should I modify these scripts so that they can continue to work with the amended naming policy?
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Sep 15, 2005
I am trying to use a regEx to grab Function names and function parameter names from a text entry.
The script is written in javascript and I expect the functions to be in javascript syntax.
For example the code might look like:
function myFunction1(param1,param2,param3){
some code
function myFunction2();
function myFunction3(param);
Whats the best way to accomplish grabbing the function names and parameters?
Should I be breaking it down into multiple regular expressions?
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Nov 1, 2007
I'm trying to iterate through nodes in a Selection Range, but I'm having a bit of trouble determining why all nodes in the range aren't being hit. It seems like deeply nested nodes aren't being hit for some reason.
Here's the code I'm using.
var n = startNode;
while (n) {
this.visited.push('[' + n.nodeName + ']');
if (n == endNode) {
if (n != startNode && n.hasChildNodes()) {
n = n.firstChild;
} else {
while (!n.nextSibling) {
n = n.parentNode;
n = n.nextSibling;
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Oct 20, 2009
I have this code:
$("form.uplform").live('submit', function(){
What I'm trying to achieve is alert all the name attributes of allinput boxes belonging to form.uploform but this does not seem tohappen. although i did get past if validate==true thing..
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Jul 23, 2005
INTRO: I tried to clean it up for easy reading. I hope I didn't make
any mistakes.
PROBLEM: WOW, this is some crazy sh!t. I can't get my checkbox (see
"TAGSELECTED") to print my textboxes (see "TAG#") when more than 1
number (see "VLANS") is inputed into my form.
QUESTION: How do I make my dynamic form have a dynamic input box(which
is created by checking the checkbox and calling the functionC1) inside
it and still be able to pass the values to my php page? Code:
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Oct 25, 2010
I have made a script where you can add extra fields, and next to the row is a span that automatically displays the outcome from a calculation of three fields in that row. i.e. Q x (B - A) = total. Here is the bit that does the calculation:
function advCalc(selected) {
var result = Number(document.formmain.elements["quantity"+selected].value) * (Number(document.formmain.elements["provideamount"+selected].value) - Number(document.formmain.elements["supplyamount"+selected].value)) ;
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Oct 15, 2007
I have a page that dynamically draws checkboxes with a combo. I'm
then attempting to use the following code to iterate through each combo
box and change the value to match the text box. Code:
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Mar 4, 2010
I'm creating a simple gallery as a way to dip my toes into jQuery. I have thumbnails, each of which link to an image file, and when the user clicks on them the main image in the center is swapped. This works fine.
I'm now coding the "previous" and "next" buttons. They will work the same way -- they just link to a photo, and when clicked the main photo is swapped. However, the link needs to update whenever a new image is displayed.
The way I am doing this now is to: 1) Go through the list of thumbnails and work out which thumbnail in the list is the one that points to the current main image, 2) find the previous and next thumbnails (if they exist), 3) update the links and show the previous and next buttons as required.
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Jan 4, 2011
I have a question about iterating through an HTML table with jQuery.
I have a table that I populate with AJAX and only stores the data. However I would like to now stylize each cell according to the data that is inside and its position in the table.
I have come up with something like this to iterate through each row and cell
I am wondering now, how do I reference the very first column once I am inside the inner .each() loop? The very first column of this row contains information on how to stylize this cell.
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Feb 15, 2010
The web page I'm fixing up has a list of radio buttons that can be very long (10,000+). We have to loop through the list to find the one that has been toggled, but this results in IE throwing the error stating that the script is taking "an unusually long time to finish." I've added a break to the loop which should get triggered once the selected input is found, but that doesn't seem to have made a difference. Is there a better way to handle this scenario? My code is as follows:
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