Global Variable Not Changing Value

Oct 2, 2010

I have two pages. In one page I am changing the value of a variable called t, in the other I am outputting it. The problem I'm having is in changing its value.


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Changing Global Variable Inside Function

Nov 26, 2010

im trying to change a variable set outside of a function and calling the function with an onchange... i'm having problems getting the variable to change

<script type="text/javascript">
var price = '<?php echo $price; ?>';
function addtwo()
if(document.add.size.value == "2xl")
price = price + 2;

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Global Variable Glitch - Can Only Access The Variable On The Second Call

Dec 9, 2011

I am simply trying to use a global variable in javascript, but can only access the variable on the second call. I can't find anything that relates to this through my searches. My application is supposed to query the server for XML that tells me which years and months are available to put into combo boxes. I want to store this xml in a global variable to access it later.


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Changing The Format In A Global Clock With Date?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a difficult problem with the changing of the format with many way in a global clock with date .

<select name="city" onClick="">
<option value="0">Adelaide</option>
<option value="1">Anchorage</option>
<option value="2">Athens</option>


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Set Time As Variable Or Global Variable?

Sep 6, 2011

I am creating a survey. I want to set a variable, which is sent to google analytics, as the current time. this is the code and works fine:

HTML Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var d1 = new Date();
var curr_date = d1.getDate();
var curr_month = d1.getMonth();


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Global Variable

Jul 20, 2005

If I have a global variable in one <SCRIPT>...</script>, is it available in the 2nd <SCRIPT>...</script>. I do not know if "global" means the whole document or the whole <SCRIPT>...</script> only.

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Eliminating A Global Variable

Jul 23, 2005

I've created a site where the pages generally contain a table of
contents (site map) down the left side. When each page loads, the
first function is called. The second function populates a global var
(array) of all the links.

I try to avoid using global variables, but I am stumped how to
eliminate this one (TocLinks) because other functions need to iterate
through it. I think the answer is to create a custom object that the
other functions can access. But I need some pointers on how to

Here's the function that the pages call initially and the 2nd function
that it calls:

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Global Variable Does Not Want To Change...

Nov 8, 2006

I have a global variable which does not want to change :
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
var i=1;
function swap()
var window.i = 1 - window.i ;

<A href="" ... onclick="swap()"<img src="pix/star.gif" </A>

when clicking on 'star.gif', i does not change from 1 to 0 ...

Any clue ?

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Global Variable In A Function

Jul 20, 2005

I have a .js file that receives a value from an html page. I'd like this
value to be a global variable that all functions in the .js file can use. I
have tried just declaring a var at the top of my .js file, but when the
value comes into the function and gets assigned to that variable, it is not

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Global Variable - Why Is It Undefined?

Aug 28, 2009

I code my global variables first, then my window.onload function, like this code...

Why do I get the error:



Why doesn't the IF statement for UNDEFINED element catch the problem?

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Passing Value To Global Variable?

Mar 15, 2009

I have a site that calls the function welcome() and displays a prompt. The same site also has an iframe that calls the next function, add_name(), but when the pages are loaded it says that "answer" is undefined.It says on the page, where the <p id="guest"></p> is, "Welcome undefined". How do I make it so that the value of answer, which is given onLoad of the 1st page with the prompt, is displayed as text in function add_name()?

function welcome(){
var x = document.getElementById("body");


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Undefined Variable (global?)

Sep 21, 2006

I'm currently coding the beginnings of a stopwatch script.

<script type="text/javascript">
var startTime;
var currentTime;
var started = 0;

function startStopwatch() {
if (started == 0) {
var startTime = new Date();

function display() {
currentTime = new Date();
difference = (Number(currentTime) - Number(startTime));
document.stopwatch.display.value = difference;

<form name="stopwatch">
<input type="text" name="display" readonly="readonly" size="40">
<input type="button" name="start" value="Start" onclick="startStopwatch();">
<input type="button" name="stop" value="Stop">
<input type="button" name="reset" value="Reset">

The value of startTime when called from display() is undefined. I'm not sure why, as I declared the variable outside the function. The variable should be accessible by all functions, right?

Any help would be appreciated.

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Global Variable Only If A Condition Is Met

Aug 2, 2010

I wish to declare a global variable, but only if a certain condition is met. For example:


Except that now it is not global because it is contained within an if statement.

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How To Build A Reference To A Global Variable

Jul 23, 2005

I declare multiple variables halfway down the page. The number between "mech" and "Num" is generated dynamically in the XSL. Later on I need to reference that variable in a function, but I need to build the variable name in script. How do I convert it from a string reference to a ref to the global variable?

function changePreference(pos,mt){
//mt does not reference mech2Num, I need it to.
changePreference(2,'my' + pos + 'Num');

var mech1Num=1|2|3|4|5|6;
var mech2Num=1|2|3|4|5|6;
var mech3Num=1|2|3|4|5|6;

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Can I Assign An Event To A Global Variable?

Oct 4, 2007

I was wondering if anyone knew if/how to assign an event to
a global variable?

I tried to do it and IE 7 came back with an error saying "Member not
My code looked similar to the following:

var globalEvevnt;
function showPopup(event){
globalEvent = event;
setTimeout(function(){unhideDiv()}, 2000 );


function unhideDiv(){
alert(globalEvent.type); //Member not found error found on this

I was wondering if I had declared the globalEvent = new Object();
would that make any difference? I thought everything in JS was an
object so the event could be stored to one as well?

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JQuery :: Does $variableName Mean Global Variable

Mar 23, 2010

use this kind of syntax in an open source plugin.#varableName = someMethod(); that someMethod return an object instance.Then I can access that object outside that plugin. Is this a standard javascript global variable or some jQuery feature?

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Not Able To Access Global Variable / Enable This?

Apr 3, 2010

I'm trying to populate a web page with javascript. I have 2 functions. One that runs on-load so I can populate a dropdown list. The second one to process the selection when the user selects an item from the list.

I have a global variable in the top of my javascript that I use in the functions and as long as I set it in it's global scope, everything works fine. But what I really want to do is to pass this into the javascript running on this page via the code...

My question is. Where do I put this code so that I can use it to set the global variable "weekNumber"?

I've tried putting this code in the populateList function - NOPE! I've tried referencing it via window.weekNumber and this.weekNumber - NOPE. I'm stumped.

I've spent far too many hours trying to understand this without success. Can anyone help me figure out where to put this code so I can set the global variable weekNumber?

Is there a better way to do this?

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Global Form Variable Not Working

Apr 4, 2006

I have defined a global variable for a form, but it seems my functions can't access it. The error I get from the Firefox Javascript console tells me that my variable has no properties. Code:

var giftForm = document.forms.uploadGift;

function sendForm() { = 'main'

Everything runs without a hitch if I declare the form variable inside the function.

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If Else Statement Not Working With Global Variable

Oct 13, 2010

The first time I enter the command n it should run the first if statement, when I enter n it should then run the second one as its in zone two. However this is just not happening..

// gameFunctions.js
// Javascript file for Game.html
// September 29th 2010 Edition


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Creating Global Variable Within Function

Oct 29, 2009

I would like to store a variable then call it back later. I have a variable on line 198
www = ''+this._ad.clickUrl+'';
And on line 321 I try
I've tried so many different options, just won't work. I have even tried to call document.write(window.www);

The code is below.. might be easier to read on [URL]
<title>Integrated Ad Sample</title>
<!-- NOTE MANDATORY jQuery Include -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="[URL]">
</script><!-- Integrated Ad Include-->
<script type="text/javascript"> .....

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Assigning Value To Global Variable In A Function?

Oct 5, 2011

how to assign a value to a global variable within a function and can't seem to figure it out. Here's my thought,

<script type="text/javascript">
var global1=""; var global2="";
function assign(vari,strng){


The purpose behind this is creating a form that will work with an existing database that would normally have a text area with lots of information. I am trying to turn it into a checklist that I can run from a mobile device. The global variables woudl be used to fill in a hidden text area that would then be passed on to the database upon submission. I am trying to keep the code as compact as possible.

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How To Define A Global Variable In HTML File?

Jul 21, 2006

Does anybody know how I can have a global variable in an HTML file? for
instance, I have a fuction (called aFunction() here) and during a
mousedown or up event the function is going to be called.

The third passing arugment or parameter is myGlobarVar. How can I make
this work? since myGlobalVar is defined in a different block of
javascript within the HTML file?

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JQuery :: Defining Selector As Global Variable?

Jun 3, 2011

I'm trying to define a selector as a global variable and it keeps coming back undefined. I tried creating a namespace for it but had no luck. I would like to be able to reference the sliderRange, currentMin, currentMax globally.

SLIDER.range = $('#price-slider').slider('option','values');
SLIDER.min = SLIDER.range[0];
SLIDER.max = SLIDER.range[1];


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JQuery :: Set Global Variable With Results Of $.post?

Oct 26, 2011

In this function, I'm trying to set the value of isValid with the results of $.post:


Unfortunately, isValid never changes from the initial "true". I know that $.post is working correctly because #msg_code reflects the corresponding message.

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Make Global Variable From Within Function / Every Script Can Use It?

Jul 19, 2009

How do I make a variable global so that all other functions can use it.But it is declared inside the function test()

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Clear Global Variable When Reopen Window?

Dec 9, 2010

when I click "Markera alla bilder" (select all pics) only half get checked. Why? when I chose pictures, go to slideshow ("visa bildspel" button), close that window and click the "visa bildspel" button again, the first pictures are still there... How do I get rid of them without having to refresh the first window?

Here is the code for first window:

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var windVar = null;


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