Assign Id's To Images?

May 14, 2009

I know very little of javascript and was hoping that someone could help. i need a script that on load, every image that is within a certain textarea would be assigned a random id (id="img_bd53k3").

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Assign Images From Directory To An Array?

May 31, 2010

Looking for a little bit of help. I created a simple script a while back in PHP which reads all the images from a directory and assigns them to an array (reading for loading into a document). Would I be able to do this in JavaScript or does it not have these kind of privileges?

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Assign A Value To A Textbox

Jul 23, 2005

I have the following code:

frm.elements.['textbox_id'].innerText='some text'

this works in the IE but not in Mozilla.

How do I fill a textbox in Mozilla?

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Possible To Assign Variable To PHP?

May 2, 2011

I was wondering if it were possible to assign a PHP variable's value to that of a JS variable. What I mean is having a var in JS, and then making a PHP variable equal to the JS one.

Like this code...

Now of course, this file will be .php, and will be called as such when including it to a page (<script type="text/javascript" src="username.php").

The above code doesn't work... But I want to know if it can be done in such a manner. I just want a PHP variable to be equal to a variable in JS.

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Can't See Assign Site

Dec 5, 2010


i want to see if i click Google button

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Oct 11, 2006

We have a micro site that is getting opened inside a popup window from
some external main site (the domains of our microsite and main site are
different) ...

I need to support the following functionality: After the user is done
surfing the pages on our site and user clicks the close hyperlink
(present on top of all of our webpages), the opener window's location
needs to be reset to some given URL ....

I had a small javascript code for this, where i have written:
window.opener.location.assign("<url>"); .

My problem is that this line of code is throwing an exception saying
"Permission denied to access method location.assign" ...

Can anybody help me and let me know why am I getting this exception?
and how to overcome this problem?

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Assign Prototype To Event

Mar 12, 2007

I am wondering why the following works, on IE6, but with an error : "Not

function TEST(){}
TEST.prototype.Initialize = function()
var mImage = new Image();
var mDate = new Date();
var start = mDate.getTime();
mImage.onload = this.Alerting(start);//WORKS with ERROR "Not implemented"
//mImage.onload = function(){this.Alerting(start);}//ERROR "Object doesn't
support this property or method"
mImage.src = "winxp.gif";
TEST.prototype.Alerting = function(i_string){alert(i_string);}
var mTest = new TEST();

Can anybody guess why?

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How To Assign HTML Tag To Array?

May 1, 2007

How can I assign a link with its related elements (as following) to an array element?

Assume having a table with several rows and 3 columns. The first column holding some text information (which will be read from a database) but the 2nd column holding a link (as its previous rows - now I'm adding a new row).

Since I'm adding records or rows to this table I need to provide the link in the 2nd column and the worst thing thing, this is my first PHP project!

Any advice?

<span id="button_<?=$item?>_edit"><a href="javascript:edit('<?=
$item?>', 1, '<?=$max?>');
javascript:MyFunc(document.getElementById('iptext_ <?=$item?>'));"

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Is There A Way To Dynamically Assign A Variable Name??

Jul 20, 2005

I have a number of input boxes used to display totals based on
selected items for each row in a table. There are more than a few
rows that are identical, except for the form field name. I have added
a sample of that below (there would be many more rows).

I'm wondering if there is a way to dynamically generate the variable
names (ie: T1val, T2val, etc.) in my function 'calc', based on the
argument 'regnum' that I pass it. The problem right now, is that I
have to repeat lines 9 to 15 for every row that I add, using the
specific variable names for each. If there was some way to
dynamically create and assign them using the value of 'regnum'
(similar to using 'elements'), that would be great.

I guess one way might be to create hidden fields for each of those
variables, and I could then use the 'elements' syntax to assign
values, but wondered if there is a simpler way. Code:

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Assign The Value To A Hidden Field

Feb 21, 2009

Have a javascript in which i am trying to assign the value to a hidden field and getting the below msg:

I am getting the value in the alert box but not able to assign it o teh control

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Assign Numbers For Each Link?

Jun 9, 2009

If I have this regular expression that matches anything that contains the string "link": links = links.replace(/link/gi, "<a href="+ assigned link number goes here +.html">Click</a>");

How can I sequentially assign a number to each string that it replaces (in the order that it finds it from top to bottom)? If I had an unspecified number of strings that match "link", how can I use one regular expression to output the following for each string it replaces?:


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Assign Array To Variable?

Oct 20, 2010

If I assign an array to another variable, any changes to the array change both variables. Is it a pointer instead of a copy? Try this:

<script type="text/javascript">


Variables don't do this but it's happening for arrays in IE and FireFox, maybe all others.

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Assign Values From Array?

Dec 17, 2010

I'm having problems with selecting values from array.I have a dropdown box where you choose what fruit you want to buy.When selected the array should assign 2 values to that fruit.Here's what I have.. I added comments.

Javascript part:

<script type="text/javascript">
function Fruits() {
var selectfruit = newArray( //assigning values to fruit selected from dropdown box
newArray("Banana", 1, 1),


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Assign Form_field.value To Checkbox?

Mar 1, 2011

I have a table with two columns, first is a text field (quantity) and second is product description. Then I have a JavaScript code in the header section that calculates total based on quantity X price. Right now, user has to input quantity in the text field in first column. I would like to change the first column to checkboxes, which I know how to do...problem is I don't know how to adjust the JavaScript so that it knows a checked box is equivalent to a value of 1. Here is a sample of the table code which gives me 2 cells (a blank text field, and a description cell of "A"), and the totals field at the bottom of the table:

<TD ALIGN="CENTER"><INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME="PROD_A_4.99" SIZE=3 MAXLENGTH=3 onChange="CalculateTotal(this.form)"></TD><TD>A</TD>[code]....

how to change the item_quantity to always=1 so that I can change the input type from 'text' to 'checkbox'? Then, with this example, if the user were to check the box for "A" the "total" field would say 4.99

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Assign Style And Class

Feb 7, 2006

I've got this pice of code:

var ourDiv=document.getElementById('cretor);
var t=document.createElement('table');
var tb=document.createElement('tbody');;px groove blue'

var tr=document.createElement('tr');
var td=document.createElement('td');

Then I append and everything... My question: I want to assign a class and a style,
the class named "asdf" and in the style, a "border-top-width of 35px" and a "border-top-style of outset,

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Assign A Variable (JSP) From Within A Script

Oct 31, 2006

Basically what I am doing is reading some values from a javascript that reads from an XML file. What I am trying to accomplish is a way to assign a variable that was declared within the "<% .. String strValue="" .... %>" section of my JSP page with a value returned from the script. Here is my code:

String strValue = "NONE";

<SCRIPT type="text/javascript">
var x=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('name');


As you can see in the above code the output of the script will be the 3rd node(starting from 0 to 2). I would like to assign the output of "x[2].childNodes[0].nodeValue" to the variable that was declared in the beginning "strValue".

I have tried different combinations but since the variable needs to be encapsulated with the "<% %>" notation because of JSP, I am stumped.

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Assign The Value To A Hidden Field?

Feb 21, 2009

have a javascript in which i am trying to assign the value to a hiden field and getting the below msg'document.Form1.H_ROWID' is null or not an objecti am getting the value in the alert box but not able to assign it o teh control alert("row " +M_ROWID)document.Form1.H_ROWID.value = M_ROWID

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Get The Output Of A Webpage And Assign It To A Div?

Mar 18, 2009

Does anyone know of a way to retrieve the output of a webpage and place the output in the current web page (not using iframes)?For example, here is a simple web page (test.html):

This is just a test

I would like to take the output of this page and insert into my current page:

<div id="test">
This is just a test

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Assign Multiple Variables At Once?

Mar 16, 2010

Is it possible to assign multiple variables at once? For example:

var int1,int2,int3,int4,int5 = 0

I'm just wondering because I did this without thinking and my program never gave me an error and everything worked fine. Is it because these variables are set to 0 by default or what? If it does work, are there any other languages that this works in such as vbscript?

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Assign Values To A Combobox?

May 3, 2010

I want to assign values to a combobox .On click I want to set the values as 1 else set to 0. The combo box is in an array.

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Cannot Assign To A Function Result?

Jun 18, 2010

Trying to create a date validation form; since most don't do what I need. So far it's doing ok; I'll admit I found a lot of the code on the web, but I wanted to add it where it would automaticly change the string entered (Example if a user did 3/5/2010, it would make it 03/05/2010). Well getting the month was easy, however I'm having trouble fixing the date. Here is the problem section. ValDate is called from the validation function.


Here I though i was being clever too but apparently I missed something.

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Assign To A Function Result

Jul 15, 2006

I'm trying to create an ActiveXObject from the passed in parameter. I'm getting the following error 'Can Not assign to a function result.' How do I get around this?

<script lanaguage="javascript">
var PageXml = '<Doc><Node1/><Node2/></Doc>'
function LoadXmlData(Source)
var XmlSrc = eval(Source);

eval('Source') = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");//ERROR: Can Not assign to a function result.

Source.async = false;
<button id="2" onclick="LoadXmlData('PageXml');">test</button>

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Dynamically Assign Links By ID?

Feb 16, 2011

Ive been picking up javascript little by little after ignoring it for a while but as of recently ive been taking an interested in using it to improve my site.

I noticed a lot of functionally with the getElementById line and was wondering if i can use this to set a destination to a link that exists on many pages . Sort of a link with the id contact and the javascript assigning an href value to everything with this id.

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Assign Variable Value To Source?

Oct 10, 2011

I have a variable in a js slideshow as follows :


I have a form set up in which the end-user enters in the 'alexr2012' (form variable = sname) How do I change out the alexr2012 to sname so that the Data value is not hard coded ? that is - the data value is determine by the end-user entry ?

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Can't Assign Variable To Element

Feb 25, 2011

I have several lines of code in different functions where I need to refer to elements in document.form.max, so I figured I would define it as a global variable called tb1 to shorten the writing. The result however is the page senses an error as soon as it gets to tb1.value, of which I can't figure out why since things work when I change tb1 into a local variable. I was under the impression that global = full scope, so I'm not sure what's wrong here.[code]...

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How Can I Assign Event Handlers Externaly?

Jul 23, 2005

I have written a script that gets trigered by IE's toolbar button. In
this script I would like to asign an event handler to an element of the
document currently open in IE. The way one access the document object
from a toolbar button script is:

var doc = external.menuArguments.document;

Now assuming the document has an element called TextArea1, the logical
thing to do would be:

parentwin.document.all('TextArea1').onkeypress = new

Which goes compiles and runs, except the event handler does not get

Another trick i tried is as follows:

var s = parentwin.document.createElement('script');
s.text = 'window.alert('asdf')'
s.htmlFor = 'TextArea1'
s.event = 'onclick'
parentwin.document.scripts[0] = s;

Same result.

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