Choosing Different Symbols According To Fonts Installed
Jul 23, 2005
If Microsoft Sans Serif is installed, I want to use symbol ḳ but if that font is not installed then I want to use sans-serif k How do I test whether Microsoft Sans Serif is
installed and then choose ḳ or k accordingly?
i have a Trajan Pro font on my site. when i put in the web, the people that don´t have the font installed on computer is unable to see with the font that i choose. how can i load the font on my server? i beliave there is some way to do this
I've got several divs with the same id/name, and text inside (font- family:georgia,serif), and would like the users to be able to change the font, in case they don't like the default one. I have come up with this code, however it updates the divs' style only once, to 'arial', whereas I would like them to be switched to 'times new roman', 'verdana', back to 'georgia', and so on. All with consecutive click on a single link: Code:
I have a javascript function that loops throught all text boxes inside a form:
var elems = document.formName.elements; for(i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) { if(elems[i].type && elems[i].type.toLowerCase()=="text") do something }
This way it goes through every single text box in the form. But in my form structure, some form elements (text boxes included) are inside invisible divs.
And what I actually want to do, is to check only the text boxes that are not inside invisible divs.
Is there a way to say in javascript something like: choose only textbox that is not inside element (div) whose className='invisible'?
Or maybe I should try a different approach, instead looping through all form elements?
I'm putting together a 'form chooser' that slides a form (div) from behind the menu when clicking a link.That's all fine and good. But upon choosing another, the form simply disappears and the new one slides from behind the menu: What I would like to have happen is when you choose another form to appear, the last one slides behind the menu as/after the next one appears.
I have a navigation list of my employee names and when I click the name his data will display at the right side.I used onclick for displaying data. Now my superior suggested that much better if he used key done using mouse in choosing employee name. He suggested that the employee that was choose was highlighted then automatically his data will displayed using key. like arrow down and up key. Is it possible? how?here is my code for displaying employee names:search.php
Im wanting a certain submit a certain input button (I have several different ones in one form) depending on which drop down item they select.
So if they select Copy. I would want the javascript function to basically act like <input type="submit" name="copyfile" /> was clicked, and similarly if Rename was clicked, I would like it to act as if <input type="submit" name="rename" /> was submitted.
I wish to modify the dimension of the font within a given table (that is, not yet in the whole page); when I hit a button, the font's size increases by 1 point; another button decreases it by 1 point (starting from the default size), and a last button will reset it to the original size.
Pratically, whichever might be the default size (which I set from three css, swapped accordingly to the screen's res), the text inside that table it should be resized only by step of +1 or -1 point from the default size. Any ideas?
I don't really know javascript but I have one to display pricing in a dropdown. Here is what I have. What I would like to change is this. Currently amounts 0.075 shows as ---> 0.075 4.9999 shows as ---> 4.99 0.1 shows as ---> 0.1 0.095 shows as ---> 0.095
I would like to get the above to show as follows: 0.075 shows as ---> 7.5 4.9999 shows as ---> $4.99 0.1 shows as ---> 10 0.095 shows as ---> 9.5
The first column (pricing data) is a standard format I cannot change so it must stay that way. Here is my code as it is now. <script type="text/javascript"> function showrate(strValue){ var objLabel = document.getElementById("lblMessage"); if(objLabel.childNodes.length < 1) { var objNodeValue = document.createTextNode(strValue); objLabel.appendChild(objNodeValue); .....
When it one better than the other? I need customers to choose a media type for a catalogue, booklet or CD/DVD. I would rather have the customer choose what they wish rather than force an initial choice. I have been toying with radio buttons but trying to validate them and keep them off initially is quite difficult. Would I be better off using check boxes instead? If so, how do we determine which check box has been selected?
I have the 10000th word and I want to put the this symbols [ and this ] the beginning and end of words .. so my question is .. how do I put the symbol is simultaneously the 10000th word that is .. there is not any program that can do such ...
I am randomly selecting the maths symbol (+,-,*,/) using a math.random and then applying the relevant symbol to a variable based on the result, ie if result == 1 then symbolGen = "+"
I now need to use this symbol in the Javascript for it's original purpose, as I have two other numbers being generated and need to work out the answer.
We are conducting a ceremony in an Auditorium where 336 People are gathered and afterwards we want to choose 20 of them randomly. We want to display the whole act of choosing them via projectors on the auditorium screen with a little animation. Basically the concept of the animation goes like this:
HTML Code:[URL].. but we are stuck on the code as none of us knows programming that much: we want the chairs to be GRAY and the one that miss the opportunity (randomly) to turn RED (this much we have done) and the last chair (winner) to REMAIN GRAY (this is where we are stuck)r. PS. can anybody help us with this by tomorrow 10:00 AM GMT?
I notice when I design a basic HTML page, it is affected if a WinXP user has Large Fonts set in their Control Panel. However some pages, e.g. are unaffected by this I think. They are definitely not affected by changing the font size within the browser.
Because I want to add tables, which will word-wrap incorrectly if the font size is changed, how can I disable allowing the browser to do this?
Basically I want the font size to stay how I designed it. If they need it bigger, they can use the zoom option in more recent browsers. Code:
I need to hide 90% of a div and I'm not able to figure out a way to do wit with JS or CSS. Here is the code I'm working with: Code: td colspan="2" class="vCSS_breadcrumb_td"> <a href="[URL]">Home</a> > <a href="/SearchResults.asp?Cat=208" title="Living room furniture"> Living Room</a> > <a href="/SearchResults.asp?Cat=209" title="Living Room Sectionals"> Sectional Sofas</a> > <a href="/SearchResults.asp?Cat=235" title="Discount Leather Sectionals"> Leather Sectionals</a> > <a href="/SearchResults.asp?Cat=273" title="Modern Leather Sectionals"> Modern Leather Sectionals</a> ><br /> <img src="v/vspfiles/templates/SAR/images/clear1x1.gif" width="5" height="5" alt="" /><br /> <font class="productnamecolorLARGE colors_productname">PAGE SPECIFIC TEXT</font><br /> <img src="v/vspfiles/templates/SAR/images/clear1x1.gif" width="5" height="5" alt="" /> </td>
I need to keep the font tag with the page specific text and hide everything else. I've tried using the following in my CSS file but it leaves several ">" symbols that aren't enclosed in a tag (other than td): Code: td.vCSS_breadcrumb_td a {display: none;} How do I use JS to hide the > characters in the td, or use JS to hide everything in the td tag except for the text in the font tag (and not use the CSS code).
I'm trying to make what is hopefully a fairly simple script to randomize font size, font family, image sizes etc. on a page using and disabling the normal hyperlink function.
Essentially looking to "destroy" the page randomly each time a link is clicked.
Is it possible using some kind of Script to get text/pictures/symbols from typed text and from a gif. file (already on the web site) to show on another place in the web site by clicking on a button.My coding is like this:
By pressing "Show" I want the text typed in the form to show on the same site, and then the user should have the opportunity to also place a symbol (the gif. file) the same way as the text and to be viewed on the same site too.