Using this I am successfully able to remove a li but after its being removed...The <li> below it moves in place of the deleted one and is creating a white space. How can i remove that white space
I want to remove a specific box when i click on the remove button in that box. I have a lot of boxes on a page but when i click on the remove btn it removes all the boxes. I just want to remove the box where i click on the delete btn.
This is the js code: $(".del").click(function() { $('div.floating-box').remove(); });
I'm currently reading jQuery - Novice to Ninja (fantastic book), and trying to understand how I can add several words to the code snippet below. I currently remove, let's say Sweden as below, but what if I also want to remove Norway?And another question, what if I would like to keep only Sweden and remove the rest from a list of twenty countries? How would I do that?
I am building a new website which has some boxes that changes from classes(done with jquery magic ).I want to add an overlay(like the lightbox fading background) to the page when the user clicks on the switch button.I have tried a couple of things but it seems not to work:If tried to append a div to the body but that doesn't seems to work:
Way cool how I can add a row by clicking "add". And just as great how I can delete a row by clicking "delete". But why, why, why can I not add a row, and then delete that row?
i have a jquery slider, and jquery tabs on one page....i dont want the tabs to have the theme the slider there a way to set the tabs to not use the theme style, on the
In jQuery how do I remove a certain part of an id...for example i have a div id='thisisadiv_1'I want to remove the 'thisisadiv_' part This is so I can add/subtract 1 to switch divs.
I have a value that include word letter and some sign such as $. I want to remove all of them just keep the number. For example: i want "$99,99 USD" become "99" or "100" can someone please give the function
The aim of the exercise is to be able to hover over a hyperlink in a dataview table and load the content of one of that page's paragraphs into a div (#notes) on the current page (I may want to load that into a tooltip later but I'll walk before I can run!) and then when I hover off the hyperlink, the loaded content is removed again.I'm using a combination of .hover and .load to load the paragraph and the first part works fine - hover on and the content from the page appears in the div. However when I hover off, instead of removing the content, it loads it again instead - so instead of an on/off effect, it just spawns more and more of the same content.
I'm not sure it matters but I'm doing this in SharePoint 07 and have put the code in a content editor webpart for simplicity. I've substituted the actual page url for 'myurl' below but in practice this part of the code seems to work ok - it's the mouse out portion which doesn't seem to work.If what I want is possible, can you see what is wrong with my code?
I have a page where I need to insert some html elements dynamically and I use append. It seems to work fine. But then at a later point I also need to remove the elements I added and I am using the remove function but does not seem to work. As you can see in my code, I tested the effect on the element by storing the html both before and after calling the remove method. But both variables (before and after the remove function call) holds the same html. In other words, the element that was supposed to have been removed is still there.
I am using javascript form validation, and jquery to display the error messaging and to highlight the fields. The current behavior is when you click submit, the validation runs returning an error message, and when a user clicks back into the field the error message disappears but the form highlighting (a red border around the field) remains - until the user submits the form again. Additional behavior that's needed (working in firefox but not in IE) is when an error state pops up, the field returning the error is supposed to lose focus, and the user has to click back into the field (which then removes the error message). In IE, the focus is never removed and i need it to:
When using jEditable to update my database and the information is send back the result is an piece of text with an small image. This is the code that writes the result back to my page:
Using this when I remove the list item, it gets removed proeperly in FF and IE8 where as in IE6 and IE7 when i remove the list item, its creating a white space and the second item is sliding beneath the second one
Below is my code which I am using to remove a div tag. I also want the script to add the same div tag later once certain conditions are meet. The div has some preloaded content too which I don't want to loose. I tried the add() function but it did not work for me. I even don't think append will work as I want to original div to reappear.
tr addition is fine.Now i want to remove the tr when i uncheck that shown above currently i have checked checkbox 3,5,4.Now if i uncheck checkbox 5 the table tr with id 5 should be i can do this.i have used $('tr:eq(5)').remove(); but without success because maximum i can checked three checkbox it may be checkbox 6,9,10 etc
I am very new to jquery. So I would like to have a program to enable me to add and remove table row which have few columns. I dont quite understand jquery codes as I am very new to it. I found some sample on the net but most just add one column of data. I want to add and also increase the id of the text boxes which I add in the new row.
I have a list of items and it implements sortable. I want the specified item to be removed when the user checks the checkbox in the list and clicking on remove. Here is the code:
I am a beginner and would like to know how i can change the class of selected element when clicked, but remove the same class from other element.
For the example
<ul class="items"> This class has some css which includes list-style:none, borders and backgrounds <li ><aonclick="javascript:changecolor();"> Something 1 </li></a> <li><aonclick="javascript:changecolor();"> Something 2 </li></a> <ul>
The jquery function is an external file and I also have .color which changes the background of a <li> item...
So what i am trying to achieve is that when "something 1" is clicked i want to get the class .color to this list item "1" for example, but when "something 2" is clicked i want the class .color to move on this li item "2", but list item 1 should not have the class .color at the same time..