Confirmation Box Appears More Than Once?
Nov 24, 2011
I have a problem with my confirmation box. The problem is that when I click on a button, it will display the confirmation box, if I click OK then it will close the confirmation box and quickly open up the same confirmation box asking the same thing, if I click OK again then it submits the form. It does the same for Cancel where if I click Cancel for first time then confirmation box closes and reappears again asking to confirm again, if I click Cancel again then it closes the confirmation box.
It gets worse, if I click OK for the first confirmation for example then click Cancel for second confirmation, then it will show third confirmation and if I click OK then 4th confirmation box will appear after third one closes and etc.
I obviously want Confirmation box to appear once and if user Clicks OK, then submit form else close confirmation box. So what I want to know is why is it doing this. I have no errors in error console and I can't really see problem with my code:
Below is Code: (I included all relevant functions so you understand what each function does)
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
<title>Create a Session</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function validation() {
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May 28, 2010
how do i get it/what is the source code so when one java pop up appears when my page is visited another one appears over the top of it like in windows when they is 2 boxes but one overlaps the other one
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Aug 6, 2003
I have 5 links on a page. When a user clicks one of them, I need a popup confirmation before it will proceed to that link.
The reason for this is that I want to set a cookie (via php) when the user presses "OK", so that it will remember their selection next time they visit. A 'Redirect Page' with a memory, basically.
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Jul 23, 2005
I've created a confirmation page. The page displays the form field
data and has
2 links - OK (to continue) and Cancel (go back to form).
The OK button will continue to validate the form values, cancel to
close window.
The problem starts here. I get script error and the error message
doesn't tell me what's the problem.
Also how do I include the form action code? Code:
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Jul 20, 2005
I am programming in PHP. The PHP code makes a message which I want to show
in a confirmation box using javascript. The message can be quite large
(about 300 characters) and thus does not fit on one line. I noticed that
although the HTML source file shows a complete text, the confirmation box
does not; the end of the text is lost.
Is it possible to automatically show the text on multiple lines, or should
I manually add newline characters (how?)
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Apr 20, 2004
I have a link now with:
<a href="delete.php" onclick="return confirmSubmit()">
I'm getting a confirm popup, but I want it to happen twice (double confirmation) if pressed OK.
So the first time:
Are you sure you want to delete it?
if pressed cancel --> nothing happens
if pressed OK --> another popup with:
Are you 100% sure ?
if pressed cancel --> nothing happens
if pressed OK --> return true
Can somebody help me with that ?
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Jun 10, 2006
I have noticed some websites use a popup system for confirmation... I know that hotmail uses a similar feature for adding file attachments. So I was wondering how exactly a website would have that feature work.
What I need to know is how to make a popup that...
a) Popups up in the middle of the screen and ALWAYS popups up (the popup blocker in IE wont disable it)
b) A Popup window that cannot be ignored. Therefore the user cannot complete any other actions on the webpage (the page that is displayed on that particular browser instance window). If the user attempts to click outside of the box then it will not allow them to.
c) Once the popup window has been completed (the user clicked the ok button to confirm the message) then the window will disapear and the user will be focussed back onto the original window where he/she was browsing on.
Most of the stuff is simple javascript. (opener.focus() and self.close()) but when it comes down to making popups be the center of control, I am lost.
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Feb 10, 2007
On my page there is a button to delete a record, and i want to show a message box to user with options of YES or NO , with yes selected the record will be deleted else nothing happens , how can i do this using javascript ?
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Jul 18, 2005
In the Javascript instead of Ok/Cancel Confirmation box how to use Yes/No Confirmation box.
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Nov 9, 2006
Is there a better way than this in IE7 for an Intranet page on a
trusted site to close a non-script opened window?
var WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
Is there any kind of registry change that we can roll out on our LAN
that will allow window's to close themselves in Javascript for IE7?
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Mar 3, 2009
I have setup a page that pulls rows of information from a MySQL database and formats it. There are options to delete or modify these row's just using links to a page that is passed required information to delete that specific row. I am attempting to setup a popup confirmation using javascript and have ran into some issues.
The code for the popup works properly seperate from the php code but I am having issues passing variables through the page to make sure the correct row of information is deleted. I will admit that I am relatively new to Javascript but understand it relatively easily.
Here is the javascript code with functions for the popup.
This is the Php code pulling information from the database and displaying it on the page.
Notice that I am using a while() loop to pull and organize the data from the database table. Also I am using a button that onClick performs the confirmation() function which should unhide the hidden popup div.
Here is the code for the hidden popup div.
As it stands I am not sure how to pass the correct $id and $name to the hidden div. The way it is now it will always show the last row of information loaded from the database. Also currently the delete button doesn't seem to do anything, it doesn't show the popup that is.
I have moved the page so that it is accessible and can be found at [url]
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Dec 4, 2009
I want to have a javascript popup box so that when a hyperlink is clicked, a user is asked if they are sure they want to click this link, if they select ok then the page loads, if they click canel then nothing happens, However when a user clicks cancel the link still loads, can anyone see where I am going wrong?
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Feb 2, 2010
I have an action in PHP where, when a user clicks the delete button i want a confirmation box. How does a confirmation box work with a PHP function. Here is the function. <a href="/order/delete/id/<?php echo $o->id?>"><img src="/gfx/trashicon.gif" /></a>
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Apr 5, 2011
My code below shows a list of Qualifications and a Delete (Remove) buttonI would like to show the Qualification name not the setting_idmy problem is that I am not passing the Qualification name through in the form...
function confirmqualification() {
var SettingID = document.getElementById('setting_id').value;
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Oct 26, 2011
I have created a button with a window.confirm() method but when I click on it in firefox the dialog box does not appear. It does however appear in all the other browsers
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Oct 19, 2005
Basically, I have an ASP.NET page that's holding a lot of data. In case a user accidentally clicks the exit or back button, I want to pop up a javascript confirmation box that says 'Are you sure you want to exit?' and if the user clicks 'ok', the browser exits, and if the user hits 'cancel' it returns to the page, like the user never clicked the [x].
I can pop up a confirmation easily enough, but what methods do i need to use to keep the user or to close the browser? Also, I would like it if it only popped up on closing the browser or hitting back, not on a refresh, as the ASP page does a lot of post-backs.
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Dec 26, 2010
On my page, I have a delete button. But when I press trhe button to delete, I put a standard javascript confirm pop-up window with a "Are you sure..." How do I change the message to read "Are you sure you want to delete the member firstName, LastName"? So that an idiot would know who they are deleting?
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Apr 2, 2009
After upgrading to jQuery 1.3.2 users of our application will be prompted with a confirm dialog: "Do you want to allow software such as ActiveX controls and plug-ins to run?" The users have to use IE6 (yes I know - but this is a very restrictive and old fashioned corporate environment and I have no influence on the browser configuration). Replacing the content of jquery-1.3.2.js with the content of jquery-1.2.6.js immediately fixes the problem. But we would like to avoid that if possible. Is there any known solution to this?
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Aug 28, 2009
I'm using the jquery validation plugin and when all the fields of the form are correct I want to show a dialog that inform that the data will be submited, the problem is that the dialog just show for about 1/2 second and the form is submited, how can I do some kind of delay or pause before submit the form to show the confirmation.[code]
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Sep 11, 2011
I cannot write the small javascript, Before let me tell you, I am scriptkiddie in javascript and i dont have much knowledge of it. Here is my attempt, and i failed everytime.
Intention of Javascript code :- To Open link in new window, if clicked ok, else to open link in same tab.
<script type="text/javascript">
function show_confirm()
var awesome=confirm("Ok to Open Link in New tab, Cancel to open link in Same window!");
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Jun 27, 2004
I'm working in an .asp page where the user can delete a record. However i want an alert window to be displayed when the user clicks on delete asking the user if he really wants to or not ( the kind that has the two buttons ). If the user clicks no then the record delete is cancel, and if the user click yes then if goes to the page where it will be delete it.
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Mar 21, 2011
Im trying to grab certain variables like orderID & Subtotal variables that are posted to the confirmation page. The reason im grabbing these is for a confirmation pixel that is displayed for commission junction. When some clicks on their link, then completes an order,heir tracking pixel fires grabs these variables and that way they can track the order confirmaton. The problem is they dont see the tracking pixel firing and its not grabbing the variables. I dont know what to do. Here is the code.This is the code that shows on the confirmation page. Im assuming this is where im suppose to grab the variables.
var SecureCartOrders = [ {"orderID":154983165,"name":"Max Test","company":null,"email1":"","address1":"123 main
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Jul 23, 2005
I am trying to create a javascript that will display a confirmation message when a user submits a form and has specifically selected a particular radio button.
For example:
<form action="foo.cgi" method="post">
<input name="question1" type="radio" value="1">Value 1</input>
<input name="question1" type="radio" value="2">Value 2</input>
<input name="foo" type="submit">
Assuming the user selects the second radio button (Value 2), how would I
display a message that states "Are you sure you want to do value 2?" and
then also includes a "Submit" and "Cancel" button?
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Jul 23, 2010
I have a table with edit and delete buttons on each row, I have managed to get modal dialogs working with the following code, the links that invoke the dialog each have a unique ID like so:
<a href="#" id="1234" class="dialog_link">Link text 1</a>
<a href="#" id="5678" class="dialog_link">Link text 2</a>
When the dialog is closed I need to call a PHP script to actually do the delete bit and I am stuck on that!
$(function() {
autoOpen: false,
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Sep 28, 2009
I have some chain of blog .I generate with php some topics ... exemple:
<div id="topic_1">
<div> some text</div>
<div><span class="delete">Delete</span></div>
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May 15, 2010
I am developing a contact form and I have the form fully working but all I want is for when you fill out the contact form and submit it, a Lightbox window shows the confirmation page instead of it opening in the whole window. I have tried everything I can think of (I am a complete newbie with JS). The form is located here: [URL].
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