Centering A Modal Popup DIV?

Jan 3, 2010

ive been strugglng all day to centre a DIV with javascript in the centre of my page. Ive created a modal popup and id like it to stay in the screen even if the page has been scrolled down. And no matter what i try i cant get it to actually hit the centre of the screen. I should add that im totally new to javascript but decided i cant avoid learning javascript forever so here are my pathetic efforts..

function ShowPopup(hoveritem, thepopup, theimage)
popVar = document.getElementById(thepopup);


Ive tried loads of other things too, whats commented out has been my last effort. Im doing other things too in the function in case you wondered.

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Centering A PopUp Window

Jul 23, 2005

I'd like to append/amend the following code from the Dreamweaver extension "Open Picture Window Fever" for the ability to center the PopUp window:

By default, it allows the window to be offset on the left and top, but does not include a centering option.

I'm thinking it would include something like (screen.width-imageWidth)/2;

somewhere but not sure how do go about doing this.....

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Modal Popup Javascript In

Jul 23, 2005

I'm trying to creat a modal dialog box in using the following

Dim str_JavaPopup As String = "<script language" &
"='javascript'>window.showModalDialog('frm_MoreInfo.aspx?ProductI mage="
& str_ImageName & "&ProductDesc=" & str_Description & "','dialogWidth:
100px;dialogHeight: 100px;center: yes;resize: no;status: no;help:

Me.Page.RegisterStartupScript("Startup", str_JavaPopup)

the window opens fine but the window does not resize

is my code ok?

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JQuery :: Modal Popup From Inside <iframe>?

May 13, 2009

I am stuck with an issue of getting my modal to pop up and out of the iframe and show on top of the parent page. I am using the jqModal -xamples and they seem to have an answers for everything but this. This is the ultimate objective:OnLoad of the parent page, if something=true to pop up the modal from within the iframe to show over the parent. OH, and I CAN'T change anything in the parent page.I can get it to do everything that i need it to do BUT pop up out of the iframe. I have tried to access an id of the parent page to set it as a target, along with many other non working ways.... but idk... i think i am just running in circles at this point.... SO here is the simplified code that is nested inside of the parent iframe.... it loads the modal onLoad of the page, but its inside the iframe...

HTML Code:
.jqmWindow {display: none; position: fixed; top: 17%; left: 50%; margin-left: -300px;


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How To Create A Frameless Modal Popup Window Using Javascript?

Jun 1, 2007

I am just wondering how to create a modal popup using javascript. The
popup window shouldnt contain minimize,close and maximize buttons and
it should be resizable? I am trying using but not getting
the desirable results.

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JQuery :: Ajax Auto-Updating In Modal Popup

Aug 31, 2009

i am doing Screenshot development of my current project. I am gonna using jQuery as Javascript framework in my project. For this i need some help as i dont know jQuery very well.Is it possible to make Modal popup which is auto updating every 15 seconds and the updating continue for about 1minutes?

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JQuery :: Replacing An Include_once Message With Modal Popup

Dec 16, 2011

I am using a basic, include_once in the php, to redirect the user to another page (msgToUser.php), and display the desired message: For example on my profile page I have several instances of the following, whereby the $msgToUser variable may be different depending on certain things:


$msgToUser = "You and $firstname are NOT friends, but a friend request was sent on $request_time <br />";


What I want to be able to do, is replace all of these redirects with a simple jquery popup, particularly the Jquery Modal Dialog confirmation box (in case I want to include a link in the popup). I already have the jquery library on my site, along with the jquery-ui and jquery-css. Is there a simple way to do this by adding a little script to either the initial page or to the msgToUser.php page? Also would it be wise to keep the msgToUser.php page in place (somehow in conjunction with the jquery popup), in case someone does not have a js/jquery enabled browser?

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Jquery :: Modal Popup To Select Form Values?

Aug 8, 2011

I have a form with an number of quite long drop down select menus in table rows.

The problem is if the user selects one of the last options in the select menu they are taken to the a different row lower down on the form - which is a little confusing.

What i really need to do is present some the values in a popup modal box and then allow the user to pick a value and keep them in that input field. It would be a lot like the jquery date picker jQuery UI - Datepicker Demos & Documentation but with numbers like 0,1,2,5,10,15,20 ect to pick from and populate the input field.

I am a bit short of time so i was wondering if anyone knew how to do this quickly - surely its a problem others have come across?

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Ajax :: Get A Modal Popup To Display On An Onblur Event?

Apr 23, 2008

I am trying to get a modal popup to display on an onblur event, but I keep getting a "'null' or is null or not an object" js error.I have seen many examples using

var _popup;
_popup = $find('MPE');


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JQuery :: Show A Modal Popup On AjaxRequest And Stop It On Request End?

May 26, 2009

I was trying to use the Block plugin. I really need to show a modal popup on AjaxRequest and Stop it on Request End. How can I do that. I have seen etTimeout($.unblockUI, 6000), but I need to run server code,so I need to set this time out to the elapsed time in my server method.

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JQuery :: SimpleModal - Parsing Variable From Original Php To Modal Popup

Jul 22, 2010

I have a the SimpleModal running on a php page, and on said php page, a varaible is defined; e.g. $var = "John";

and then the usual gubbings for simpleModal, which calls modal_output.php - the file generating the output for the modal popup.

I need to get that $var into this popup, so the popup can read:

"blaa blaa John"

This should be simple, I thought - but I can't parse it through _SESSION, or any method I try. I even tried hacking it into:

$.get("contact_modal.php", function(data){

to read $.get("contact_modal.php?var=<?php echo $var ?>", function(data){

but that breaks the js

Is there anyway I can parse the variable from the original page into the modal popup page?

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Double Click A List Item That Fires A Modal Popup

Jun 3, 2009

Firstly, I dont even know if this is possible but anyway I have a HTML form element problem, I want to be able to double click one item in a multi select box and I want that double click to fire of a modal popup box.

I am able to get a regular hyperlink to do the action for me but I need it to be an item in a multi select box.

I have uploaded an example of my problem here,[url].

so for example i would like a popup to appear when you double click "volvo" just like the popup appears for the hyperlink at the bottom.

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Jquery :: .hover Not Working In Modal Popup In Safari/Chrome

Jun 10, 2009

I am using jquery to do two things: - load a modal popup which loads an html page (I'm using facebox) - in the modal popup, I have before/after states of the image, which is handled by a little jquery code

In FF and IE everything works correctly. In Safari and Chrome, the modal popup works, but once the popup loads, the before/after states of the image does not work. I can't seem to find a solution to this.

I am loading jquery on the home page (index.html) but I do not have it being loaded in the modal popup html pages. Is that the problem?

I have a link to show this, but am unable to post it due to my new membership status. You can PM me for the link.

Here is the before/after image state code:

Code JavaScript:
$(function() {
$("#myImage").hover(function() {


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Setting Location.href On A Modal Popup Opens A New Window

Sep 29, 2010

I am developing an application that is opened via a modal popup from another application that I do not have control over. In IE, the method of creating the popup that holds my application is window.showModalDialog. When I redirect the user via javascript with something as simple as, location.href='someURL'; another popup window is opened rather than just redirecting the browser. When a user is using anything other than IE, the method is used and those browsers redirect within the same window appropriately.


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JQuery :: Using The GreatInline Modal Window W/CSS - Popup Opens When The Page Is Reloaded?

Feb 5, 2011

I'm using the greatInline Modal Window w/ CSS and jQuery from [url] and it's working great. Now I want use it with an form in it:action="?" method="post"

When form is send the popup is closed, how can I prevent this? I think that happens because the whole page is send. Can I set an extra parameter so the popup opens when the page is reloaded?

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AJAX :: Unable To View Source For Page With Modal Popup Extender?

Sep 9, 2010

I've got some Javascript within a div that's displayed by a Modal Popup Extender. The Javascript is throwing an error. When I go to 'View Source', it appears that the source for the Modal Popup Extender and the Javascript contained therein isn't there. How can I view the source then? The Modal Popup Extender *is* being rendered.

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Emulate A Flash-like Modal "popup"?

Feb 9, 2009

I have noticed some sites emulate a Flash-like modal "popup" which appears, may have just a message and an OK button, or solicit data from the user. The background appears greyed-out and does not accept an event, so the whole thing behaves like a modal popup window, but my guess is it's just a DIV appearing. I want to emulate this technique.

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Emulate A Flash-like Modal "popup"

Feb 9, 2009

I have noticed some sites emulate a Flash-like modal "popup" which appears, may have just message and OK button, or solicit data from the user. The background appears greyed-out and does not accept an event, so the whole thing behaves like a modal popup window, but my guess is it's just a DIV appearing. I want to emulate this technique.

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Centering A Div

Nov 22, 2005

I have a bit of code that unhides a div and then loads an image into it.

What I would really like is to have that div center on the users screen.

How do I go about doing that?

function unHide(ImgSrc) {
var newsrc = document.getElementById('enlargedImg');
var newWin = document.getElementById('divOpen').style.visibility = 'visible'
newsrc.src = ImgSrc;


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Centering Pop-up Window..

Mar 10, 2001

How do you center the a pop-up window on the screen after a mouseclick on a button?

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Centering A Shrinking Image?

Nov 24, 2011

I have a large image which is centred horizontally and is 300px from the top of the web page. I have some code which will shrink the image, but am struggling to know how to ensure that the image remains centred as it shrinks, and also moves to the top of the page. Can anyone point me in the right direction? The code I have so far is...

window.onload = function(){
$("#logo").animate({width: "-=400", height: "-=200"}, 5000);

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Browser Compatibility For Centering Function

Jul 23, 2005

I have the following funciton that centers my website content for any size window and will center it in real time as the window is expanded or shrunk. It is activated by a


in the body tag.

Works fine for IE. How do I make it compatible with netscape and most browsers? Better yet, is there a good single source that explains how to write javascript to be compatible with all browsers? 766 and 435 are the width and height of my table that surrounds the website data defined so:

<TABLE id="Main" style="position:absolute; z-index:0; top:0; left:0;">

function CenterIt()
newOffsetWidth = 0;
newOffsetHeight = 0;
if (document.getElementById)
winW = document.body.offsetWidth;
winH = document.body.offsetHeight;
else if (document.all)
What goes here????
else if (document.layers)
What goes here????

if (winW > 766)
newOffsetWidth = ((winW - 766) / 2) - 10;
if (winH > 435)
newOffsetHeight = ((winH - 435) / 2);

if (document.getElementById)
document.getElementById('Main').style.left = newOffsetWidth;
document.getElementById('Main') = newOffsetHeight;
else if (document.all)
What goes here????
else if (document.layers)
What goes here????


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JQuery :: Centering An Image In The Viewport?

Mar 21, 2010

I have 50 thumbnails running vertically down the page, so that the viewer must scroll quite a bit to see them all. When a thumbnail is clicked I want to display the full size image in the middle of the viewport. Thus, the top offset of the absolute div that displays the full size picture will change depending on how far down the viewer has scrolled.

I can bind a function to the <img> tag that will set the top offset of the div where the full size images are displayed but I don't know how to get the current position of the viewport, or how to position something with respect to the viewport.

Can jQuery pull the viewport position out of the DOM and let me center something in it?

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Centering Content Wider Than Screen

Sep 18, 2009

A client has a 1440 wide flash move in .swf format that serves as in intro to the site. They want the flash movie centered on the screen even if the resolution is lower, at 1024 or whatever. At this point my idea is to wrap the flash object in a div and center that div using javascript so that it centers no matter the screen width, but I don't know exactly how to do this.

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Centering JS Slideshow - Getting My Gallery To Center?

Feb 16, 2011

I'm creating a Dreamweaver CSS site based off a template I purchased.In this site,I want to have page with a gallery of my company's products.So I went to, used the "Gallery Set" setup, and put it into my web page.It all works GREAT...except the gallery is left-aligned and I want it centered on my page.I'm not all that familiar with css or javascript, and nothing I'm doing is getting my gallery to center.

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JQuery :: Centering DIV Within Parent Vertically

Apr 20, 2010

I'm trying to write a function to center a div within a parent div, and I'm having a little trouble. Horizontally, it works fine. Vertically, not so much.

This is my function:
function centerObject(idName, idParent) {
var parentLeft = $(idParent).position().left;
var parentWidth = $(idParent).width();
var parentWCenter = parentWidth / 2;
var parentTop = $(idParent).position().top;
var parentHeight = $(idParent).height();
var parentHCenter = parentHeight / 2;
var objWidth = $(idName).width();
var objWCenter = parentLeft + parentWCenter - (objWidth / 2);
var objHeight = $(idName).height();
var objHCenter = Math.abs(parentTop + parentHCenter - (objHeight / 2) - 20);

The line with the Math.abs call is necessary because without it, the given div ends up halfway off the page up at the top. At least this way it appears somewhere within the browser. The divs in question are all set to position: absolute, but I've tried setting them to all the other possibilities without luck. Or maybe I missed something. This happens in any browser... IE, FF, Chrome, Safari, etc.

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