A Minimized Pop-up In The Taskbar?

Jun 11, 2003

I need a code to make a pop-up minimized in the taskbar, not a standard pop-up or a pop-under. I need a pop-up totally minimized... How can I do that?

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Minimized The Use Of <img> Tags?

Nov 30, 2009

I have some extensive animation going on in this script. I have all the behavior I want out of this script. A 3D carousel interface, each window in the carousel is a separate UI window. It uses active scrolling for navs and content...like (iphone).The problem is that I have optimized to my best and still cant gain any performance out of IE. It runs pretty fast in FF, and in Safari. I have reversed loops, I have vared all my Math, I have stripped equations, could do more I guess, and I have made attempts at preventing even bubbling. I have minimized the use of <img> tags as well. I have even cached most methods and use a constructor method to create new HTML elements.At this point I am starting to feel like I am getting into techniques and areas of JS I just don't understand well.Here is example of a method I would like to optimize:

this.anim = function () {
var s = Math.sin(s3D.A * .01);
var c = Math.cos(s3D.A * .01);[code]....

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Finding Bugs In Minimized Code?

Mar 7, 2011

We have a js heavy web-ui. In the production environment it runs minimized, composed from 10 or so js files. When we have a js-error of some sort (we have about 100 users and growing) we write the window.onerror information to a database. Only, it is not very helpful since linenumbers mean nothing in the intelligeble code.

Is there a minifier that tags the result that would allow translation of linenumbers? Is there some other method people use to solve this problem?

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Force Webpage To Be Minimized To A Set Size?

Jan 12, 2010

When users manually minimize the website window I need the window to minimize up to a certain point and go no further. for example I need the minimum window size to stop at 800 x 600 and get stuck there even if a user tries to minimize it further.

The code that I am trying to play around with is the following with onresize function but I am not sure how to make it give me what I need.

function OnResizeDocument () {
alert ("The size of the window has changed.");


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Auto-opening Popup Script When The Window Is Minimized

Jun 13, 2007

I have a very simple PHP script that is reading a plain-text CSV file
and parses it out into into a HTML table to display the data. No

What I want to do is while keeping the browser window for that page
open and minimized, i want to be able to maximize the window when the
text file has been update. This is a small script that is being used
for some dispatchers at a taxi company and the popup window is
supposed to be their list of customers to pickup. The company has
several dispatchers who are constantly updating a proprietary system,
and this system has a special program that spits out the data for
customers who need to be picked up. Every dispatcher has a link to
this PHP webpage to display the next available pickups. The only
problem is that they want to be able to minimize the browser window
and have it open automatically when a name has either been added or
removed from the pickup list.

Is is possible to integrate a javascript function to do this with PHP?

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