Pass The Values Of Vars "lat1" And "long1" To Outside The Function And Assign Them To Wp[0]?
Apr 21, 2010
I'm a rookie on JS and I have the problem explained below: how do I pass the values of vars "lat1" and "long1" to outside the function and assign them to wp[0] as shown?(No problem with wp[1] that I get from another file).
<script type="text/javascript">
function (pos){code]......
I was wondering if I can pass my php variables through javascript function. Actually i have a simple table of pictures, when clicked in the picture a new popup page comes up, it working fine uptill this stage but now I want to pass a value through it, for instance if user clicks on picture1 then my popup url should be "item_large.php?id=pic1.
My Javascript junction for the popup window: function popup() {"item_large.php","Register","menubar=no,width=500,height=400,toolbar=no"); }
My Html code where I have my pictures: <td height="19" align="center" valign="top" onmouseover="this.bgColor='#CC3300' ;'pointer'" onmouseout="this.bgColor='#FFFFFF'" <A HREF="javascript:popup()">Picture01</A> </td>
In the DOM Scripting book by Jeremy Keith, he provides this function: Code: function styleElementSiblings(tag,theclass) { if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return false; var elems = document.getElementsByTagName(tag); for (var i=0; i<elems.length; i++) { var elem = getNextElement(elems[i].nextSibling); addClass(elem,theclass); } }
And then says to pass the values "h1" and "intro" to this function in this form: styleElementSiblings("h1","intro");
I'm just a little stuck on how to "pass the values". Presumably I've missed something simple. I've tried just pasting that line before the function, but no luck. He also provides a function that allows multiple functions to load at once, called addLoadEvent, so I tried this, also with no luck: addLoadEvent(styleElementSiblings("h1","intro"));
I have the data of every user inside an XML file, such as address, username, email etc. I want to add markers to the map depending on the address and I want every marker to display a info window with data of the user in that location. The problem is that I get an error when I try to pass the other data with the getLocation method of the geocode. The markers are displayed in the map but the data in the info window aren't.
Code: GDownloadUrl("mysql_to_XML.php", function(data) { var xml = GXml.parse(data); var markers=xml.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("marker"); for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) { var username = markers[i].getAttribute("username"); var email = markers[i].getAttribute("email"); var address = markers[i].getAttribute("address");
geocoder.getLocations(address, getCoordinates(email, username)); }}); function getCoordinates(response, email, username) { place = response.Placemark[0]; //Retrieve the latitude and longitude point = new GLatLng(place.Point.coordinates[1],place.Point.coordinates[0]); var marker = createMarker(point, username, address, email); map.addOverlay(marker); }
In our class we were assigned a project to create a Web page with 5 text boxes, each with a value attribute of zero. When the user changes the values, it is supposed to call a caclAvg() function. How do I pass 5 values to the calcAvg() function? It specifically states in our book to create an onChange event handler for each textbox. Wouldn't it be easier to somehow create a variable onChange, then after all 5 textboxes have changed, pass the 5 variables along to the function? I know the following code is a mess, I've tried so many ways now. I'm sure this is an easy, routine procedure for most of you.
Within an aspx page, I have a form with asp controls (text boxes) that I'm loading within a jQuery modal popup dialog. Once the user fills out the form and the register button is clicked in the modal form, it invokes a code-behind function, which seems to be working fine. However, the problem I'm facing is in the code-behind function; none of the field values in the modal popup form are being passed to the code-behind function.I was unable to attach some snapshots directly to the post, so I uploaded it at the following urls:
I'm having problems with selecting values from array.I have a dropdown box where you choose what fruit you want to buy.When selected the array should assign 2 values to that fruit.Here's what I have.. I added comments.
Javascript part:
<script type="text/javascript"> function Fruits() { var selectfruit = newArray( //assigning values to fruit selected from dropdown box newArray("Banana", 1, 1),
I'm trying to learn JavaScript on my own and am using a Dashcode example (if anybody uses Dashcode, the example is the "Browser" web application template that is shown when Dashcode opens).
Briefly, the JavaScript generates a list of "Locations" in the USA:
Code JavaScript: // Sample data. Some applications may have static data like this, but most will want to use information fetched remotely via XMLHttpRequest. var parks = [
I want to retain the layout and structure but, depending on the "Location" have different text for each of the new pages (not "the scenery is amazing etc).
I have a form where attachments can be added. Those attachment values will be wrapped into html code so it will be links. As they can click on a + sign to add more input fields, the amount of input fields is dynamic.
For each input tag there is, this value will be written to a hidden form field called "url" before it will be sent to the database.
Now it works and adds data to the database... but not for every form field apparently. Only for 1 new field..
I am confused about how to do this the right way.I have a change event which grabs the value of the selected optionlist and sets that as a var. But, I would like to add that to the endof my post string when I submit the form, how would I do this?
$('select').change(function() { $('select option:selected').each(function() { var my_val = $(this).val();
I am now able to list the folders and files in a directory. However, when I try to pass the values into another function to open the folder/file, I encounter an error saying object expected. I'm guessing that its the in the file paths that is causing the error. so my solution is to find the and replace it with a \ before passing it to the function to open the file. but the str.replace("\","\\") does not seem to work.
I'm Stephen Martin, an undergraduate Psychology student and researcher. Although I am a self-proclaimed tech geek, the extent of my knowledge ends abruptly at any sort of coding. The paradigm: I am currently investigating the decision making strategies in a particular population (I cannot reveal too much, lest our study be scooped by competing researchers in the field). The paradigm that we use is built through a package called MouseLabWeb [URL]. MLWeb basically provides an interface for researchers to create a html/php/js/css website that presents a grid (table). A small example is shown on the aforementioned website. The javascript functions allow each participant's events to be recorded, timestamped, and written to a MySQL database. This allows the researcher to know which cells the participant viewed, in what order, for how long, and ultimately to which decision the participant came.
Additionally, the PHP/HTML creates the table, but the data within it is populated by the javascript. This is a blessing and a curse. Here is why. The problem: The javascript offered by MLWeb allows the cells to be randomized. This is necessary, because in such paradigms, counter-balancing is required, otherwise there would be order effects (e.g., people tend to automatically read from the upper left) that are not controlled for. So the order of the columns and rows are randomized, the data which is then placed into the html/php table.
For the current study, we want the cells corresponding to particular types of information to be shaded differently. For example, we'd want cells that contain bad information to be dark, cells that contain neutral info to be grey, and cells that contain good information to be white. The problem is that setting these values (style="background-color: #XXXXX) only applies to the table as created by the PHP. It only affects the position, and does not consider the information that it is filled with.
I am writing a Javascript to sort and write out some stuff. PHP is not an option so I need to get this script working.
The problem arises when I want to make a link to the next page. (i.e. Like the link in google for the next 10 results)
I have <a href=# onclick=FUNCTION(VALUES)> written dynamically by the script.
It is written onto the document correctly, but the problem is, when the link is clicked, some seemingly random values are passed to the function.
I also have an invalid character error that arises when I pass the "whereVARquoted" variable into my function (code 2) which disappears when the variable is removed (code 1).
I got an unusual request form a client. I got a form and I have to get values from certain input fields and assign them as a value to a hidden field and then submit it through php.I'm using mootools (1.11). I was tinkering around that for a day and wasn't able to solve it. Here is the html:
Code: <div> <label for="primary_domain0">Primary Domain Name <span class="req">*</span></label>
I got an unusual request form a client. I got a form and I have to get values from certain input fields and assign them as a value to a hidden field and then submit it through php. I'm using mootools (1.11). I was tinkering around that for a day and wasn't able to solve it. Here is the html:
Trying to create a date validation form; since most don't do what I need. So far it's doing ok; I'll admit I found a lot of the code on the web, but I wanted to add it where it would automaticly change the string entered (Example if a user did 3/5/2010, it would make it 03/05/2010). Well getting the month was easy, however I'm having trouble fixing the date. Here is the problem section. ValDate is called from the validation function.
Here I though i was being clever too but apparently I missed something.
I'm trying to create an ActiveXObject from the passed in parameter. I'm getting the following error 'Can Not assign to a function result.' How do I get around this?
<script lanaguage="javascript"> var PageXml = '<Doc><Node1/><Node2/></Doc>' function LoadXmlData(Source) { var XmlSrc = eval(Source);
eval('Source') = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");//ERROR: Can Not assign to a function result.
i have 3 links... (eg. stomach, brain and heart). and also 3 images (stomach.gif, brin.gif and hear.gif) when i click stomach i want to display the image of stomach and hide the rest. ALSO there are another 2 links (view cross-section, and view inside) and images associated with this if stomach is selected, clicking the 'view corss-section' should display corss-section image of the stomach (together with the stomach image).....if brain is selected, clicking 'view corss-section' should display corss-section image of the brain..
I'm pretty new to Jquery but been using mootools for quite some time now... I just wonder, how could I assign function to jquery? In javascript, we do the regular : function Myclass() { //some code here } and call the Myclass by: Myclass();
In mootools: var Myclass = new Class({ //some code here }); And call the Myclass by: window.addEvent("domready", function() { new Myclass(); });
In Jquery, how would I do that? Is it okay to use the javscript function instead? Or is there a standard way of doing that in jquery? function Myclass() { //some code here } $(document).ready(function() { Myclass(); });
I have a javascript that will take whatever was entered on this form and send it to the new URL (without submitting), but for some reason - it doesn't work anymore. i've changed things around, & probably messed soemthing up.
$('#cb_ht2').click(function() { // Reset incase Data Changed[code].....
I think i may have messed it when when adding that target-"_parent", it needs to pop a new window