Graphing In The (+,+) Plane
Dec 27, 2002The attached was developed in IE 6. It will likely work in IE 5 but not Netscape, sorry.
J-Graph will plot a formula(function), solving for x, in the +,+ coordinate plane. (My terminology may be off, its been a while since my last math class.)
Max X and Max Y are the limits of the functions.
Dot Color is the color of the plotted points.
Axis Color is the color of the axis.
Detail is the number of plots (resolution) of the line. The higher the detail, the sharper the line, the longer it takes to plot.
Magnification allows you to zoom in and see more detail. The higher the magnification, the more detail you see, the longer it takes to plot.
Graph Lines is the interval at which to place lines on the graph. Zero results in no lines.
Graph Color allows you to change the colors of the x and y Graph Lines.
The function must be regraphed to view any change in the above parameters.
Although there are two functions only one can viewed at a time. Sample functions are provided so the format can be viewed. The functions are written in/with javascript parameters.
The "Show Math Functions" at the bottom of the page will provide a list of javascript math properties and methods.
Planned Updates:
Ability to mouseover a plotted point and display the coordinates.
Print the graph with the parameters.
Label the Graph Lines
Thoughts, suggestions, and changes welcome.