Creating URLs From Function Call Operators

Jul 20, 2005

Is it possible to create URLs from function call operators?

For example, I'm trying to program an onClick function which will load a
webpage in one frame and an image in another, based on the name of the
button which is being clicked. So clicking the button with name="help" will
open "webpages/help_page1.html" in one frame, and "images/help.jpg" in

To do this I was hoping that the following would work, where the function
had been called by

function activate(buttonName) {

But this doesn't work, because the browser (IE6) looks for
"webpages[object]_page1.html" and "images[object].jpg".

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Creating Calculator - How To Execute Operators

Jul 18, 2010

We are required to create a javascript calculator. The page should has 3 text box, first and second text box would allow the user to input numbers, the third textbox will show the answer. the arithmetic operations should be in radio button, drop-down list and the select option. I'm still working on the radio button and i don't how to execute the operators. How to grab the inputted number from the textbox and how to execute the operators.

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Creating Menu Link That Opens New Page And Call Function

Jun 21, 2011

I would like to include drop-down navigation links on my home page that connect to other pages on my website. No problem there. The problem is that some of the other pages contain a series of div elements that are hidden (display:none) until activated by javascript enabled links on the page. Clicking those links changes some of the page's content (within a div) .. almost like a "new" page. [URL]. Here's my question: Is there any way to create menu links on my home page that will open the "concert.html" page AND display the appropriate div content at the same time?
For example: on the home page, a menu link under "Concert" that opens that page and automatically displays the "Rock Symphonies" section?

Here are the related HTML div elements on the "concert.html" page:
<div id="page1">concept content</div>
<div id="page2" style="display:none;">rock symphonies content</div>
<div id="page3" style="display:none;">general program content</div>
<div id="page4" style="display:none;">ticket price content</div>
<div id="page5" style="display:none;">concert committee content</div>

Here are the corresponding js-enabled links:
<li><a href="javascript:page(1,5);" id="tag1">Concept</a></li>
<li><a href="javascript:page(2,5);" id="tag2">Rock Symphonies</a></li>
<li><a href="javascript:page(3,5);" id="tag3">General Program</a></li>
<li><a href="javascript:page(4,5);" id="tag4">Ticket Prices</a></li>
<li><a href="javascript:page(5,5);" id="tag5">Concert Committee</a></li>

And here's the javascript I'm using: (scripts/generator.js)
function page(id,all) {for (i=1; i<=all; i++) { if (i==id) {
document.getElementById('tag'+i).style.color="#FFF"; }
else {
document.getElementById('tag'+i).style.color="#a4bfed";} }}

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Function To Send Two URLs Via PHP Onto Database

Jan 15, 2011

I have a function which has two URLs that need to be posted via php onto a database. I had them as individual functions and they work fine but ideally I would like them to be done in the same function. For example, like the following...
if (request !== null){
request.onreadystatechange = loginsuccess; //function to check RS=4 & Status = 200."GET", urllogonsubmit, urlrecieveemail,true);
request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

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Creating A Link To Call Php Code

Sep 16, 2010

I want to have a link that when clicked on will call a specific php code. So when you click on the LSS link it sets a value to lss that I can call later with the php. This is what I have:


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Function Call With Quotes Inside Another Function Call?

Feb 11, 2006

<button onClick="return popup('<span onClick='selectShape(1, 1, 1)'>test<span>');" tabindex=&#393;' onFocus="setFocusColor(0,3)">....</button>
This will work perfectly, but as soon as I need to pass Strings inside the selectShape function, I get stuck.

So the question is, how can I create the following and have it working

......selectShape(2, 'Tricky', &#3940;x5°').....

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Call Parent Method - Creating A Job Ticket Object That Will Interact With A Database

Nov 2, 2011

I am creating a job ticket object that will interact with a database. It has to update the database on the fly via AJAX. Within the job ticket object, I have instances of a Component Object. Within the Component Object, I have an instance of an Editor Object. One of the methods of the Editor object is a function to edit some text and when it's submitted, it will update the database. All of that is working fine. My problem is that I need to refresh the screen with the new contents of the database. I have a method in the Component Object that refreshes the screen, but how do I call it from within the Editor Object? I believe it has to be called there because the editor object has a handler for the form submission and the AJAX function. So I'll have to reference a callback function once the AJAX request is handled, but I don't know how to call it.

I know that sounds kind of convoluted, so hopefully, this very simplified code will paint a better picture of what I'm trying to do:


Now I want to call refreshScreen, but I don't know how:

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Why Bitwise Operators?

Jul 20, 2005

Why would one use bitwise operators? I can program in various languages in
some shape or form (C++, PHP, some scripting) and I've heard/seen bitwise
operators before, but never understood why anyone would use them - any real
world examples or ideas? Examples follow (that I am reading in my Core
JavaScript Guide 1.5).

15 & 9 yields 9 (1111 & 1001 = 1001)
15 | 9 yields 15 (1111 | 1001 = 1111)
15 ^ 9 yields 6 (1111 ^ 1001 = 0110)
in addition there are AND,OR,XOR,NOT and left and right shifts which would
only extend this post longer than nescessary...

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet?

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Question About Operators

Apr 26, 2006

Searched W3Schools site for information on JavaScript operators.

It doesn't seems to be an all inclusive source.

It doesn't have ? or :

I did learn what ? means from a book... But what does : mean/do?

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Which Operators Can Be Used With An IF Statement

May 3, 2010

a. only logical operators

b. only comparison operators

c. both logical and comparison

d. you cannot use operators with an if statement.

this is from my javascript book review for the chapter.

you can use both right? sounds silly i know but just want to make sure for my test.

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JQuery :: Logical Operators In Selectors?

Jul 1, 2010

Ok, this seems easy, but I am struggling. I have this...

$("a[href$='mp4']").click(function () {
But I want it to work for mp4 or mov or more. Something like...
$("a[href$='mp4'||href$='mov']").click(function () { <-- which doesn't work apparently

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Conditional Operators Versus If Else Statements

Apr 28, 2011

I'd like to ask if it is possible to use conditional operators
var = condition ? var1 : var 2
To do the same job as the if-else statements I wrote in red below:
<p id="text">change text colour</p>
<br />
<a onclick="allsorting();">sort in both ascending & descending orders</a>
/* if & else */
function changetext(){
document.getElementById('text').onclick = function (){
function swapcolour(text){
if( == 'black'){ = 'red';
} else { = 'black'}
} window.onload = changetext;

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Slide Toggle Script And Conditional Operators

Aug 20, 2011

I've got a slide toggle script online and have got just one bit that I cannot figure out why. What is (toggled = !toggled)? What does it mean? Does that mean toggled = false? But I tested it, it seems not like that. And once the slide is toggled, it should use the minheight. Then the condition for var Height must be the opposite of (toggled = !toggled). Then what is (toggled = !toggled) like? Is that like (toggled != !toggled)?

<!DOCTYPE html>

#slider {
margin:0px auto;
border:1px solid #000;
} .....

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Using Bitwise Operators To Post Different Alert Messages

Aug 25, 2004

I have been looking for a way to give something back to this forum as it has helped me greatly, and I am hoping that this might be of value to someone.

Basically I was just tired of consistantly commenting and uncommenting out alerts in my code so I wrote some code that would allow me to keep my alerts and only show them when I wanted to, and only the types of alerts I wanted to show.

I thought that using bitwise operators would give me the flexibility to specify different options and a quick way of finding out what options were wanted. There are other ways of doing this of course, and this is one approach.

The bitwise OR operator "|" says if one of the two vars has the bit set, then set the bit.
the bitwise AND operator "&" says if both of the two vars has the bit set, then set the bit.

It starts with my bitwise values:

var NONE = new Number(0);// 00000000
var ALL = new Number(1);// 00000001
var INFO = new Number(2);// 00000010
var LOCAL = new Number(4);// 00000100
var PARAM = new Number(8);// 00001000
var COUNT = new Number(16);// 00010000

These values are really important. Earlier I used 0 through 5 and because of the way bitwise operations work, COUNT was equivelant to ALL and PARAM. what you are doing is blending bits and then getting a value. So, in the 0 through 5 approach, COUNT was 00000101 (5). When I OR'd ALL with PARAM I got 00000101 which was a result of 00000001 with 00000100 (4)! So be really careful if you go this route to double check that no combination of vars will equal other vars.

In our constructor we get the value thus:

function FormCheckBase( objForm, blnStateIsDebug, sCulture )
this.Form= eval('document.' + objForm);
this.Debug= new Number( blnStateIsDebug );
this.Culture= new String( sCulture );

with this call:

objFrm = new FormCheck( 'FormName', INFO | LOCAL | PARAM, sCulture );

Then in the instance methods of the FormCheck class, I wrap my alert boxes.

if ( this.ShowErrorAlert( this.PARAM ) ) // or whatever other value you want.
alert( sWhoAmI + "iArrayLength: " + iArrayLength );
alert( sWhoAmI + "blnBlank: " + blnBlank );

ShowErrorAlert does a bitwise "AND" to see if we have a match. We are also testing for ALL, and if that is passed originally, we are returning a true to show the alert.

FormCheckBase.prototype.ShowErrorAlert = function( iAlertBit )
var bitCompareResult = new Number(0);
var showMe = new Boolean(false);

bitCompareResult = (this.Debug & this.ALL);
showMe = ((bitCompareResult == this.ALL) ? true : false );
alert( showMe );
if ( showMe == true )
return showMe;

bitCompareResult = (this.Debug & iAlertBit);
showMe = ((bitCompareResult == iAlertBit) ? true : false );

return showMe;

I also did a couple of helper functions that would change the Debug var before I went into a method and reset it after I was done. Sometimes you might not want every single method to start showing alert boxes. So I did a SetDebugBits that sets the value of Debug and GetDebugBits that gets the current value of Debug. Call GetDebugBits first to store the current value, then call SetDebugBits to set it to whatever you want to use, and then make another call to SetDebugBits with the original value to set it back.

We mostly call our FormCheck constructor with the value of NONE, and then work on a method by method basis as we have lots of methods in the class.

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JQuery :: Call The Delete/refresh Function From Outside The Event's Function Scope?

Apr 4, 2010

I'm wanting a table cell click event to remove and replace the table it was clicked on, however I'm finding that as it's deleting the original table object the actual running event code is being replaced and the function is I can call the delete/refresh function from outside the event's function scope?

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JQuery :: Wrap Elements From An External JS File Into A Function Then Call That Function?

Feb 12, 2010

how I can accomplish wrappingrelevantparts of a script into a function then call that function within a success area on another page.

This is what I have so far: Script.js page - This page is longer but this is the relevant part that I would like to wrap:

$(".product img").draggable({
containment: 'document',
opacity: 0.6,
revert: 'invalid',


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JQuery :: Call Back Function - Should The 1st Parameter Of The Get Function Be A HTML File

Jun 23, 2010

I have just started learning JQuery and have a doubt in the below code. $.get('myhtmlpage.html', myCallBack);The doubt is should the 1st parameter of the get function be a HTML file or can it be a unction name?

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Call Function In Script And Pass One Parameter To Function And Its Returns String Value?

Feb 15, 2012

I want to call java function in javascript.In which we pass one parameter to function and its returns String value which I want to display in alert message.

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JQuery :: Checkboxes Won't Make A Call To UpdateResults Function Within $function()?

Jun 11, 2011

I have a real perplexing issue. In two separate "projects" I had code that displayed checkboxes - when clicked, they would fetch information from a db and display it in the div below. I had code that displayed a jquery date-picker - when clicked, it would fetch information from a db and display it in the div below. My issue comes with this:


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Creating A 'help' Function

Sep 29, 2007

I'm trying to create a function in JavaScript using Dreamweaver8 such that when a user hits the ' F1' key when a text box is selected a separate "pop-up" window will open, with text of my choice.

Does anybody have any pointers or even some source code? I use ASP on my server.

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Creating And Deleting Function?

Oct 8, 2009

I've been trying to create a function that creates objects and another function that can delete them when triggered the objects code is generated server side and triggers the function passing the object data. The object data sort of looks like this

<OBJECT id="RandomNumbers" width="0" height="0"
style="position:absolute; left:0;top:0;"


I've tried a few methods I looked up but whenever I try to get them to work the way I need them they throw errors... It would be very cool if you could also get it under a div tag.

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Creating A Function That Will Translate?

May 25, 2009

Write a function translate() that will translate a text into "r�varspr�ket". That is, double every consonant and place an occurrence of "o" in between.

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Creating An Existing Function?

Feb 11, 2010

I came across Marijn's helper function again called forEach. It does just what it sounds like it does, and is one of those things one would consider adding to their own personal little library like getElementsByClassName...My question is, I've heard/seen that Mozilla (and only Mozilla at this point) indeed HAVE a forEach function, and I do most of my beginning testing in a recent-stable Mozilla browser, so I'm not 100% sure but I think the Mozilla forEach might work... what happens if I write my own and I keep the name?

So if there's some default forEach that the browser natively understands, and then I have a function in my lib that has the same name, does mine take precedence over the native one, or not? Is it just safer giving libraries slightly weird names so new in-built functions can't possibly interfere?So also, if later browsers end up implementing the newer Javascript (2?) that as I hear, will implement a getElementsByClassName, would this break, or ignore, everyone's pre-made getElementsByClassName, assuming they are called the same name?

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Function To Call A Function In All Child Frames

Oct 16, 2006

I have a document that can contain any number of iframes which have
further copies of the same document (and so on). In practice, we
shouldn't ever have frames within frames, but I'd like to make the
implementation a general case.

Various of the functions in the parent document need to call themselves
in the child documents with the same parameters as they've just been

Now, I can stick a loop in each function that goes throught the
window.frames array and calls the function for each frame, but for I'd
like to write a function to do this.

It's at this point that my brain explodes. If I limit it to a single
parameter we can do:

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Call The ValidEmail() Function In The SubmitIt() Function?

Apr 22, 2009

I'm in the middle of a JavaScript class, and I've run into a problem with one assignment. ^^; I've been given a pre-written script and HTML code to work with, and am required to modify it. Here's one thing I have to do, via my instructor:

Add an "email" field to this form. This field should also validate as a valid email address. (Hint: after adding the form field to the form itself, your next step will be to expand the function named submitIt() by adding a second if statement to confirm the contents of the email field. You will want to paste into the header and use the validEmail() function which you will find in Script 7.15, highlighted in red on pages 192-3 of your textbook.)

I know how to write the code to validate an email address, but I can't figure out how to call the validEmail() function in the submitIt() function. The code I have now just blanks out all the fields when I hit "submit." Here's the part of the script with the email validation:

window.onload = loadDoc;
function loadDoc() {


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Create Control Within A Function To Call Said Function?

Mar 20, 2010

<script type="text/javascript">


This is a very basic version of what I am trying to do. I have a dynamic list which is set in a table. When clicked, a function is run to set up a new list.. The reason I explain that, is that I need to keep it dynamic.Now for the problem:When I run this page, I have the button made right away, then when clicked it creates the new button. The new button should also run the function to create the new button again, but when I click it, I only receive "error on page".

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