Add Selected Checkbox Items From Child Window To Parent
Jun 11, 2010
I need to add selected items using checkbox from child window to parent inside a form element. I also would like to have delete link besides the added elements so that it can be deleted. I have the child window poping up for selection and trying to achieve, adding selection to the parent form along with the values and link besides it to delete the added elements.
I have created parent child checkboxes. When one child is selected, then parent of that child, other child of same name and parent of that same name's child will be selected... Now I want if I unchecked any child, then only same name of child and parents should be unchecked or if I unchecked Parent Child, then same name of parent and child will be unchecked.
I want the Games checkbox to be checked when I check one (or more) of it's child checkboxes (shooter, strategy, simulation, rpg). But the Games checkbox must always remain checked when one or more of the child checkboxes are checked.What script can be used that does this and can work together with the script that is currently used?
i have this code i need to close the parent.html window when the child window opened, i need the code for that working well in IE and Firefox Parent.html
<HTML> <SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript"> function sendTo() {'child.html','_blank','resizable=yes,width='+(screen.width-500)+',height='+(screen.height-500)+''); } [Code]...
Im trying to create a hidden form field in a parent window from within a child window (popup). I am trying to use jQuery, but unfortunately the hidden field does not get created.
If it is possible, how to reflect popup checkbox changes on same checkbox in parent window. Main windows contains a list of thumbnails, each one with a checkbox. Clicking on a thumb, a popup window is opened containing a bigger photo beside a checkbox. If the user checks/uncheks it I want the thumbnail checkbox in parent window to be changed in the same way (and onclick tasks to be performed). To achieve this I am using cookies and onClick -> parent.reload.
I have an HTML page where I am opening a child window using the child window is something like I want to refresh the parent window when the child window is closed.
Put a link on my page that will open an external site (over which I have no control) in a pop-up window. When the user closes the pop-up, I want my original page to redirect to another page. The difficulty I'm having is that I can't add any code to the page in the pop-up as it's not my site.
I have created and opened a child window called "checkwin" and have written some data to it. If the data is valid, I want the user to click on the 'CONFIRM' button on the child window, at which time I want the "submit()" function for the form on the parent window to be executed. If the data is invalid the user clicks on 'MODIFY' and I want focus to return to a field on the parent form. However, when I click on the "CONFIRM" or "MODIFY" buttons on the child window, nothing happens. Here is the code:
2. Select multiple checkbox and submit array which send back to parent window and value store in a hidden variable.
i manage to do pop up child window, pass textfield value to parent window. But it cant send php array to parent window. Please help. I'm not good in js. code...
I'm having trouble with Safari. After i close a popup it does not focus on the parent window. I have been looking around and i think its this sort of thing i need 'javascript:window.opener.focus()" target="_self"' but tbh i'm not in anyway a javascript whizz, so im a little confused.
I have a parent page which I don't have control of. I call my child page from parent page, perform some operations and once I click update child window should close and parent window should be refreshed.Everything seems to work fine except the parent page not refreshing.I tried using window.opener.location.reload(true). But it makes a postback in the parent page and so the values that I update are lost because it makes a postback with the previous values.I tried window.opener.document.locationwindow.opener.document.location. But this doesn't refresh my parent page.
Iam using mozilla firebird. I have three popups displayed at one point of time...if I close one the other two goes hidden....could you please suggest me the reason for this behaviour and how to overcome it.....
While I opened......these child windows(popup)...from the main window I have given "dependent=yes" in the statement.
The sameway I want to close the Child windows opened from the parent window using IE. I use IE 6.0.
I have parent page with 10 child window and i want to close all child window when click on close session button on parent but first i need to check whether any child window open or not after that action should be done for close the child window.
At the moment, I have a page listing keywords associated with an image. The user can click an 'add keyword' link, which loads a child window where they have a form to select & add extra keywords. Now, at the moment when they submit the form, the page reloads the parent window using an onload event. However, I would prefer it if it only reloaded the DIV which holds their keyword list.
My thinking was I could do it with AJAX or something, but I can't find anywhere that even mentions if it's possible. Can anyone help? Is this possible, or am I too ambitious?
I want to close all child window with parent window. First i want to detect whether any child window open if open then it should be close after click close button on parent window.
I was curious one day and started to explore the whole idea of a document opening a pop up and that pop up being able to send data, that was input by the user, back to the parent. Does anyone have expirence with this?
Here isthe problems that I'm trying to solve when I want the user to close the popup window via a "Close Window" button. fyi the popup window contains a survey.
If parent window is open & minimized > Then I can't bring to focus on the parent again, it stays minimized.
Is there an easy way to maximize the parent again?
Is it possible to refresh a parent browser window when a "child" browser window has been closed using the [X] button in the upper right corner of the browser?
When I refer to child window, I mean that a link within a "parent" window has opened a new browser window.
I have a closed box system which opens an html page. The page closes by the system. I have access to the html page. I added code to open a child window from this page. However when the parent window closes, the child closes too. Is there a way to keep the child window open? Yes keep it orphaned.