I'd like the ability to have a checkbox that will check all elements with a certain name when selected, and to have another checkbox that will do the same with another set of elements.
function toggleController(oElement)
I was able to the use the following HTML for my check/uncheck checkboxes:
However, this presented a problem because I do not want my check/uncheck checkboxes to be part of my addsuggestedjoke[] or removesuggestedjoke[] arrays!
I tried to change everything as follows, but it doesn't work:
Here is the HTML: [URL] I'm trying to uncheck the selected radio button, then set the value to 1 (Yes), basically overwriting theinitialvalue to 1. I've looked at prop(), val(), and attr(), and just don't know where to start. Should I select $('#set_q157 input') or$('#set_q157 input:radio'), or each individual radio?
Do I need to each them, and check if its checked, then change its value, or is there a way to select all three inputs as just one radial button? It would also need to work if the input has not yet been checked.
How does one uncheck a check Box with Javacript when the rows of the Table are dynamically created byPhp so we do not know what the row numbers are going to be before hand.That is we have these 2 check boxes:
how to uncheck the check box , when i check another check box, for example having 4 check boxes, be default check box is checked ,. when i check the check box 2 , then need to uncheck the checked one, How to do this in jquery ,
I've a problem when I'm trying to check and uncheck a checkbox. It work great when doing everythingprogrammatic, but when I check or uncheck using the mouse and then try to check or uncheck using the code doesn't work anymore.I tried with both ways:
$('#myCheck').attr('checked', true); // to check $('#myCheck').attr('checked', false); // to uncheck and:
I have the following page [url] and I would like to add a button or checkbox to check/uncheck all. Note we are already using some javascript for custom checkboxes so it needs to integrate with that.
I would like to add a button or checkbox to check/uncheck all. Note we are already using some javascript for custom checkboxes so it needs to integrate with that.
Here is the current javascript...
Code: /* CUSTOM FORM ELEMENTS Created by Ryan Fait
I'm trying to write some code that uses buttons to check and uncheck certain checkboxes. I am stumped and all the code I have been finding is using for loops to check or uncheck all the boxes, when I just want to check or uncheck certain ones. Here's an example of the type of function I'm trying to use: function checkSome (form) { document.myForm.list.one.checked = true; document.myForm.list.two.checked = true; document.myForm.list.three.checked = false; } And the button: <input type="button" value="Option 1" onClick="checkSome(this.form)"/>
Below is the JS code I've used in the past (when my checkbox names/IDs are the same throughout) Code: function checkAll(checkname, exby){ for (i = 0; i<checkname.length; i++) checkname[i].checked = exby.checked? true:false; }
I want to create a button(s) to check all/uncheck all the check_boxes if clicked by the user. I was thinking I had to use javascript to do this, but the erb is appending the value to the name in the HTML output. What this does is prevent my javascript from recognizing these check_boxes as a collection named "patient".
I know this isn't a pure javascript question, but I am at a loss. I am new to both languages, which doesn't help either.
I have checked over my code several times and cannot find what I've done wrong with my first script, which is to check/uncheck all checkboxes in a html form. Nothing is checking or unchecking, and I am seeing the "Error on this page" in IE whenever i first click one of the two buttons. Here are the steps I have taken1. I have imported the jQuery library which I have just downloaded (1.4.2 development version, 155kb) with the following code:
So that I can pass multiple checkbox values to my PHP processing script as an array I added the square brackets to my form's checkbox input element's name, like this: <input type="checkbox" name="checkGroup[]" value="'.$rowIDs.'" /> Because it has to match, I updated the input element I use to check/uncheck all the checkboxes so that it now looks like this: <input type="checkbox" name="all" onClick="checkAll(document.ResIDsDates.checkGroup[],this)" />
When I manually select multiple checkboxes I can successfully pass any number of checkbox values through the POST array to my process script...but my Check/Uncheck All box has ceased working -- adding the square brackets to the checkbox input's name disabled it.
I tried playing with the ASCII equivalents to the brackets, but no go. Is there a way to retain the array functionality and pass multiple checkbox values to the script AND enable the Check/Uncheck All box?
I have the following page [URL] and I would like to add a button or checkbox to check/uncheck all. Note we are already using some javascript for custom checkboxes so it needs to integrate with that.
Here is the current javascript... /* Custom Form Element [URL]
The only thing you need to change in this file is the following variables: checkboxHeight, radioHeight and selectWidth. Replace the first two numbers with the height of the checkbox and radio button. The actual height of both the checkbox and radio images should be 4 times the height of these two variables. The selectWidth value should be the width of your select list image. You may need to adjust your images a bit if there is a slight vertical movement during the different stages of the button activation.
Visit [URL] for more information. */ var checkboxHeight = "47"; var radioHeight = "25"; var selectWidth = "190"; /* No need to change anything after this */ document.write('<style type="text/css">input.styled { display: none; } select.styled { position: relative; width: ' + selectWidth + 'px; opacity: 0; filter: alpha(opacity=0); z-index: 5; }</style>'); .....
I have a page that has groups of checkboxes that are generated dynamically. The identifiers for all the text boxes are generated dynamically so i dont know what the name will be for any of the checkboxes before the page has loaded.Each group of checkboxes has a master checkbox and several child checkboxes. Each master checkbox has a unique ID. All child checkboxes have a 'class' element which is the ID of its master checkbox. I want to use the ID of the master checkbox to determine which checkboxes to check/uncheck. When the master checkbox is clicked, i want all its associated children (i.e where child.class=master.id) to be checked or unchecked. Here is an example of what i have so far
I am trying to allow a user to easily uncheck/check all checkboxes in a form by checking or unchecking a checkbox. The checkboxes would be in a form like so: <form action="" method="post"> <input type="checkbox" name="checked[]" value="1"> <input type="checkbox" name="checked[]" value="2"> <input type="checkbox" name="checked[]" value="3"> <input type="checkbox" name="checked[]" value="4"> </form>
I use an event handler to call a function: <input type="checkbox" name="checkall" onchange="checkall('checked[]', this.checked)">
And here is the function: function checkall(box_name, current_state) { all = document.getElementsByName(box_name); action = (current_state == "checked") ? "false" : "true"; for (i = 0; i < all.length; i++) { all[i].checked=action; }}
The event handler should pass the name of the checkboxes and whether the "check all" checkbox is currently checked or not to the checkall() function. Nothing happens when I check/uncheck the "check all" function.
I'm using dreamweaver cs5 and I have created a page that have a table that can check or uncheck certain option in each row..in every column, there is a main button ('m planning to add function in the main button to be check all or uncheck all - but I did not managed to do it right...there are errors)
For example: Pulau Pinang button, when user click, it will check/uncheck all option under Pulau Pinang...same goes to other columns. After selecting their option, user can submit their option using submit button (option chosen can be in different columns). My problem is, my submit and reset button is not functioning besides, I'm not able to make the main button to check or uncheck all option..
Below is my coding for reference: PHP Code: <!DOCTYPE ...> <html ...> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> <style type="text/css"> body { background-image: url(images/crop.jpg); margin-left: 130px; margin-top: 60px; margin-right: 130px; margin-bottom: 100px; background-color: #FFF; } body,td,th { font-size: 14px; color: #000; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0 var i,x,a=document.MM_sr; .....
I have a simple script that counts the number of check boxes that are checked and then when reaches a certain number displays an alert. It is triggered by the onclick event.My question is, by keeping with the onclick event how do I make JS run something different when a box is unchecked.So bottom line - if it is checked the counter goes up...if it is unchecked the counter goes down all being triggered by the onclick event - is this possible.
Is it possible to use Javascript to uncheck all checkboxes that appear within a specific div?I'm already using names/ids for each checkbox, and these are generated dynamically, so I cant really apply a group to all the checkboxes I want to untick.
I have an issue that is specific to IE (testing in IE8).
The following code unchecks checked checkboxes in FF, but will simply not work in IE :
$j("input:checkbox[checked=true]").each(function() { $j(this).removeAttr("checked"); //$j(this).attr("checked",false); this doesn't work either //$j(this).attr("checked",""); this doesn't work either alert($j(this).attr("title") + " is "+$j(this).attr("checked")); });
In all cases the expected alerts are firing, and the alert says that the checkbox is not checked.
But the checkboxes are not unchecked and subsequently still fire when the form is submitted.
I have a pretty simple survey form, with 5 checkbox answers, one of them being "None of the Above". All 5 are part of the same question1[] array. My goal is to have a function that unchecks the other 4 boxes when None of the Above is checked. The problem is that since None of the Above is part of the question1 array, it unchecks itself. So how do I separate this None of the Above option? After all, it is still a valid answer to question 1, so I don't want it to sit in a different array just because...
Here's what I have now: Java: function SetValues(Form, CheckBox, Value){ var objCheckBoxes = document.forms[Form].elements[CheckBox]; var countCheckBoxes = objCheckBoxes.length; for(var i = 0; i < countCheckBoxes; i++) objCheckBoxes[i].checked = Value; }
How to copy some text to the clipboard with jquery or javascript, from google. I know there is a plugin named zeroclipboard [URL] can do this with cross browsers. When I tested it on my site. I set it to copy text optionally. It can't work. My test link is [URL]. It always copys all the values. Even I uncheck some check box. May be the value doesn't be changed. But when I alter() the variable, the value is ok. how to correct it? I want it can copy the checked box value. If the box unchecked, then don't copy its value.