Getting Parent.[frame Name].location Has No Properties

Aug 25, 2006

This is not an IFrame. The frame exists. This is code for a Notes Client. Should be the same as for a browser? Here is my code:

document.bgColor = "blue";
document.frames[0].location =


document.bgColor = "blue";
document.Frame2.location =

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"no Such Interface Supported" When Using Parent.frame.document.location.href

Jul 23, 2005

I have some code that changes a PDF file in another frame using:

parent.frame.document.location.href = "PDF File"

This code works fine the first time it is called. But if a PDF file is
in that frame and the code is called again IE gives me an error:

"no such interface supported"

I have used this code for the past 5 years and it has worked fine with
Adobe Acrobat 4-6 it is only 7 that started to cause me grief. It is
only IE that has this problem, Netscape seems to work fine.

I have checked the web and talked to Adobe and have yet to find a

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JQuery :: Use A Parent-frame - Objected To Make Child-frame AJAX?

Aug 26, 2011

I have a domain:; which is the parent.And a subdomain:; which page 'receiver.html' is being loaded in an iframe, child of parent. Both pages set document.domain =

I'm trying to adapt this code:[url] but Idon't want to load jQuery from the <iframe> again but I need to have the method $.ajax() working from the <iframe> otherwise it would be a cross-domain request and the browser would abort it. I tried ingenuously to set via $('iframe')[0].contentWindow.$.ajax = $.ajax() and I just got a shortcut to the parent page jQuery method. I also tried to "clone" it using $.expand (true...) but the method doesn't work for me; probably because of the complexity of the objected I'm trying to clone. So is there a way for me to use jQuery to have only a $.ajax() method in the <iframe> ? I've thought even about creating a XHR in the child-iframe and then use that in the $.ajaxSetup ({xhr: THATNEWXHR}) but I couldn't do it. I mean, I want to use the XHR factory from jQuery (which has fallbacks for IE, etc) but it has to be created from the iframe-child.

Maybe there is other way to make the AJAX call come from the child-iframe.

If you're wondering "why don't you load jQuery from <script> in the child-iframe", there is a reason... As I'm using jQuery plugins + my own custom javascripts + other independent scripts I created a compiler which minifies each file and bundle them in one. The advantage of this is the reduction of HTTP requests. So "why don't you load that bundle inside the child-iframe?", because it's ugly and Twitter doesn't... Yeah, I like to take Twitter as a reference and I think if they were able to make it so can I;

I got to work in most browsers except IE and Operaby doing it with pure javascript.

I'm "attaching" the code for you guys to test. If you open it with Chrome, Safari or Firefox you will receive 2 alerts one with the return of $.get() and another with the return of a request made via XMLHttpsRequest object. Otherwise (if you open it with IE or Opera) you'll get 'undefined' in the first alert but the real return in the second.

This is the

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Breaking Out Of Parent Frame If Child Frame Changes URL

Jul 19, 2006

I have a parent document that has a frameset with two frames in it. The first frame is a "header" that runs across the top of the site, and never changes. The second frame contains the "content" of the site. Essentially, I am trying to figure out how to prevent the header appearing above external sites when the user clicks an external link in the "content" frame.

Every time the content frame changes to a new URL, I would like the check that URL and determine if the content frame is changing to an external URL (i.e. different domain in URL) or to an internal link (same domain in URL). If the content is changing to an external link, I want to break out of the frame and just load that external link in the top most document.

I would like all of my javascript to be in the parent document, not spread throughout the individual pages of the site. I was trying to approach this by setting the onunload event handler of the content frame, but I am left with a couple of specific questions:
1. In handling an unload event, can you determine the next URL that the document is loading? Code:

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Getting The Location Of Another Frame

Mar 21, 2004

I am using Internet Explorer, and I am creating a navigation bar that will take place for the one in the normal. It is in a frame, whick is my homepage. I have an address bar, and when you click go, or enter, the bottom half goes to that page. If you click a link on that page however, the URL in the address bar does not change. Is there a way that it can update itself with the URL of the other frame?

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Cross-frame Location.reload()

Mar 14, 2006

I'm having a hell of a job getting this to work in Safari: the only thing I can think of is that one can't use reload() across to another frame for security reasons. Does anyone have a concrete answer or solution for this? I'm trying to do this:


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Updating Url To Reflect Frame Location?

Jul 30, 2011

I'm currently developing a new website and I'm having a little bit of trouble.

I have a main page (index.php) and I've got a frameset inside of it, like this:

HTML Code:
<frameset cols="*,200">
<frame src="frame1.php" noresize="noresize" />
<frame src="music.php" id="mp3player"/>

The frame on the right is an mp3 player which is permanently there, and the frame on the left fills the rest of the page with the actual website. The user can navigate around the whole website just fine without interrupting their music.

The only problem I've got is that I can't seem to update the browser url to reflect the url of the first frame, I can't even update the hash. If I modify the hash of the index.php through any of the following means:

parent.location.hash = "mynewhash";
location.hash = "mynewhash";
window.location.href = "index.php#mynewhash";
location.href = "index.php#mynewhash"

Using any of those to update the hash causes index.php to reload the frames inside.

Is there anything I can do to have index.php reflect the location of frame1, or atleast have index.php in a way that I can bookmark a page?

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MySQL - Select A Location By User Then The System Automatically Filters The Properties Results Accordingly

May 5, 2010

I have these two MySQL tables (location, properties). Each location can have one or more properties so both tables are related using Keys. What I'm trying to implement is an HTML form where when a user selects a location then the system automatically filters the properties results accordingly. The "location" list is loaded from MySQL using PHP, but obviously PHP doesn't allow me to filter the "properties" list while the selection is at the user side.

View 2 Replies View Related Location.href Frame

Jul 20, 2005

I have a page of 2 frame:

menu (menu.php)
corpo (corpo.php)

In menu.php i have:

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Passing Properties From Parent Window To Child?

May 25, 2010

In javascript I need to pass a variable or function or something from the parent window to the child window. There will be a URL in the parent that needs to be passed into the child so when you click on the link in the child window it pulls in the link from the parent's js. Like this (ignore my rubbish javascript as I'm just writing it to explain my point!)...

Parent window var variableName="" (send variable to child window)

Child window (pick up variable from parent window and drop it into the link's URL)
<a href="(variableName);">google</a>

This might seem like a crazy way of doing things but it's totally neccasery in the project I'm working on for various reasons.

Not sure if its a variable it needs but either way it needs to be in the js somewhere in the parent and the child needs to read it within the link. Everywhere I've looked on the internet shows how to do this with forms etc but I can't make it work for a URL.

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Set Var In Parent Frame From Iframe

Jan 19, 2007

I have a var in the parent frame called imageon.

Inside my iframe when someone clicks on a thumbnail, I want to change the value of imageon in the parent window.

Here is what I am doing

//I will hardcode the #4 here for this example
i_imageon =4;

here I have to tell my parent page that they clicked on a thumbnail so my parent page knows where to pick up when they start hitting the next or prev arrows
parent.document.imageon = i_imageon;

This is not working. Any ideas? Onclick, I can alert i_imageon and it shows what I need. The problem is, it is not setting the var imageon to this value in my parent frame.

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Accessing The Parent Frame?

Nov 11, 2010

I'm using an iframe and I have this code in the src file for that iframe.

HTML Code:
if (parent.location == ""){


I've tried self.parent.location, I've tried parent.window.location, I've tried parent.location.href, none of it works.

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Get Parent Window Title And Url From Frame?

Apr 7, 2010

How do I get the parent window title and url in the iframe? JS code being in the iframe, not parent window.

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Scroll To Parent Frame When Can't Control It?

Nov 4, 2011

I have searched the net extensively for a js link code that will scroll to the top of the parent frame.So, link is in iframe within a parent frame that I can't control. Therefore I cannot place any 'a name' attribute in any link in the parent frame. But would like to scroll to the top once the button in my iframe is clicked.I have used most scroll, document scroll to parent etc js functions but none of them scroll to top of parent page and some require a name to be placed in parentthis is my simple link<a href="#">go to top</a>

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Url = Parent.location.href;

Feb 19, 2002


url = parent.location.href;

Why does that not work? adding that line gives me a javascript error of some sort in IE. I see nothing wrong with it. Yet if I take that out I don't get the error, if I put it in I get the error.

Its in an IFRAME by the way.

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Send Refresh Command From Pop-up To Parent Frame?

Feb 25, 2009

I want to send a refresh command from my pop-up screen to a i frame in the parent document.

I have written the following script code...

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Redirect Page To Open In Parent Frame

Apr 5, 2007

What I'm trying to do is make it so when a visitor or a search engine tries to view a page outside of the parent frame it reloads that particular page inside the parent frame. All the scripts I've tried WILL redirect the visitor back to the parent frame, but NONE of them will then load the previously viewed page into the 'main' frame. I don't want visitors to have to navigate through the site to find the particular page they were viewing.

I have seen this script before but I can't remember which site was using it, also without a redirection to the frames the site won't display properly and navigation would be difficult. Code:

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Parent.location Problem Under IE And Netscape

Jul 23, 2005

I used php to generate the following html:


<meta content="text/javascript" name=Author

<option value="Words and Definitions" onClick="parent.location='#Words
and Definitions'">Words and Definitions</option>


<a name="Words and Definitions">Words and Definitions</a>


What I want here is to let the user jump to the particular position
(using <a name=".."></a>, as shown) when choosing an item from drop-down
list (using <option value=...>, as shown).

The above html works well under netscape. It doesn't work under IE. Any
suggestions on how to make it work under both?

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Update Parent Iframe Size Without Updating Inner Frame?

May 3, 2009

I have a web page. In that there is a toggle button to show or hide advanced search options. Below that there is a "IFrame A"(Table). IFrame A conatins "IFrame B" (Table Contents). Based on the toggle switch status, i want to update "IFrame A" size without refreshing the "IFrame B".Is it possible to do so ? Can you give me some example or point to some tutorial .

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Define A Child Of A Frame - What's The Object Opposite Of Parent

Apr 24, 2010

How do I define a child of a frame? What's the opposite of parent.document?

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IFrame-name.location Problem Redirect Parent Window

May 5, 2006

After executing the iFrame-name.location=url (which worked fine by way,) there is a very undesirable event; the parent window also gets redirected to the same url.:mad: I am calling this function from a click event on an Image object. I have tried everything from return(false); to window.event.cancelBubble = true; nothing stops the parent window from navigating. The interesting thing is, if I hit the Back button it goes back and still redirect the parent window automatically, over and over.

The odd thing is I have identical code in another project and I never had problems.

Here is a portion of my javascript func:

function clicked_SubmitScreensBtn() {

var url = "ovExplorer.asp?Action=show&QData=BLABLABLA";
var iFrDoc = document.frames("ifrmOVExplorer").document;


window.event.cancelBubble = true;

And this is my iFrame in the HTML of the parent window:

<iframe name="ifrmOVExplorer" id="ifrmOVExplorerID" src="blank.htm" style="Z-INDEX: 10; VISIBILITY: visible; POSITION: absolute; LEFT: 22; TOP: 380; WIDTH: 306px; HEIGHT: 280px;" marginwidth="1" marginheight="1" align="left" border="0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no">

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Passing Input Values From Parent Frame To Iframe Not Working In Firefox

Mar 5, 2009

To sum up this issue, I have a parent page, which holds some values in hidden input fields passed to them from the url. On this page, I have an iframe with a form in it, to which I want to pass values from these hidden fields to be displayed for the user in the iframe form. In IE, it works. To accomplish this, im just simply doing a <body onload="GetInput()">. The GetInput function does the following, but for about 10 fields:

Fnamefield=document.getElementById('firstname').value = parent.document.getElementById('firstname').value; Thats it. Once the page loads, i see my values. In firefox it does not work. I know the hidden fields are getting their values, but thats as far as it makes it. I have tried calling the GetInput function after the form is written out and not in the body tag, which still works for IE, but not FF.

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Document.location.reload(true) Vs Regular Refresh - Reload The Frame

Nov 17, 2010

Is there a difference between right clicking an iframe and reloading post reponse vs. using javascript to reload the frame? So far, the javascript route hasn't worked for me. [some context] I am writing a little bookmarklet to help me with the online registrations at my school. Here is the setup.

Load up a page on the domain. Remove all body elements. Insert an iframe. Set iframe to page for class roster search. (in iframe on school search page) Select class search options, POST the form data, and view results in frame. *This works perfectly, but I need to have it refresh results every minute or so. When I use frame.contentDocument.location.reload(true); the frame loses the post data or something and the page is broken. BUT when I just right click on the frame and select "reload frame" it works perfectly. What is the difference between rightclicking the frame and refreshing it like that vs. using javascript to reload the frame?

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Object Properties With Array Syntax - Add Extra Properties To Html Elements

Nov 13, 2009

how to add extra properties to html elements as I was storing data in html attributes. After looking at some others code including Raphael and this addEvent code. [URL] They seem to treat objects just like an array. obj[property] = value; This would have been extremely helpful to know previously as I have needed to be able to include variables in property names - but have resorted to making the whole thing a string and calling exec() on it.

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Make Whole Page Send The User After Some Seconds To Another Page And Not Only The Iframe And Parent Location?

Jan 10, 2011

I have an webbpage, and in the middle of it there is an iframe to a php site. So i have used this code, so after some seconds the iframe will send the guest to another page. <meta http-equiv="refresh" traget="_top" content="5 url="/> But the thing is that i want the WHOLE page to reload, and go to that page after 5 seconds (we can say). With that code, only the iframe are going to another page. Is it possible to make the whole page send the user after some seconds, to another page and not only the iframe?

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Window.opener.location - Set The Parent Window(main Browser)

Nov 13, 2011

I'm using window.showModalDialog but having an issue trying to set the parent window(main browser). I open modal window A which is then opens modal window B, top of modal window B onload I do window.opener.close()". My issue now is when i'm finished with B I set parent window(main browser) to a new url with window.opener.location. So my problem is modal window A the parent has been closed so window.opener.location will not work.

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