I have two Javascript functions to set and retrieve a cookie:
function setCookie(name,value,days) {
if (days) {
var date = new Date();
var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();
} else var expires = "";
document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/";
function getCookie(name) {
var nameEQ = name + "=";
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length);
if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);
return null;
I can set and retrieve the cookie in Internet Explorer 9. The problem is that with Chrome, I don't know if it is not setting the cookie or not retrieving it right but I always get a NULL instead of the cookie value.
Can I make a list of hyperlinks that users can customize and save as a cookie by clicking a button and automatically retrieve the cookie so it remembers their list next time? This is kind of what I want to do:
I would like to know the working of this code in brief. function getCookie(c_name){ if (document.cookie.length>0){ c_start=document.cookie.indexOf(c_name + "="); if (c_start!=-1){ c_start=c_start + c_name.length+1; c_end=document.cookie.indexOf(";",c_start); if (c_end==-1) c_end=document.cookie.length; return unescape(document.cookie.substring(c_start,c_end)); }} return ""; }
I can't seem to be able to retrieve a cookie with my MooTools script. I'm trying to output some code with an if() statement that verifies that the cookie is indeed there, but it's not working correctly. I'm not sure why. Here's my code...
HTML Code:
<script type="text/javascript"> var read = Cookie.read('style'); if(!read)
I'm having some experiment with the new html5 features, I got the point where I need to store and retrieve data that I don't know it's key or value. It is appeared that there is no document about I want to do.How can I retrieve the first, the last and all record(s) ?
I am working on a Javascript application and i am facing a strange behavior of the application in IE. I am creating a table at runtime using DHTML and registering event for the table row click. When i deploy this application on web server and browse the application, the events fires in firefox and chrome but in IE the events are not fired. If i browse the application from the server with localhost, the application triggers the events and fails when i use machine name.
The following is the source code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title></title>
my javascript does not working after I retrieve a record that contains square symbol in the database. The square symbol should be a newline in a textarea. This is how the record "looks" in the table: [URL]
I am inserting the record using ASP and the value with square symbol is the value from a textarea with newline/enter. After that I retrieve the value using ASP and pass it to javascript and then the page is not working. If I retrieve other record which contain no square symbol then the script is working.
on a script I saw I did a modification to fill out my needs, however it was suposed to close the alert box and not display it again as set on code below, however as soon as I refresh page the box shows up again.Unfortunately my knowledge of jquery is almost none, actually I can't believe how I was able at least create the box lolol
I create a cookie which contains a font size. My page content increases or decreases in size on each click event of the links that trigger a function. I have round this value up so it is always an integer value and store it inside a cookie called 'fontSize'.
I am using the following code to set the font size of the page that is loaded to be set at the value of the cookie but it never works, my page font size always reverts back to the standard font size set in my style sheet.
I am using the same code below to change the background colour of the web page and this works fine!
I'm really new at JavaScript, but I thought an image map with rollover images would be a relatively basic feat... I have a large map with hotspots over individual states. I want the user to hover over a hotspot and for the main image to change, displaying information for that particular state. I've tried code that other developers have sworn works in all browsers, but still can't get the same functionality in FF or Chrome as I do in IE.
<SCRIPT language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function swapImage(image) { var Map = (document.getElementById) ? document.getElementById('MapWest') : (document.images) ?
I've just downloaded cluetip 1.1.3. After opening index.html in the demos folder with Chrome 12.0.742, I've noticed that when the ajax tooltips popup they don't contain any content. The other tooltips (title and local tooltips) work fine. I've tried opening the demos in IE8 and all the tooltips are displayed fine. Strangely, when I try the demos on the official page [URL] using Chrome everything works fine.
I just discovered Jquery just yesterday... I was looking for another way to display a website menu (simple HTML with javascript code) instead of an iframe. I found an amazing solution using Jquery on a Yahoo! answer page.
I have no idea what's wrong because the "external HTML file" simply do not appear in Chrome 12... Nothing!
I'm sure this is not a HTML coding error issue because my code complies HTML 5 (I used the W3C Markup Validation Service ) AND everything(display and behavior)works extremely fine on Explorer 9, Safari 5 and Firefox 4.
My "main HTML file" only contains a fixed background image... and will be the template for all page of my site for specific content.
My"external HTML file" (the site's menu) only contains a 3 rows table (for positionning) and an unordonned link list with onmouseover and onmouseout javascript calls.
The javascript code is stored in an external .js file.
The css code is stored in an external .css file.
I use thecurrent minified version ofJquery.
All these files are in the same local folder.
Here is the code I use to call the "external HTML file" (I removed the unnecessary things from the Yahoo solution) :
By the way, is the ending ); useful ?
I do not understand the "current - 1 version" showed on yourcompatibility pagefor Chrome.
Does it mean current "minus" one version ?
I could perform a javascript browser detection and if the browser is Chrome... Show an Iframe.
the following line of code is NOT working in chrome/safari as it is supposed 2its working perfectly in firefox and Operaowever:$('#box8').delay(1100).animate({"left": "+=300px"}, 5000);in firefox/opera the div box slides from its place to the right 300pxbut in chrome/safari it suddenly jumps to the right and then slides to the left 300px leaving it half through the page!
I have written the below script to swap images in a main viewer for a gallery on a website (I apologise if the script is not very elegant I have only just started learning JS).The idea is there are 2 divs one positioned on top of the other, when the user clicks on one of the thumbnail images the div on the bottom changes to the new image, then the top div fades to transparent to reveal the new image, then once the top div is completely transparent it's image is swapped for the new image and it is made opaque again.Anyway elegant or not the script works fine in Firefox, Safari, Camino and (shockingly) IE, but it doesn't work at all in Chrome.
Code: var fadeTime = 800; var newImage; var images = new Array();[code]....
I have the following code that should hide the dropdown part of a select box when clicked (don't ask why, this is part of a separate project). see a simple example below:
This all works fine in IE and FF but in chrome the options are still shown after clicking the element. I've been racking my brains for hours on this and, no matter what method I use, I can't get this to work correctly in Chrome.
I am calling javascript from java and calling a function, and that function on an image I am calling onmouse over. So now the problem is, I have two jsp, secord inside first. When I click first jsp where is onmouseover, it's working fine and after that i am doing operation in second jsp and coming back on first jsp's image so onmouseover should be display but it's not working in chrome.
I am doing a simple example of autocomplete textbox.Well whenever I am typing anything in the textbox it shows me the existing options as we know the default functionality of autocomplete textbox. Now I need that when I select one of the options from the autocomplete list droping below the textbox the blur function should execute so that the focus should get away from the textbox. I have tried document.getElementById('text1').blur() but it is not working in chrome and safari.
I've written a google maps app for work and have got it all running nicely...in chrome. I've only just noticed that for some reason it's not working in firefox or internet explorer. I was wondering if someone could take a look at the simple extract that I've made and show me where I'm going wrong (If I am):
Javascript: Code: function initialize() { if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) { //Create a div called map_canvas in the html where the map will be displayed var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas")); //Set the map to center on these coordinates map.setCenter(new GLatLng(55.872759,-4.297972), 15); [Code]..
On the right side, under the portrait of the two girls, you will see a list of four links next to some dates. onMouseOver, the photograph of the girls should change. This works fine in IE, Firefox, Safari and Opera. In Chrome, however, it seems (using Chrome Developer Tools) that Chrome load the images each time, instead of preloading, and displaying the cached image each time i onMouseOver.