Export Table Data To A Csv File?

Jul 4, 2011

Hi there. i have a page that displays the results of a mysql query from one table. i need to add a button to the page so the user can download the table data into a .csv file, and save the file to their hard drive.I have a PHP script that gathers the table data into .csv format, but it just dumps onto the bottom of my results page. As far as i know, there is no way to call a PHP function with an html button,

So, i am looking either a link to a javascript script that 1. converts the table data to .csv format, and puts the data into a file which is then downloaded, or 2. a link to a good tutorial on how to do this.

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Export Table Into Excel?

Oct 31, 2005

I have an .asp page.
Where I have a table built. Table is built from Data in DB. So it's dynamic.
How can I let user export that table into Excel, CSV and Word.

I already have radio buttons set up for it, and depending on what they choose it will execute specific CASE within ASP file.

I just need to know how to grab table content into Excel and other Applications.
Is there any way to do this in JavaScript?

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JQuery :: Export Table In HTML Page To Excel

Jan 7, 2011

I have the table in my HTML page. I would like to implement down to excel functionality. Is there any reeadily available similar like as3xls.

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OnClick Export HTML Table To Excel Not Working

Oct 15, 2009

It's not working.

<FORM METHOD="POST" on click="java script:window.location.href='exporttoexcel.jsp ">
<INPUT NAME="Results"TYPE="submit" VALUE="Export to Excel">

Asp file:

Response.ContentType = "application/x-download"
Response.AddHeader = ("content-disposition","attachment;filename=Test.xls")

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Read File From Word Export - Can't Change

Nov 8, 2010

here again with another question. I would parse a file, my js read fine an html file, but this one is an export from msword. I don't know if this is the problem. I can't change the file. here is how my js read:


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JQuery :: Exporting Html Table Data To Excel File?

Jun 16, 2011

I am having data in table. There is an checkbox in each row . I want checked rows to be exported to excel file when user click export button.

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Reading Data From XML File - Specific Data Thats Contained Within The Tag

Mar 31, 2011

i am thinking of using a xml file as a data base for example , the xml file stores a list of reference numbers which is allocated to a url or a name such as 0123456789 and i have a text box on a webpage and the user types in a reference number and the javascripts reads the xml file to check if its a valid reference number i.e a registered number i am new to working with xml etc.


id like it to read the specific data thats contained within the tag such as 0123456789's tag = JOE

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JQuery :: How To Export Excel Through Call

Feb 25, 2011

i am using .ajax() for making asyncronous call, in my case the resonse content type is "application/x-msexcel", in jsp setted content type. ajax call look like this:

url : "url.do?button=default", cache: false,


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Export To Open Office Excel?

Jun 29, 2010

I have a code written in Javascript to export to Excel.It is not working for my PC as open office is installed in it.If I check with ms-office the code works, can anyone please suggest me what shld i do for it.Below is the code in javascript.

function exportToExcel()
var oExcel = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");


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How To Export The Excel Values To Crystal Reports

Dec 8, 2005

I am a dotnet developer.I am working on crystal reports.My requirement is like this

I have an excel sheet with some values.I need to read the excel values from excel sheet and need to show the values in crystal reports using c#.what i can do for populating the excel values into crystal reports.

for getting the values from excel i worked following steps.

1.Go to solution explorer

2.add new item

3.select crystal report

4.I selected the option using the report export(standard from the choose an expert)

5.I choosed "datbasefiles" folder in available data sources

6.i browse my xml sheet path and i assigned the field names

7.i created a windows form

8.i wrote following code in form load event

crystalReportsPractice.test t = new test();
crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = t;

here test is my crystal report name

if i run the form now it is asking for username and password what i need to give here.

otherwise is there any way to get the excel values and show it intocrystal reports using c#.

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JQuery :: Export To Excel On A Button Click

Jul 8, 2010

I've a HTML table on my JSP page, that I want to export to excel on a button click. How can I do this using jQuery ?

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ActiveX - Export HTML To Excel - Date Format

Jan 22, 2010

I have a Javascript ActiveX function that exports the contents of an HTML table into MS Excel. The script works fine, however, some of the dates have changed from dd/mm/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy. I do not know why this is happening, especially as it's only to a few. Here is the code:


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JQuery :: Response Is Whole File - Isnt Returned In Var Data But The Whole File Is Returned As A String

Jul 25, 2011

I am doing a few tests with javascript and oop. but one failed so i falled back to the way i usually do this but it still isnt working properly. i am using $.post() but instead of returning whatever is echoed in the php file like it does with all my other scripts it returns the content of the file:

Isnt returned in var data but the whole file is returned as a string.

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Get Table Row Data From Row

Oct 23, 2010

rownumber = 2;
detailsTable = document.getElementsByName("detailsTable");
detailsRow = detailsTable.getElementsByTagName("tr")[rownumber];
name = detailsRow.getElementsbyTagName("td")[0];
address = detailsRow.getElementsbyTagName("td")[1];

Is there something wrong with that code?

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Get Data From Url And Write To Table?

Feb 23, 2010

getting data from a url and placing it into a table. I am trying to get the daily threshold securities list that is published daily on the nasdaq site. The data published today is for yesterday's threshold securities. The url changes everyday according to the date eg: [URL]. The script that I managed to hack together does get the correct url everyday, but I am unable to insert the data into a dynamically created table. Here is what I have so far:


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
<html lang="en">


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Printing Data In A Row Of A Table?

May 30, 2010

i m trying to create a loop which is going good and printing in a table. but i want to print it all in just one row.(horizontal) for now this is my code

Code JavaScript:


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Using Javascript In Table Data,

Mar 30, 2006

I am trying to develop a function where the user rolls over the days ( all inside their own <td> ) inside a table of a single month calendar. And when he clicks on a day, it get its color permanently changed until he choses another day for focus. I tried onMouseOver, onClick and onMouseOut, but I just cannot find a way for it to lose focus on the day last clicked when I click anew.

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Sorting Table Data Rec'd From DB

Nov 13, 2006

I mainly do LAMP programming, and as such don't have much experience with JavaScript.

I'm looking for a simple function that will allow the user to reorder search data gotten from a database and displayed in a table.

Meaning, the user clicks on one of the column headers, and js automatically resorts the results. I've seen some stuff online, but none of it seems to really work.

Can anyone point me to something in the right direction?

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Need To Display Some Of The Data From Oracle Db Table

Jul 23, 2005

I inatalled oracle. I need to display some of the
data from table. that table is from oracle.I want to know how to get
that data in to interface.

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JQuery :: How To Display Data In Table

Dec 20, 2011

I want to display my data in table format after extracting it from database. Is it possible to make a table dynamically according to number of rows in the database.

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JQuery :: Using Table As Data Store

Jan 25, 2010

My table is a data table, and I'm contemplating using it as the data store as well, rather than keep a js array of data separately. The cell values are retrieved by ajax, then inserted into the table. I'm thinking that the duplication of data (once in the js array, once in the table) is likely to lead to strange results somewhere along the line, where the two data sets get out of synch. It seems to me that jquery makes using a table in this way rather simple (I refer to the jquery selectors in particular). The table includes some editable-in-place columns.

If any such edits, and user presses a Save button above the table, the save function finds the edited fields and sends an appropriate ajax call, then refreshes the table with the outcome (eg it worked, so new values remain shown, it didn't work, revert, or something like that, it's not too important here). Hence the need to maintain some 'awareness' of the values in the cells. I'm content with using attributes as needed to support this (e.g., to be able to revert to original value, to mark cells that have been edited). Table may contain up to 500 rows, ten columns. How it compares with keeping the data in a js array?

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Access Row Data From A Table Within Tables?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a table within a table, that is to say the table is embedded in a <tr> tag in another table and would like to extract row and cell data to make an ajax call. The table in question has several input fields and a submit button on each row. While I can find the table where the submit came from and can get the data from the <td> elements which contain data i.e.<? echo AsOfDate; ?>, I can't find the correct syntax to retrieve the data from the input fields in that same row. Can someone give me the correct syntax to retrieve the input data?

var AssetTbl = document.getElementsByTagName('table');
for (i =0; i< AssetTbl.length; i++)
if (AssetTbl[i].id == "tblAssetHx")
RowID =AssetTbl[i].rows[1].cells[0].childNodes[0].data;
if (RowID == ID)


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Is It Possible To Create A Table That Have All The XML Data Using Javascript?

Jun 11, 2004

If the XML contain over hundreds+ nodes and text, is it even remotely possibleable to do the code?
Tried look for it on the internet on all i got is script that manuel write the nodes and text out line by line , that cant be good for the person who need to write over hundred plus data from xml ...

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Cleaner Way To Reference Table Data?

Nov 5, 2002

Using DOM in IE 5.5 I'm dynamically building table rows containing HTML input elements (checkboxes, text boxes, etc.), one element per TD. Note that these rows are clones - all the element id's for a given element are the same across rows.

Now, For certain things I need to reference two or more elements in the same row. For example, if I check this checkbox I want to enable that text box.

When I click a checkbox I know what it's parent is (the specific TD) and the grandparent (the specific row).

My current effort has me grabbing the table row where the click event happend then, using a pair of nested loops searching for the specific field I want. It works, but it looks like overkill to me. There's gotta be a more elegant way. I don't want to search through all the childNodes when I know which field I want, and it has an id unique to that row.

Can I reference things by their id? In other words I want to say something like this:
thisRow = variable reference to the TR object containing the clicked-on element.

thisRow.theTDid.theCheckBox'sId.checked = false;

or at worst:
thisRow.getElementById("theTDid").getElementById("theCheckBoxId").checked = false;

These don't work but what would? I want to avoid blindly iterating through all the TR's childNodes inside a loop going through all the TD's childNotes, looking for a specific data entry element.

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Post Table Data Into Form ?

Apr 1, 2010

I have a lot of tables and to get it to post some of the data into a form.

So say i have a location and a start date and end date, and when i select a radio and click submit the location and dates get put into the corresponding field in the form.

However i have a lot of tables and a lot of different options but want it to go to only one form. this form can be on a seperate page, but was wondering if its possible to get the form to appear on the same page, underneath the table.

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Extract Data From Each Cell In Table?

Apr 29, 2010

I would have "thought" it would be a simple thing to get the (unformatted) text in each cell of a dynamic table but I have failed to solve this problem. So...I have a table that the user can dynamically load with data. They click an add button to insert a row in a table which includes a delete button per row if they want to turn around and delete it.The table is inside a form. When they submit the form, I need to read each row and each cell in a row in order to dump it into some format so that the table contents display reasonably well in the email that is sent from the form submission.So the add row function looks like:

function addRow() {
//add a row to the rows collection and get a reference to the newly added row
var newRow = document.all("mytbl").insertRow();


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