How To Insert A New Row To An Existing HTML Table

Oct 30, 2005

The following code (HTML) generates a table. Now I'd like to insert a new
row by a javascript.

The following code (javascript) works with the Internet Explorer and also
with Mozilla. However, the inserted button (onClick) in the table does not
work with the Internet Explorer. It only works with Mozilla. Code:

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Dynamically Add Another Table Once Text Fields In The Existing Table Is Clicked On?

May 26, 2010

how I would dynamically add another table once text fields in the existing table is clicked on. So pretty much what I have is a table with 5 textboxes lined up horizontally in the first row along with couple of buttons in the second row. What I want is that once one text box is clicked, another table like the one above is created and appears below that initial table. So this is the inital table that should be replicated on each click:

<td><input type="text" /></td>
<td><input type="text" /></td>
<td><input type="text" /></td>
<td><input type="text" /></td>
<td><input type="text" ></td>

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JQuery :: Reading Table Values - Get The Value Of Each Table And Insert Them In An Object

Feb 26, 2010

I have two columns in my table and the rows are created dynamically.


For each row, I want to get the value of each table and insert them in an object as follows.

How can I do that?

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Insert Last Input As First Table Record In Table ?

May 4, 2010

I have to implement simple LIFO algorithm ( if i can call it like this .. ) say i have html table and and i fetching data i like thet the last data that fetched to be the first record in the table

For example : im fetching the string "111" so it will be the first record next im fetching the string "222" now the string "111" will be the second and the string "222" will be the first .. and so on

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Create Dynamic Rows In The Existing Table?

Jun 19, 2005

I'm trying to create dynamic rows in the existing table.

<script language="JavaScript">


In the above code, i am able to create dynamic row only after the last row of the existing table. i.e( I am able to add rows after row2_column1 ,row2_column2).Hence on click of the "create new UPI" button only one row will be created.

Is it possible to create a new row after each existing row? (i.e. a new row after row1_column1,row1_column1 and a new row after row2_column1 ,row2_column2). What i exactly i need is to find the total number of the existing rows and on click of the button a new row should be created after each existing row.

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Keep On Adding A Existing Table Whenever The Use Clicks Addtables() Button?

Nov 19, 2009

Is it possible to keep on adding a existing table whenever the use clicks addtables() button using javascript?for example I have a table like below.. whenever user clicks the addtable button. It should keep ona dding tables.

Empno dept city
111 IT ny


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Change Content Of <TD> Tag Of HTML Table Sorted By Alphabets In Different HTML Table Using Script?

May 29, 2009

I want to change the content of <TD> tag of a HTML table sorted by alphabets(A-Z) in a different HTML table using javascript?

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Flash Movie Transparently Over My Existing HTML Page

Jul 23, 2005

This is what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to load a flash movie
transparently over my existing html page (not covering the full
screen, but 75% of it), so it is kind of similar to a "splash screen"
in the respect it is to be an introductory screen.

I already have a flash movie made (although for some reason
WMODE=TRANSPARENT isn't working), but we'll get to that in a sec. I
also already have all the html for the playing the movie and
displaying my page. The html to display the page is made up of a
bunch of table rows within a <DIV> tag.

During onLoad of the <body> element, I call a javascript method to
actually play the flash. The flash does play, but what happens is
that instead of playing on top of the existing page, it plays at the
top of the page and if you scroll down, there is the rest of the html
page (the tables and stuff). I dont want it at the top, but to
actually overlay the tables until it finishes playing, then to go away

I'm struggling with the html part of this. I know browsers render
from top to bottom, but I dont know how to display over the existing

I toyed with the idea of making the flash into a popup in a new window
(, but to make it look right, I'd have to make it a
transparent window, borderless, etc... and I'm not sure thats the
right way to do it either.

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JQuery :: Firing Existing Events From Inserted Html

Oct 27, 2009

I have a problem with jQuery appending new text to a div - but then not firing events attached to the inserted text.Let me explain. I have a div that contains a number of divs - the div has a link and a hidden form. Clicking on the link fires a slideToggle event which reveals the form.When you submit the form AJAX handles it and jQuery builds another div with the correct link and the correct form which it sticks on the end of the list. That all works fine and dandy.What I want to be able to do is to click on the newly-added link and have it behave in the same way as the other elements that were on the page when it was built. However, nothing happens when you click on it. Zip. Nadda. Rien du tout.Usually I have found a way round the problem - but I am slightly stuck on my current project. Apart from forcing a page reload, is there any way to get the browser to see the newly inserted link and apply the jQuery action to it?

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How To Insert Table Row In Mac IE 5.2+

Jun 23, 2006

I found that, insertRow, insertCell, is a bug of Mac IE,
Moreover, <table>, <tbody> seems doesn't support innerHTML,
What is the solution to show dynamic table in Mac IE?

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JQuery :: Possible To Insert Row In A Table?

Jul 12, 2011

I want to add dynamic rows in a table where I type in the name field and agrip on a button and then it adds in a table,but I was wondering how do I delete each line individually and also how to get the data in this table for PHP.[code]...

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Insert Value Into Td Table Cell?

Mar 2, 2011

<div id="tabela">
<table border="0">
<tbody><tr><td class="blabla">TVOJE IGRE</td></tr>


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Using CreateElement To Insert A New Row Into A Table

Jul 28, 2004

<table id="test" style="width:200px;border: thin solid blue;">
Test row 1

I have a table like above and want to use document.createElement to insert a new row at the end of the table before the close table tag, is this possible?

My efforts so far have resulted in the following html:

<table id="test" style="width:200px;border: thin solid blue;">
Test row 1
<TD>Test row 2</TD>

Which doesn't display properly as table has already been closed

This is the code I've knocked up for the test so far:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
function test(tableObj)
//var newTable = document.createElement("table");
var newRow = document.createElement("tr");
var newCol = document.createElement("td");
newCol.innerText = "Test row 2";

<body onload="test(document.all.test)">
<table id="test" style="width:200px;border: thin solid blue;">
Test row 1

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How Do You Insert A Hidden Row To A Table

Aug 30, 2006

I'm STILL building tables on the fly. I want every other row to remain hidden as it'll contain data for further processing relating to the row above it. I do not want this info displayed.

So I can insert a row using the code below but how do I indicate that I want this row to be hidden ??????

function addRow(tableID)

var tableRef = document.getElementById(tableID);

// Insert a row in the table at row index 0
var newRow = tableRef.insertRow(0);

// Insert a cell in the row at index 0
var newCell = newRow.insertCell(0); = 'date' = 'date;
newCell.innerHTML = &#3910;/10/16'

// Call addRow() with the ID of a table

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JQuery :: Cannot Insert Table Rows In IE8?

May 26, 2010

I would like to know what is wrong here that table rows/cols are not being inserted when using IE8, in FF and Chrome it works fine:What am I doing wrong?

var listFriends = eval(data.list);
var col = 0;
var ie8 = browser.isIE8;


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JQuery :: Use This To Insert New Cells In A Table Row?

May 15, 2010

I know that JQuery is a very powerful library and was just wondering if it had the following capability that I really need.

Lets say I need to insert new cells into a table row, I know how to do this basic task, but I need to insert my cells in a highly unusual way due to some of the requirements that are needed for the new cells.

I need to be able to insert cells a certain distance into the row, For example, if a row was 1000pixels wide, is there a feature in JQuery that would allow me to insert the cell 250pixels into the row and have a cell width of 50pixels and insert another cell 500pixels into the row with a cell width of 100pixels. I know how to set a cells width using JQuery, just not distance into a row.

The values wont ever be the exact same as above though because they are actually read from a database, so for example, one cell would have the following values [code]...

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Add / Insert An Img To A Specific Cell In A Table

Jul 31, 2009

i want to add an img to a specific cell in a table(which is inside a form) with inside a javascript function.
(i greened which function i use, which cell i want, and which img i want) this is the code i write so far:

<title>Black Jack</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<Script Language="JavaScript">
var h;

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Insert Data At Bottom Of Table

Apr 30, 2011

i want to know is there any code which will print a data into the bottom of a exist table? let say now i have a table like below


without overwrite all the old data...

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Insert Values Into The Cells Of A Table Using A For Loop?

Sep 1, 2009

The Script below generates a sudoku (9 by 9) table and displays the table on screen.

what I am trying to do is to get a string of numbers entered into the text field labeled "enter values" on the page below the table, into each cell box of the sudoku table when the button labelled "load" is pressed. This would fill the sudoku table with characters, one character (from the text field) to each of cell boxes in the sudoku table.

It requires using a for loop, I tried using one in my function (g) but it doesn't work,..

<style type="text/css">


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Auto-Refresh Table On Database Insert?

Jun 7, 2011

I have been trying to figure out how to go about making a table of comments auto-refresh when someone inserts from a comment form without refreshing the whole page.I've tried looking into AJAX for this, but everything I have looked at, in terms of tutorials, just flies right over my head, and I can't really make much sense of it.

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Submit A Question From Textarea And Insert It Into A Table?

Nov 27, 2011

This is what I want to know. I have a table which has the number of rows depended on what the number is in the spinner. This does work e.g If I enter 25 in spinner it comes up with 25 rows, if I enter 7 in spinner comes with 7 rows.

So my problem is this: Lets say there are a number of rows in a table. What I have is a textarea where the user enters in their question and then submits the question, the question should be inserted and appear in the first row of the table under the "Question" column, the textarea goes blank and the user enters in his second question, if the user submits this then the question would appear in the second row, 3rd question into 3rd row, 4th question 4th into row etc.

Problem is that I do not know how to do this. I have attempted trying to do it but when I try and submit my first question the first row of the table under the "Question" column outputs "[object HTMLTableCellElement]". Why does this happen and can somebody please be able to show me how to achieve what I want to achieve.


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Insert After HTML Tag??

Aug 26, 2006

I have known insertBefore which insert HTML tag before another HTML tag. Now I want insert HTML tag AFTER another HTML tag. I searched, but not found. There isn't insertAfter ....

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Have A Radio Button - When Selected - Insert An Image Into A Table?

May 26, 2010

Is is possible to have a Radio button, when selected, insert an image into a table(or something)? Each Radio button changing the previous image. I figure it would be an array, or maybe its a simple onclick, both of which I've tried, but I am fairly new to this. I'll show you the code, and hopefully you can figure out what I mean.


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JQuery :: Insert Html Or Css After Each 4th <li>

Oct 8, 2010

I just started to learn jquery. The sitepoint book I picked up and my online research did not yield any results for what I am trying to do.

Basically I have a ul with li in it. I have the ul's width set so that only 4 LI's are displayed in one row and then the next set of 4 gets displayed in next row, etc.

Can I use jquery to simply say 'after each set of 4 li, insert a graphic' .. or insert some html code.

I want a graphical separator between sets of <li>'s

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JQuery :: Cannot Insert Html Into DIV

Nov 4, 2009

I have several .class DIVs I want to manipulate. I have retrieved them using the following code:

var canvasClasses = new Array();
$(".canvas").each(function() {

I am now trying to insert some HTML into the DIVs but its not working: canvasClasses[0].innerHTML = "htmlhere";

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Ajax :: Can JS Insert HTML Into Div

Oct 20, 2009

I have this site that uses AJAX, I have a basic understanding of AJAX and javascript.[code]This is executed with a onclick event on a div tag. The supposed reaction is for the ajax to pull echoed html code (an image and a title inside a <p> tag) from the write2.php page which has no problems and replace whatever is inside of the Div tag with that. The Div tag by the way already has an image and a title inside a <p> tag.[code]

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