Get IFrame Height In Pixels?

Jun 9, 2011

I am trying to get the current height of an iframe in pixels. The code below will display the height as a percentage but thats not what I need. Is there a way to determined the iframe's current height in pixels even though I specify "height:52%"?

<iframe id="threats" style="height:52%; width:100%;" src="threats.htm" scrolling="no" frameborder="1"></iframe>


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JQuery :: Hide A Number Of Pixels (height) Of The Content In An Iframe?

Jul 12, 2010

Im making a website in which I want to "embed" another website (not mine) - - through which i've created an event. The problem is that I want to hide the footer of that page, maybe the header to if its possible, but since the height of the other page varies throughout the steps in the "buying-process" I can't set a fixed height...Is it possible to fix this problem using jquery and how do I do that?So, something like this is what i want: autoheight - x pixels from the top - x pixels from the bottom

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Change Width And Height From Pixels To Percentage?

Jan 11, 2010

I am trying to customize this scrollbar so that it will fit all screen resolutions and I was wondering how I could do this by somehow customizing the JavaScript files created by Nathan Faubion or if I could do this using other JavaScript variables (var widthPercentage) to change the pixels to percentages?One of the pages on the website I'm using the JavaScript on

JavaScript file jsScroller.js:
//Created by Nathan Faubion
function jsScroller (o, w, h) {


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Viewport Iframe Firefox Max 32768 Pixels

May 17, 2006

I just learned that firefox (v chops any content of an iframe
that exeeds 2^15 (=32768) pixels i.e. in height? Any idea what went
wrong or is this a bug/feature?

I am using this code:
<iframe src="kibo.html" style="width:400px;height:32778px;"></iframe>

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JQuery :: Animated Toggle Width From X Pixels To Y Pixels?

Jul 30, 2010

I have the following code:

<style type="text/css">
#toggle {width: 100px; height: 100px}


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Adjust The Iframe Height By Itself If Html Height Increases?

Apr 28, 2011

how to adjust the iframe height by itself if my html height increases. My html code includes a facebook comment at the bottom of my page and the comment will show making it expand the height once users post comments. On the other hand, I'm using a CMS that have its own iframe. I've tried many solutions that can be found on the web but none works. It only can work if I don't put in CMS. Is it possible to adjust the iframe height using CMS or there is no way?

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Resize Iframe Depending On Height Of Iframe Contents

Aug 2, 2009

Is there a way to resize an iframe dynamically so that you never get the scroll bar and essentially hide that there is an iframe? Better integration really.Basically I want to iframe a forum into my site so that the design down the sides and top which my friend does using iweb are not messed with.We have a central area which can be longer or shorter depending on the forum.

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Dynamically Adjust The Iframe Height?

Nov 29, 2004

I want to integrate a forum (phpbb) inside my custom made website. The problem is that there is no way to dynamically adjust the iframe height..I thought javascript would be the best way to do that, the problem is that i know nothing about JS... Here is my idea,

-2 scripts, 1 in the parent page (the one with the iframe tag) and the second one in the main forum page

-The script inside the parent page, would dynamically set the "height" parameter inside the iframe tag based on a value passed by the second script.

-The second script, inside the forum page, would read the entire content of the (document.body.scrollHeight) current page and sends its result to the first script.I have found a script that was supposed to do that, but for some reasons it doesnt work very well. Here is the link where i explain de problem with it: http:[url]....

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Increase Iframe Height In Parent?

Jan 19, 2010

I have site A that has an iframe and site B shows up in this iframe. I need to increase the height of the iframe according to the content in it from inside site B. I need some pushing in the right direction to get to some documentation or online resources.

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Increase The Iframe Height Dynamically?

Feb 11, 2010

i want to increase the iframe height dynamically . Actually, parent window open light box using iframe. Now i click on iframe content area button then iframe will be automatically increase height (on scroll bar appears) .

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Dynamically Change Height Of IFrame?

May 5, 2009

I've set the page up with an iframe because I figured then I would only have to update menu links on that main page and then there'd be less chance of missing a link somewhere along the way as new updates are added. I know this could probably be accomplished with .css, but I don't know how to do that either!

My problem is that the iframe won't adjust height to allow for the longer pages without adding scroll bar. My neighbor doesn't want it to look like its a separate box at all, so no borders and no scrolling can be used. I've tried the various solutions I've found online and either they do nothing or they stretch the page that's loading in the frame to ridiculous proportions AND still adds a scroll bar.

As I said, I haven't designed in several years and I never learned JavaScript at all. I suspect my problem is probably due to not understanding which bits of code I need to change to my iframe name. The IFrame SSI IV totally confuses me, though I do think that's the one that would ultimately work if I just knew where I was supposed to plug in my iframe name and target info.

My iframe name is, quite simply, "content" and the first page I want loaded (when someone first visits the site) is "whatisreiki.html" (my neighbor does Reiki on animals). The site is but I am working on this particular issue on so that I don't totally screw up the site where visitors might be affected.

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JQuery :: Iframe Get Content Height/width?

Mar 11, 2011

i have a small question .... Lets say i have a html web page withthe folowing code inside:


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Adjusting IFrame Height Relative To Its Content

Aug 16, 2010

<title>< /title>

<iframe name="j" id="j" src="ANOUNCEMENT.html" onload=" = j.document.body.scrollHeight + 12"></iframe>

Am I doing it right? I am trying it now but the j.document.body.scrollHeight seems doesn't work for me.

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Auto Height IFrame For Expandable Content?

Jan 29, 2009

I load my website in iframe I have put Javascript for auto height, but in my iframe expendable / Collapsible bar is there when page load into javascript my bar is Collapsible so it takes auto height correct but when I expand my Collapsible bar my content is overlapping please give me the solution and I don't want scroll bar for iframe when content expand here is my page: [URL].

And here JavaScript which is I am using:
<script type="text/javascript">
function doIframe(){
o = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe');
if (/"autoHeight"/.test(o[i].className)){
addEvent(o[i],'load', doIframe);
} .....

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Iframe Height Adjustment To Loaded Content?

Dec 9, 2007

First time posting here. Have been enjoying all the resources available to us, very helpful. My problem:

Recently started learning css / java - i have a web page with an iframe on the index pages within a div tag, which then loads all other pages into this iframe. The thing is i require the iframe to adjust its height size according to the content loaded.

After lots of searching a have come across only one that worked for me,however it only seems to work in IE and not firefox and the like.


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Dynamic IFrame Height, Not Working In Ie Without Refresh?

Mar 3, 2007

When i try to dynamically change the height of an iframe in ie through a java-script to match its content (a html page containing a flash movie, it doesn't resize the iframe at first, but when i reload the same page into the iFrame it resizes as planned, how come?This script works well in firefox, safari and netscape, but i cant get it to work in ie(8, 7). And i get the same problems with every resizing script i've tried. This is the script i use:

<script type="text/javascript">
function adjustIFrameSize(iframe)
{ [code].....

I have a flash menu in the first iframe, the buttons on the menu uses getURL(siteToLoad, "contents") to load another html-page into the iframe "contents". Is it possible to make the iFrame refresh automatically though javascript so that i just refreshes the iframe once? Everytime ive tried that it just ends up in a never ending refresh-loop... How can i make this work? Is there any better script for resizing (and refreshing after resize) the iframe height so that it matches to its content?

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Dynamic Iframe Height With External Domain Src?

Mar 5, 2009

I am trying to get an iframe to have dynamic height - I want it to resize to fit the contents of the page.There is a four or five step process within the iframe. So for example, page 1 is rather short, and it'll have a link that sends you to page 2, which might be rather long.I have no control over the pages I am using in the iframe and they are on another domain.I have googled and and searched the forum and I've yet to find anything that works. A lot of them say they're not cross-browser compatible, but I haven't gotten anything to work how I'd like in any browser.I'd like to do it without jQuery.

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How To Auto Height IFrame Content Script

Sep 27, 2010

I'm making a wordpress theme that will have a SMF forum incorporated into one of the pages. I've decided to use an iframe that calls in the forum (which is in the same domain), after trying several of the auto height scripts, including ones I used before with success, I got nothing. I'm not sure if it's a wordpress thing, but the scripts I'm so familiar with just don't want to work. Since forums change their height with all the different pages, this is an essential script for me. The only script (a new one) that somewhat works is the following:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function resizeIframe(obj) { = obj.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + 'px'; = obj.contentWindow.document.body.scrollWidth + 'px';

Which eventually gets called with:
inside the iframe tag.

Now, this seemed to work just fine, but now the height of the page gets added the more I browse. If for example I go to a topic with a lot of replies (meaning, a long page height) and I browse back to the index page, that extra height isn't gone. You can see what I mean here: [URL]. I was wondering if there is something that can be done to this script to stop this and properly resize the iframe. The other script I've used was: [URL]. Which worked great as you can see here: [URL].

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Auto-height Iframe For Expandable Content?

Jan 30, 2009

I loading my website in iframe i have put Javascript for auto height, but in my iframe expendable / Collapsible bar is there when page load into javascript my bar is Collapsible so it takes auto height correct but when i expand my Collapsible bar my content is overlappingnd i don't want scroll bar for iframe whencontent expand here is my page:and here JavaScript which is i am using:

<script type="text/javascript">
function doIframe(){
o = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe');


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Auto-resize An Iframe - Height Is Not Automatically Resizing?

Aug 4, 2010

I have a mysql database with a bunch of quotations in it. I created a blog at http:[url]....At the top of the blog is an iframe window that directs to http:[url]....On that page it uses php to pull out a random quote from the database. The iframe window displays that quote onto the blog.It works great except that the height is not automatically resizing.Is there a way I can use javascript to do this instead? Here is some pseudo-code of what I'd like to be able to do: (p.s. I do not know javascript or much of anything so I am looking for people to tell me how to ACTUALLY do this)

var stringvariable =;

int stringlength = stringlength(stringvariable);

int autosize = 200 + stringlength * 5;

<iframe width="100%" frameborder="0" src="" height=$autosize scrolling="no"></iframe>

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Ajax :: IFrame Content (JSP File) Height Resizing

Apr 22, 2010

Having a problem with iframe resizing when the iframe body is a jsp file which contains a dynamically built ajax table. Users select different options from a drop down. All but 1 is a standard static jsp file. The other is a jsp file with a dynamic ajax table which is generated the second the user select this option from the drop down. Problem is the javascript is not getting the correct height for the dynamically ajaxed jsp file.

Here is the iframe which is loading the contents file.
<iframe id="Editor" name="Editor" src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" onLoad="resizeIframeToFitContent(this)"></iframe>
Resize call:
function resizeIframeToFitContent(iframe) {
iframe.height = Editor.document.body.scrollHeight + 300;
iframe.width = Editor.document.body.scrollWidth;
} // resizeIframeToFitContent

As a current workaround I am adding 300 manually to the height this works but throws the height of the normal jsp files well out and makes the page to tall.

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Change The Height Of A Iframe Depending On The Loaded Content?

Dec 26, 2010

I'm looking for a script to change the height of a iframe depending on the loaded content. I found some scripts who let it work when a webpage loads in the iframe.

But when the height of the page changes by javascript animations.

Like a box is getting 200px higher by a javascript action. The page won't reload by this action so the iframe height remains in it's current height.

Anyone has a good script that the iframe height even changed on javascript commands?

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IFrame 100% Height - Will Not Scroll Up Or Down Inside The Actual Page?

Feb 9, 2009

Is it possible to have an iFrame set at 100% so that you will not need to scroll up or down inside the actual page? I have been searching for a while now and one thing to note is that the source file is from another web site (with permission) and is https on an http page. The code works fine but I cant seem to get the 100% height.

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Dynamically Resizeing IFRAME Height Based On Content

Jul 8, 2005

I have the following script resizeing my iframe based on height. The problem is if my site is on one domain say and the target page is on another domain say the script does not resize the page. I cannot add anything to the pages i am linking to because they live in a CVS repository so i cannot call a function or passs information in that way.

is there any way to make my script work? I'm so fustrated, I'm so close! help!

<!--this script auto resizes the height of the iframe based on contents-->
<script type="text/javascript">
function resize_iframe(){
document.getElementById("_iframe").height=768 // required for mozilla/firefox bugs, value can be "", null, or integer
// -->

which uses the following iframe
<iframe width=96% id="_iframe" name="_iframe" src="intro.htm" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" ALLOWTRANSPARENCY="true" onload=resize_iframe();></iframe>

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Dynamic IFrame Height - Use The ScrollHeight Of The Frame But It Isn't Working?

Apr 28, 2010

I've built in an iFrame that pulls in various other pages of variable height. Can you make this iFrame render its size based on it's src content ? I've been trying to use the scrollHeight of the frame but it isn't working. My current code:

<script type="text/javascript">
function resizeIframe (frame) {[code]....

Basically my code always renders the scrollHeight at 150 but the test.html I'm pulling into the frame I've made a height of 500px ?

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IFrame Auto Height Resizer Based On Its Content?

Apr 9, 2011

I'm looking for a good cross-domain iframe resizing script that adjusts its height based on its content. I have access to the html/css for the source of the iframe as well. Is there any out there?

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