Automating Date/time Input For Modem/router
Feb 2, 2006
My D-Link DSL-302G modem/router has a real-time clock whose settings
are volatile. To avoid hand keying the date/time via the modem's JS
interface, I wonder if there is a way to copy the JS code to the hard
drive and modify it to automatically retrieve the PC's date/time. I
could then add the hacked JS page to my browser's bookmarks. I've
already successfully modified and adapted other modem menus, but I
don't know how to go about this particular task (I'm not a
programmer). Code:
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Sep 17, 2011
I do pretty much all the computer related tasks, which includes computer system repair, audio/video editing, cd/dvd printing and duplication, document format and creation, etc etc. But when it comes to HTML (or other codes) I know very little. But we needed a website, so I use Homestead hosting and the Homestead (offline) Site Builder program.
Anyway, inside the sight builder program, they have the option to insert HTML Snippets. Which I use for various objects, off site tools, and other. But now I need to do something for which I have not been able to find a "premade" html code object, that can perform the task desired. I have searched and searched google and went through many sites, including this one. I have tried to take some codes which I thought I could alter to make it perform, but they just wouldn't work for what I needed them to do.
I need a code that will automate a "specific text message" to change daily, and to schedule a "different specific text message" to appear each day. I need to be able to schedule each days "texts" at the very least 31 days in advance. In other words, I need to make an array (I think that's what it is called) for the entire month:
Day 1 "today's text 1"
Day 2 "today's text 2"
Day 3 "today's text 3"
If were possible to make an "array" that would go six months out (or more) that would be very helpful! But the longest that I have seen is one month at a time, so that may be as long as they go, but I'm not sure.On top of all of this, I need these changes to be performed at a specific time of the day. I would like them to be preformed at sunset everyday, but I don't think there is anyway to direct the code to look at like [URL] sunset times or such. So if I can at least choose a specific hour, like 8:00 pm, that will work, I will just have to adjust this every once in a while.
However, I don't want it to change just at 8:00pm in my timezone. I need it to change at 8:00pm according to the website viewers timezone. Is there a way to make the code "look" at the users computer and "get their time" and use that to adjust what text is displayed? In other words, I live in Indiana USA. If someone in Australia looked up the webpage on the 15th day of the month, but it was 9:00pm Their Time. The text I need to be displayed should be for "Day 16" from the array.
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Aug 2, 2004
I have a file system where users upload files. Using PHP the file is time stamped and that time stamp is saved in a database. This has been going on for months so I have a lot of files with server times saved in the database. Recently the client asked if the date/time could be displayed according to the client's timezone instead of the server's. So, I need a javascript function that will take a PHP formated date string and convert it to the clients time-zone.
So let's say there is a file with a date/time of 07/15/2004 1:15 PM in central time zone and the client is viewing the file today in pacific time zone (2 hrs diff.). I need to show that date/time as 07/15/2004 11:15 AM. I need JS to take གྷ/15/2004 1:15 PM' and somehow convert it to གྷ/15/2004 11:15 AM'. Code:
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Jun 7, 2009
I have scoured the net and found nearly what I'm looking for, but not exactly, and I don't really know javascript, so trying to piece together bits of code hasn't worked. What I need is the script for a live clock with date and time format exactly as follows: Sunday, 07 June 2009, 24:00:00 (GMT+1).I have two separate files with the following code, which gets me close to what I need: Sun Jun 07 19:05:48 2009 Obviously the time is in the wrong place and it doesn't show GMT+1. These are the scripts:
function update() {
time = Date();[code]....
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Jul 23, 2005
Say I put a date and time for like this: Jun-15-04 21:52:06. Here is the form I am using:
<p><input type="text" name="T1" size="20"><br>
<p><input type="text" name="T2" size="20"><br>
90 days from date</p>
<p><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="B1"></p>
How could I get to show the date 90 days later to the exact date and time. I would enter the data in the first box and hit submit to show in the second box.
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May 8, 2011
how to get the time and date difference? given two time and date with the following format like in textbox A: 2011-05-03 17:35:47.0 and textbox B: 2011-05-03 16:35:47.0 then the output would be: 0 days, 1 hour, 0 minutes, 0 seconds
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Nov 27, 2005
When calling the function toLocaleString(), javascritp date object returns
yyyy/mm/dd HH:MM:SS depending on the locale settings. Is it possible to
just display date as yyyy/mm/dd without the time?
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Dec 19, 2006
I need a script that will calculate how many hours is passed from specific
date & time till another date&time.
For example:
from 12.19.2006, 10:00 to 15.12.2006, 15:00 is
passed 77 hours..
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Dec 19, 2006
how to display day of the week and month in word not number
day of the week: Mon or Tue etc..
month: Nov, Dec
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Sep 17, 2005
using the javascript how can I get web server time and date?
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Oct 20, 2011
create a time clock that display on the status bar and keep on changing every after 1 second. Kindly keep the format as given in the picture.i have created code but i dont know how to put on status code is
<script language="javascript">
var day = new Date();
var days = new Array(7);[code]....
how to put this result on status bar?
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Feb 28, 2010
all i have is this. and its not working. i tried putting vbscript in javascript because vbscript isn't working with to make the time running? like this time..
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May 21, 2009
When would there be a case to use UTC date or time objects? What is the point?
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Jan 7, 2005
<div id="pagedate"> (<em><?php echo date("l"); ?></em>) <?php echo date("F d, Y"); ?> <span id="pagetime"><?php echo date("h:i:s A"); ?></span></div>
I have two questions:
1. How can I make it dynamic, so that the minutes and seconds change even if a page isn't refreshed?
2. How can I make it display the VIEWER'S local time? It shows midnight when it's 9 p.m. my time, or something like that.
Also, would displaying seconds eat up a lot of bandwidth? If so, I might limit it to minutes.
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Nov 12, 2002
How would I create a hidden field that grabs the date and time that a user registered?
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Aug 30, 2005
I would like to get the clients date and time (his system time) and
store it somewhere so I can use it in my code later. (insert it to
database!). Any ideas.
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Nov 4, 2009
I know on the front end using js you can get the date and time on client machine and store in a hidden field so it can be grabbed to use on the back-end to store in a database or even return a special message based on their time. However, I'm not too sure how to begin.
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Apr 27, 2010
Does anyone know of a javascript code that will always show the date of next tuesday? We have a reoccurring event every tuesday, so as soon as wednesday hits, we need the date to change to the following tuesday.
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Mar 18, 2011
I would like to learn if there is way to change a different format every time the user want as example is London 12:00:33 - Friday 18/03/2011
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Oct 30, 2011
I am trying to implement a countdown on my website. I want to calculate the difference between the current date and Jan 1st 2012 at 12:01am. I need to have the format in dd:hh:mm:ss so i can push it into this class.I've been reading posts but can't get it to work properly.
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Jun 5, 2009
Im trying to put a date/time picker on a form Im making in DreamWeaver. I cant get it to work though. What am I doing wrong?
I put this after <head>
<script LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/vacf/javascript/calendarpopup/combined-compact/CalendarPopup.js"></SCRIPT>
<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">
var cal = new CalendarPopup();
and "Select" is what launches it. This is at the text box:
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="date1" VALUE="" SIZE=25>
<A HREF="#"
onclick="['example'].date1,'anchor1','MM/dd/yyyy'); return false;"
NAME="anchor1" ID="anchor1">select</A>
I cant get the Script to work.
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Dec 9, 2010
I'm testing out a script that should display date and time by time zone through use of the innerHTML method. Something is off, neither day or time is being displayed on screen.
function initTime(){
var allTags=document.getElementsByTagName("*");
for (var i=0;i<allTags.length;i++){
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Apr 11, 2009
Not sure about the analog type of clock at the moment, and maybe looking at the digital type. Anyone know if it's possible for the code to work for two countries at the same time, both dynamically changing for minutes and seconds, and for them to automatically change for daylight savings times (both countries change on the same dates), on the same page please?
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Aug 8, 2007
So I am trying to get an update date/time script to work with the server time, or a given time zone (-5 GMT). Right now, the script below references the local machines time. Code:
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May 3, 2010
I have a question about what the most certain method to obtain the correct UTC time in javascript is.On my forum, there is a countdown clock, that should show the same amount, wherever the user is located. I use UTC in javascript to get the current time, but I have trouble getting consistent results.I have tried two methods:Method 1:
var d = new Date();
var localTime = d.getTime();
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Dec 13, 2011
I've used countdown timers etc. that use the Jquery library, so I know it's possible for Jquery to retrieve the date and time for use.I was wondering if there is a way to limit the time a DIV is shown depending on the time or date. For example:
<div class="show_content">
And I want to show this DIV only from 12 am onwards on the day of 16th December
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