I'm trying to create an HTML page that contains two frames.
The bottom frame should simply be some website, but the top frame needs
to have a close link to kill the window. I tried calling
'document.window.close()' from the child frame, but without success. I
then tried putting the 'close()' call in the parent page and calling it
from the child, but still without success. Code:
I'm having trouble with Safari. After i close a popup it does not focus on the parent window. I have been looking around and i think its this sort of thing i need 'javascript:window.opener.focus()" target="_self"' but tbh i'm not in anyway a javascript whizz, so im a little confused.
I have a parent page which I don't have control of. I call my child page from parent page, perform some operations and once I click update child window should close and parent window should be refreshed.Everything seems to work fine except the parent page not refreshing.I tried using window.opener.location.reload(true). But it makes a postback in the parent page and so the values that I update are lost because it makes a postback with the previous values.I tried window.opener.document.locationwindow.opener.document.location. But this doesn't refresh my parent page.
Is it possible to refresh a parent browser window when a "child" browser window has been closed using the [X] button in the upper right corner of the browser?
When I refer to child window, I mean that a link within a "parent" window has opened a new browser window.
Iam using mozilla firebird. I have three popups displayed at one point of time...if I close one the other two goes hidden....could you please suggest me the reason for this behaviour and how to overcome it.....
While I opened......these child windows(popup)...from the main window I have given "dependent=yes" in the window.open statement.
The sameway I want to close the Child windows opened from the parent window using IE. I use IE 6.0.
How do I force a window, pened alone, to be displayed in its frame set?
tried this:
if (parent.location.href == self.location.href) { window.location.href = '../' }
the problem is that the original page is replaced by the main.htm page (the default page for the 'main' frame)., because the open event of the menu page calls for the main.htm to be loaded. Is there a way that I could pass a page name as an argument to the index page at all? Something like window.location.href='index.html?Loc=IT_Study___In formation.htm'
I am encountering a problem where I have a window and there are three frames, one in the left, right and in the bottom. The bottom most frame has common submit buttons. There are several tabs in left frame. Each one loads a different form on the right frame. After fetching the contents of the form from user, I am validating the text fields in the form using onChange() event handler. After entering the text value in the textbox, if I press Submit directly, the "Submit" as well as the validation routine happens concurrently. Only at the end of validation, the field is marked as dirty. Now, if field is not marked dirty, the Submit function will close the window without actually submitting as nothing was changed. So when an invalid value is entered and the Submit is pressed directly, an alert pops up temporarily but the close() call from the parent frame immediately closes the alert window before user can respond. This problem does not occur in IE as in IE, unless the alert window is responded, the close() call cannot close the alert window. Code:
I have a domain: example.com; which is the parent.And a subdomain: api.example.com; which page 'receiver.html' is being loaded in an iframe, child of parent. Both pages set document.domain = example.com.
I'm trying to adapt this code:[url] but Idon't want to load jQuery from the <iframe> again but I need to have the method $.ajax() working from the <iframe> otherwise it would be a cross-domain request and the browser would abort it. I tried ingenuously to set via $('iframe')[0].contentWindow.$.ajax = $.ajax() and I just got a shortcut to the parent page jQuery method. I also tried to "clone" it using $.expand (true...) but the method doesn't work for me; probably because of the complexity of the objected I'm trying to clone. So is there a way for me to use jQuery to have only a $.ajax() method in the <iframe> ? I've thought even about creating a XHR in the child-iframe and then use that in the $.ajaxSetup ({xhr: THATNEWXHR}) but I couldn't do it. I mean, I want to use the XHR factory from jQuery (which has fallbacks for IE, etc) but it has to be created from the iframe-child.
Maybe there is other way to make the AJAX call come from the child-iframe.
If you're wondering "why don't you load jQuery from <script> in the child-iframe", there is a reason... As I'm using jQuery plugins + my own custom javascripts + other independent scripts I created a compiler which minifies each file and bundle them in one. The advantage of this is the reduction of HTTP requests. So "why don't you load that bundle inside the child-iframe?", because it's ugly and Twitter doesn't... Yeah, I like to take Twitter as a reference and I think if they were able to make it so can I;
I got to work in most browsers except IE and Operaby doing it with pure javascript.
I'm "attaching" the code for you guys to test. If you open it with Chrome, Safari or Firefox you will receive 2 alerts one with the return of $.get() and another with the return of a request made via XMLHttpsRequest object. Otherwise (if you open it with IE or Opera) you'll get 'undefined' in the first alert but the real return in the second.
I have a parent document that has a frameset with two frames in it. The first frame is a "header" that runs across the top of the site, and never changes. The second frame contains the "content" of the site. Essentially, I am trying to figure out how to prevent the header appearing above external sites when the user clicks an external link in the "content" frame.
Every time the content frame changes to a new URL, I would like the check that URL and determine if the content frame is changing to an external URL (i.e. different domain in URL) or to an internal link (same domain in URL). If the content is changing to an external link, I want to break out of the frame and just load that external link in the top most document.
I would like all of my javascript to be in the parent document, not spread throughout the individual pages of the site. I was trying to approach this by setting the onunload event handler of the content frame, but I am left with a couple of specific questions: 1. In handling an unload event, can you determine the next URL that the document is loading? Code:
I have a starting page, Page1.php that uses Page1.js.In Page1.js, I'm using the onclick event for a button that's on that page. When the button is clicked, it goes to Page2.php. Okay, fine.Page2.php is using Page2.js. But when the browser switches to page 2, I get a javascript error because, somehow, it's still referencing the Page1.js file. (Using IE8)So how do I 'dereference' the first javascript file, so that when Page2 loads, it doesn't still try to instantiate the objects in Page1.js? (I'm getting a null object error when Page2.php loads).
I have home page with session close button and 10 child window link and i am opening all child window.All child windows should close after clicking on session close button. Code bellow
I have a document that contains a child frame with name/id = "help_frame". From Javascript in the top level document I can access the child frame's elements using:
var elem = document.frames.help_frame.document.getElementById ("chkSynonym");
but if I try:
var elem = document.frames.help_frame.document.chkSynonym;
the result is 'undefined'. What is wrong with my syntax?
I have a frameset page that creates several subframes. Does anyone know how to inject the script tag or some js code into the child window before loading of the child frame begins? The reason is to make the pages back-compatible with another system without changing a lot of code. If I can inject the script before the page loads, then it will handle the compatibility issues.
I've successfully injected the code into the child frames by using: frames.childName.window.eval.call(frames.child_name.window, myCode);
And the functions are available to the child frame after it loads, but the code needs to be available to the child frame before/while it is loading.
code to show ( overlay / modal window ) to the user when closing or navigating away from the page ( i want put in this window facebook share to make the user to share the page in his facebook ) , bytheway i wanna use it in my wordpress in every post could it be happen ?
I have a HTML and I am opening another link in a separate window using window.open() . The child window is something like 'http://yahoo.com' which is out side html. I need to refresh the parent window when the child window is closed.
I have done thus far is set up a simple Ajax request to my server to log in a user (This part seems to work just fine). The problem that I am incurring is that I would like to close the window if the user has been successfully logged in and not close the window (aka - show the form errors via php) if the user did not input the correct credentials.
This is what I have got so far (which simply logs in a user): -note: the php currently just spits out Sucess or Fail to the jquery ajax request and I would like to add a way to verify if logged in then close window but if not keep window open
This seems to work fine and dandy to just return Success or Fail to the #results div but is there a way to verify if the user is logged in success or not or at least a way to catch such validation that is sent back from the php script?
I was also playing with adding the below code after the $.post request but it obviously just closes the window no matter what the response.
This pops up a new window with every call. In the child window I call a parent function onbeforeunload, appClose() :
function appClose(){
if (window.opener && !window.opener.closed){ window.opener.CloseChild(getQueryString("application")); }}
This is in my frameset tag of the child code :
<frameset ... onbeforeUnload='appClose()'>
The window.opener.CloseChild() function is called perfectly when I have one child window open, but as soon as I create another child window both of the open child windows don't ever call it. They do both go into the onbeforeunload appClose() function, but do not call the window.opener.CloseChild() function inside of this routine.
Anyone have any ideas why when I have two child windows open I can't access the window.opener functions?
I have tried taking each new window out of the array and used the following code in CloseChild() :
How can I prevent the user from closing the window? I need some how to prevent the user from closing the window even if he tried to close it from the (X) button in the top right of the window?
Basically I have problem and I was wondering someone can help. I have my and on clicking a submit button i create like smaller pop up window in which i display a text area what i would like to do is that when the save button is clicked the page should be submitted back to the original page as well as the small window closing is that possible i do not want to use like a seperate close button.
Does anyone know how to have a pop-up window close once someone's clicked on a link? And can cookies be incorporated into this so that the window only pops up once a day?
At the minute, when someone clicks on a link, it opens up the page behind the window so you have to then also close the window. This is the script now: Code: