I am trying to send values from a popup window to the parent window. The opener.parent event does not work in my case, as, my popup window is in a different domain. Code:
I have an <input type="file"> field and I would like the file chooser dialog to open automatically after the page loads, for example on onload(). I have found a trick with executing click() in js on the file element but it seems to only work in IE. Are there any methods that would work in FF and other browsers as well?
Is there any way to resize an iframe dynamically to the height of its content that works cross browser and works when the iframe content is on another domain than the main page (I have access to both pages, so code can be put in either) Also, it must resize when links in the iframe are clicked (ie when a new page within the iframe is loaded)
I have a static .svg file with embedded onclick="open()"'s all over.
The svg is <embed>ded in a minimal .html file.
The onclick's work fine in IE w/Adobe SVG viewer 3: click and a new window opens with the specified URL.
But using the Adobe SVG viewer in Mozilla, neither the mouseovers or the onclicks work, although the image itself renders.
However, the PRIMARY problem that I need to fix is that the onclick's don't work in Safari with the Adobe viewer. The mouseovers DO work, but the onclick's do not.
I've tried specifying window.open() instead of just open(). I've also tried changing the onclicks to call a function openNewWindow which in turn calls window.open. Still no luck in safari.
I've also tried defining the openNewWindow function in the html wrapper, and specifying a3:scriptImplementation="browser". In this case, the SVG still functions as desired in IE, but neither the mouseovers nor the onclicks work in Safari.
To summarize, I need to get a new window with a specified URL to open on click for Safari with the Adobe SVG viewer 3.
Simple question really. The cross fade option used by default with cycle is not a linear one...it looks like it uses some kind of S curve because during the crossfade animation the background (meaning the area behind the images being cross-faded) becomes visible. Example screenshot taken mid-transition. The pink should never be visible behind the grey, but it is:
at the moment, which is leading to background visibility. Is there another fx option I should be using?
I have a HTML and I am opening another link in a separate window using window.open() . The child window is something like 'http://yahoo.com' which is out side html. I need to refresh the parent window when the child window is closed.
After 1.5 years of writting my website I installed NS. It's JS works alot different to IE's, so it looks like I've got to write most of my site again!! [img]images/smilies/frown.gif[/img]
NS will only read 1 external JS file, which is abit of a nuisance as my site has a JS file common to site, another for the subfolders of the site, and the page's JS included with the HTML.
I'm trying to put all of common functions into one JS, but some of the functions have large amounts of text assigned to them. I'm trying to import the text using XML sheets as needed, but having a bit of a problem with the line Code: xmlDoc.childNodes[i].childNodes[2] where NS will only read 1 array of childNodes. How do extract xml with NS's JS?
I realize a lot fo questions are always asked about cross-browser web programming however how do 'you' fix that. I am not asking for details but more for generalistics. Especially with the new browsers. For example do you have two or three designs. 1 for the old and hopefully someday DEAD nn4.7, early ie and the new ones. Or do you try to integrate a tonne of cross browser code??
If my audience uses not so old browsers, do I have to use cross browser DOM? If they have IE 5 or later and Netscape 6 or Mozilla 1.0 or later and any version of Opera that is not older than 6 months?
If running off of the local filesystem, in Firefox, or if the security settings are set appropriately, in Internet Exporer, XmlHttpRequests can be sent to any domain of your chosing. But what about cookies? Can cookies be accessed for any domain of your chosing?
For example, although www.domaina.tld can't access cookies for www.domainb.tld, can c: access cookies for www.domainb.tld?
The way cookies are accessed in javascript (document.cookies) would suggest not, but I just wanted to make sure.
In some pages of my website I use a code like the following:
for (var n = 0; n < getTagsArray("SPAN").length; n++){
//SPAN is just an example. I also use other tags tag = getTagsArray("SPAN")[n];
//make something with tag... }
function getTagsArray(Tag){
if(document.all){ //Internet Explorer return document.all.tags(Tag); } else if (document.layers){ //Netscape eval("return document.tags." + Tag); }}
I want to put all browser-specific code inside the getTagsArray function. So far, I've programmed only for Internet Explorer (my browser), but now I want to make my website visible to all browsers. I'm not sure about the getTagsArray function. Is it right or is there a better way to do the same thing? And how can I extend that function to make it work in other browsers?
Finally, where can I find some information about cross-browser programming? I have the javascript reference for Internet Explorer and Netscape, but I know nothing about other browsers.
a lot of the code I have trouble with is events-based, although there are some DOM-navigation problems that I've noticed in IE.
before I launch into a probably fruitless attempt to write an API that corrects IE's DOM-mangling, I'm wondering if someone else may have already invented that particular wheel.
ideally, this would be a script which I simply link to in the head, and then write valid DOM code which automagically works.
This is a snippet of code from my HTML, and it has been giving me a lot of trouble. It works in IE6 and FireFox, but not in Opera and I can't test other browsers.
What I'm looking to do is make this as cross-browser friendly as possible, which I'm guessing might be able to be done by the way of javascript functions.
The only problem is I don't know any javascript, this is all I know and a quick solution is all I'm looking for.
So maybe, firstly it would be best to ask if it is even possible to achieve this show/hide effect on all browsers, and if not, what options I have?
would like to know which is the best WYSIWYG editor you are using for every of your application? I do not actually have any since i'm not in need but I may consider adding one to one of my upcoming project.
I am building a webpage that loads information from an XML file. I am using XMLHTTPrequests.
On page load a function populateH(); is called which reads the XML file and populates the HTML(Home) page accordingly. The function uses getData() functions to read and write from the XML file.
The page works properly in FireFox, but the populateH() function doesn't seem to work with other browsers. I have tested my getData() functions in other browsers and it seems to work fine.
(example available at: [url]
My get data function is written as follows:
And my populateH() function is written as follows:
I use the XMLHttpRequestObject in the populateH() function to set the nodes to retrieve, and the getData() functions are called in the place functions (placeNews(), placeFriends(), placeLinks()) to write to the HTML document.
I have a website[URL]... that has a car search box functionality which uses an external javascript file to populate the makes and models within the dropdown boxes.
A few weeks ago I realised that it didn't work in safari (initilly I had the populate onload code attached to the submit image), I then moved the code into a inline script tag and it worked but now i've realised it doesn't work in Firefox... I am now thinking of adding a script to determine the browser and dynamically work on adding the populate code depending on the browser but thought it would be a good idea to post on here in case there is an overall much better solution. If you visit the site you will see a working example of the issue.
I'm trying to find a javascript/DOM navigation tree to use in a web-based content management system, to allow navigation of > 10,000 folders/files.
The javascript (non-DOM) tree we currently use is running too slowly as it cannot dynamically load in nodes when users select a node to expand. This is critical for us. The top level of the tree hirarchy only has 20 or so nodes, but each node might contain up to 1,000 nodes.
So what we need is for the tree to process and display the first tier (20 nodes) and then only process sub-nodes if the expand icon is clicked.
Does anyone know whether such a tree exists?
It needs to be compatible with all modern browsers (IE 5+, Netscape 6+, Opera 7+, Konqueror 2+, Safari etc). I've looked at several different examples, but none of them (AFAIK) appear to be fully compatible with the above list of browsers.
I am brand-new to javascript, but after reading some tutorials online I was able to make a dynamic HTML photo gallery in javascript. It works fine in all browsers except IE6 (big surprise). I've been looking around online for solutions, but the fixes I have seen don't seem to work. I assume I am misunderstanding something... I was using element.setAttribute but have changed my code to avoid that. Here is an example. IE6 displays the link text but doesn't do anything else--exact same result I had by using element.setAttribute('name', 'value').
I'm having a hell of a job getting this to work in Safari: the only thing I can think of is that one can't use reload() across to another frame for security reasons. Does anyone have a concrete answer or solution for this? I'm trying to do this: