I want to count the amount of divs on a page with the class of "samplesSection".
When you click on "Click", it alerts you with how many divs with class "sampleSections" exist. Here's the problem: When it loads, just click "Click". It alerts 1 - valid. Then click "Category", AJAX refreshes, click "Click" and it alerts 2 - valid again. Click "Client", AJAX refreshes, and click alerts 3 - valid once more. However, whenever I click back on any of the other categories, it always alerts 3.
I have been trying to think up a way to count the number of clicks a partner/affiliate link on my website recieves. Many websites use some tracking script but the partner/affiliate wont benefit from your PR and the link would be for traffic only. It bugs me when I request a link exchange and instead of getting the straight link that I give the other person, I get a link to a script that tracks the clicks. So with the help of AJAX, I was thinking of doing something like:
Code: <a href="http://www.domain.com" onClick="trackClick(this)">Link text</a> Where trackClick() is an AJAX function that sends the client information (IP, timestamp, link clicked, etc) to a PHP script which then stores it in a database. Seeing as search engine bots have JavaScript disabled, they would see the code as a straight link to another site and give the target website credit for the link.. while the webmaster can keep track of the number of clicks their links recieve.
My question is.. would this work? And has anyone tried implementing something like this before?
I am attempting to make a menu that has a background image that changeswhen you rollover or click a menuitem. I've got the hover effect working fine with CSS, but am trying to implement the click event via jquery with the following:
My process is to reset the entire menu to the inactive state, then switch on the active state for the item that was clicked. Eventually, the item that was clicked will display its corresponding body section as well. I've tried using the CSS pseudo-class "active", but since the entire div is the link, that is unavailable. I've also tried multiple variations of addClass/removeClass, toggleClass, and setAttribute/removeAttributebut nothing hasworked so far.
I have a div with a height of 100 pixels.If the content is too much to fit in div, I want to show a 'Read More' link at the bottom.If you then click 'Read More', the div expands to full height so all the content can be seen and the link text changes to 'Read Less'.If you then click 'Read Less', the div contracts back to 100 pixels.I've found solutions that can handle the above situation, but I want to have multiple divs with the same class that all work independantly of each other.So I'd have the following HTML
So, if the user were to select "Selection1" two divs should only be visible. The same will apply for others, if "selection4" is made then only one div would be visible.
The user will need to the option to reset and display all divs by using the "ShowAll" selector.
I ahve seen examples of this on the net however, they do not show all the divs in the first instance and they are donhe by ID and not class. I need to do it by class as I have some with the same name and they cannot change.
function descw() { document.getElementById("desc").style.display="block"; } function descc()
This works, but I have a whole class of divs named select that need their own individual description divs. Id method is okay for one div apparently, but if I click on others it loads the first description div. What do I use instead? I tried getElementsByName and Atrribute and got an error.
I have a listing of items on the page and each one has a <div> with a description in it. There are two versions of each description, one short and one full length. I like the user to be able to swap between them by clicking the 'more' and 'close' links. The problem with what I wrote is that it applies to all the divs on the page instead of the specific one that was clicked. What can I change to correct it?
I've got a PHP while loop spitting out an article title and it's content from a database and I have links to show or hide the content of the article under each title. I tried simply putting using jquery hide/show on the divs, but as you'd expect this will show and hide every div at the same time. I want to show and hide the content of the article selected as you'd expect.s!
Suppose i have div which has a class called "suf-text", and there could be other class names like "suf-gang", "suf-hub" .. so on.. i want to trigger an onclick even on these divs. i actually don't know how to do it.. would following do?
URL..when you hover over an image, I've used .hover to fadeIn a DIV called 'zoomicon' for that image, but my problem is that when you hover one image, not only does the zoomicon for that image fade in, but all instances of zoomicon fade in, as well as fade out.how do Iseparateinstances of zoomicon to fade in and fade out for their respective image blocks?[code]
I have a bunch of dynamically created divs which I need to loop through and then display text inside which is obtained via AJAX.
<div class="appStatus" id="appStat_1>TEXT FROM PHP PAGE</div> <div class="appStatus" id="appStat_2>TEXT FROM PHP PAGE</div> <div class="appStatus" id="appStat_3>TEXT FROM PHP PAGE</div>
Basically, I want to loop through all divs where class = appStatus and on each iteration pull data from a PHP page (via AJAX) to display in the DIV. I need to send the value after the _ of the id (which I can obtain using substring) with the AJAX request in order to return the correct text.For some reason.I know that I need to do something with
I was just wondering, why people continue using frames and iframes when we have handy AJAX approach to fill needed divs with content. Is it because of some user's paranoia about javascript? But if they make pages without javascript, they would not need to bother, how to access other frame's content, would they?
I am creating a form. The form uses variable to show different divs. Like for example . If the user chooses state where tax will be implemented than it will update the div which contain total amount. Now the problem is I have 3 divs on a page and I want to update all of them accordingly. Like user select quantity as 500, state as florida. So I need to update 3 divs .. total cost, Shipping cost and quantity divs. Problem is they all r not inside a single div else I would have put tht whole div inside the response. So is there a way to update multiple divs?
Below id the ajax code I am using .. Code: function update_dockcontent() { var quantityval = document.HVAC_Cards_Form.Quantity.value; var BillingZip = document.HVAC_Cards_Form.BillingZip.value; var url = '[URL]'+quantityval+'&BillingZip='+BillingZip; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { req = new XMLHttpRequest(); if (req.overrideMimeType) { req.overrideMimeType('text/xml'); } .....
Code for ajaxcall page is: Code: <? header("Cache-Control: no-cache"); header("Pragma: no-cache"); $total=($_GET[qval]*0.50); $shippingrate="50"; if($_GET[BillingZip]) { $total=$total+$shippingrate; }?> <p>Total Quantity: <strong><?=$_GET[qval]?></strong></p> <p>Shipping: <strong><?=$shippingrate?></strong></p> <p>Total cost: <strong>$<?=number_format($total,2)?></strong></p> I want to show all 3 of them in different divs.
Textbox to search for employees <div id="searchform"> <div id = "courses"> <form id="searchempform" name="searchempform" method="post" "/> <li> SEARCH <b>EMPLOYEES</b> <input type="text" name="searchemployees" class="textbox" onkeyup="searchemp();" /> </li> </form></div> Typed characters sent ... ajax call to another page look out for data
<script type="text/javascript"> function searchemp(){ if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } .....
Using getinfo2(this.value); I want to populated a new result to a new div. For instance the result div is populated with the employees personal information, when clicked to his id. How can I click to his same id and populated his courses information to "coursesinfdiv".
I've created an ajax function which retrieves comments from a news article. But if I am logged in I will also have access to an input field for posting comments. The problem / question is that if I use Ajax I can only update one div with the responseText? How would I go about updating another one where I want to insert my form field. Can I make multiple requests in some certain manner or do I simply create another ajax function updating it separately?
I don't know why but the div "Bill" is not working. I mean whatever I want to display is getting displayed in the section of div "txtHint". Here is the code:
PHP Code: <?php require_once("../share /common.php"); session_cache_limiter(null); $tab = "profile"; $nav = "profile"; require_once("../shared/header.php"); require_once("../classes/Localize.php"); $sql=mysql_query("select sub_category,category_name,id from sub_category"); $sql_cat=mysql_query("select category from category"); $sql_cat1=mysql_query("select category from category");?>.....
I'm using ajax to get multiple vars from a database and would like to show the vars in different parts of my page but everything is shown all in the same spot with the div.
An example is I'm pulling a home number and an email from a database and want to show them in different spots.
I have it working but I have to make a seperate ajax(), url, for each var which I don't think is very efficient!
[URL] you can test the search out by typing 000-000-0000 into phone or bank into the name field and tabbing through both input fields.
index.php <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head>
The pages which are loaded look similar to the main page shown above. It works fine, except the fact that the whole page is loaded into the "gallery_content_right" DIV (including header, navigation and so on). Is it possible to just load the DIV "gallery_content_right" from the other pages, so that just the content from "gallery_content_right" is replaced onClick()?
I am building a forum and I am experienced in PHP, MySQL and even in jQuery now somewhat, but I have run into something I just can't seem to find the answer too. Here is a simple example which I think contains everything you need to know. If I have 10 elements on a page, say 10 divs, and I want to hide the odd ones, I would just use $("div:odd").hide() and wrap it into the document.ready function. The page loads, the divs are hidden, awesome. However, let's say that after the ten divs, there is a link which triggers an AJAX request and the return data is basically another 10 divs which get pasted under the ones already on the page.
What I would like to happen is that the script I wrote a paragraph ago kicks in and hides the odd divs automatically. Now it makes sense that this does not happen, since it seems logical that when the page loads, the script parses the divs and hides stuff, so after I get the AJAX results it won't do it again. What IS weird to me is that the functions I defined don't work either, so if I define $("div").click(function() {SOMETHING HERE}) It will work for the first set of elements, but not for the ones which are returned by the AJAX call.
I am building a large registration form. In this form, a sponsor/educator must register himself or herself and then may add up to 6 more " delegates" in pairs. The first two pairs registration info on the form is shown by default. I need to hide the other two pairs until when/if the user clicks on a button to add two more delegates at a time. I used javascript to show or hide the parts of the form that I had put into two divs and adjusted the css display attribute. However, my problem was that, if the user filled out the sponsor/educator section and the first two delegates, and then decided to add two more, when the user clicked on the button to show the part of the form for delegates 3 and 4, it reset all the previous visible form fields to empty. Not good. So, I thought, maybe AJAX.
I created the request object (I am a relative novice at AJAX), had it grab a text file with the code to insert into my target div, in this case a div with id = "delegate3and4". Surprisingly however, it still reset the previous form fields to empty. Am I misunderstanding how AJAX is supposed to work? I figured that, because it does not refresh the page that this would not happen. In fact, to test this out, I created a simple page from scratch with just a single input field and then used AJAX to insert the file in a div after this field and it did not reset the previous input. So, I am totally confused about why this would be happening on my live page. The page is a php page as it submits the form to a php script for processing but I don't think this should make a difference.
I'm loading a list of elements into mydiv with ajax, I want them to be selectable so I call the UI plugin selectable after the list has loaded.
The list building function produces this:
<div id='mydiv'> <ul id='mylist'> .... </ul>
The problem is, every time I click the link to reload the list via ajax, I get a duplicate selectable event handler created. Should I be removing the old event handlers before reloading the div ? if so, how?
Everything works, as in selectable still works, and only seems to fire once but I get ever growing memory usage in firefox and an ever growing list of event handlers in the firebug script tab. Eventually firefox starts to crawl and I have to restart the browser.
Is it possible to use AJAX to call a PHP function. I know you can request a PHP page but I would like to call a PHP function and display the return using AJAX .
Just getting my feet wet with AJAX and trying to figure out how I can make a javascript call to a specific PHP function in another file when I have a drop down menu change value using DOM. I've found lots of examples of how it could be done with GET variables, but none for this particular method of data retrieval. Has anyone ever ran into this, and if so, how did you solve this interesting deliema?