Create A Database For A Catalog?

Apr 12, 2010

Create a database for a catalog. The database columns will be SKU (Stock Keeping Unit), DESC (Description), and UCOST (Unit Cost). The database will have 10 entries (rows) with the following SKUs:

121, 232, 343, 501, 560, 603, 606, 747, 800, and 988.

You may use any descriptive text for DESC. I suggest limiting the description to 20 or fewer characters. The unit cost will be in dollars and cents. The amount is up to you, but keep the it in the range $0.50 to $100.00. Also, keep the item and the price somewhat realistic.

Create a form to access the database. There will be 2 input boxes, one for the SKU number and one for quantity. There will be 3 output boxes, one for the Description, one for the Subtotal (price x quantity), and one for the Total Cost (a sales tax of 7% added to the subtotal). There will be 1 button to retrieve the data and display the result (Description, Subtotal and Total Cost).

Here is what I have..


' global variables
dim strDesc
dim ucost


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Database For A Catalog Code?

Apr 10, 2010

Here is what it needs to do..Create a database for a catalog. The database columns will be SKU (Stock Keeping Unit), DESC (Description), and UCOST (Unit Cost). The database will have 10 entries (rows) with the following SKUs:121, 232, 343, 501, 560, 603, 606, 747, 800, and 988.You may use any descriptive text for DESC. I suggest limiting the description to 20 or fewer characters. The unit cost will be in dollars and cents. The amount is up to you, but keep the it in the range $0.50 to $100.00. Also, keep the item and the price somewhat realistic.

Create a form to access the database. There will be 2 input boxes, one for the SKU number and one for quantity. There will be 3 output boxes, one for the Description, one for the Subtotal (price x quantity), and one for the Total Cost (a sales tax of 7% added to the subtotal). There will be 1 button to retrieve the data and display the result Description, Subtotal and Total Cost). Here is what I have so far..

' global variables
dim strDesc


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Database Connection - Create An Access Database Connection From Within An HTML Page

Aug 8, 2008

I am attempting to create an Access database connection from within an HTML page. I am using Javascript to make the connection and then test a basic UPDATE statement.

The following code is throwing back an error 'UPDATE statment syntax incorrect'


I thought the syntax was correct, but maybe it is something else?

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Create A Search Bar From Database?

Mar 24, 2011

I was assigned to find out how to do this for my work. We were hoping for a javascript (but it could be PHP or other comparable format). Instead of the search function searching the website, we would like it to search a small database full of information.

I have been reading for days now and have just gotten more confused. One thing I read (hopefully it was true) is that you can save a database as an HTML, then convert HTML to .JS which javascript will run.

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Create An Entry In The Database With The Username?

Mar 6, 2009

I put together this quick form that allows a user to sign up - the data.php just basically checks a mysql db if the username exists, and either-if it doesn't exist - create an entry in the database with the username, pw, and email and echo "Congratulations, you are added";-if it does exist - it echo "Sorry but 'xxx' is already taken, try again!";his is the weird part though. This works perfect in FF, but IE6 has a weird issue (I only have IE6 here can't test anything else) - With IE6, if the page is freshly loaded, it gives me the correct message - that is, if i put a non-existent name in, it does the echo"Congratulations, you are added"; but if I click on submit again - it doesn't echo "Sorry but 'xxx' is already taken, try again!"; (it does on FF) -If I start a fresh page and input a name that's already in the database it does echo "Sorry but 'xxx' is already taken, try again!"; -- but if i change the username to something that doesn't exist - it doesn't change the echo (i.e. it still says "Sorry but 'xxx' is already taken, try again!"; - but the record is created in mysql! code:



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Ajax :: Create Live Database Feed Using Php And Sql?

Jun 20, 2011

For a social system I am working on, I am in desperate need of being pointed in the right direction for how to create a live ajax feed which calls data from a database.

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JQuery :: Create Predictive Text Pull Out Of The Database?

Aug 10, 2010

I am following the following example to create predictive text pull out of the database.[URL]... Seemed quite easy but it seems like it's not working for me, maybe because i'm doing something wrong?

This is the page:[URL]... If you start typing in the big search box the suggestions box appears in the wrong place, and it should be returning some results but it's not.

This is my autoSuggest.php file:


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Create Dynamic Drop Down List - Retrieve Data From Database

Oct 7, 2009

i am currently working on aptana studio nokia wrt plugin to develop a mobile widget where i need to retrieve data from database. i've created a java servlet in eclipse to connect and execute query to the ms sql server 2005 database. in aptana, i am using js file and html file, i'm able to connect to the servlet to retrieve and process the data (split the data) into an array and display the retrieved value (array) on screen. but now i need to put the retrieved value (array) into a drop down list for selection, how could i do that?

for the drop down list, i cannot define the list, it need to be able to read from the servlet as the database is updated, it need to reflect.

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Mysql - Create A Site That Will Require A Database - Like Facebook Functions

Jul 30, 2009

I am trying trying to create a site that will require a database. (much like facebook functions)

I am not new to programming, as I know Java and C++, but I am very new to the web development.

For security reasons (so I have heard), I would like to write this site in php. At the same time, I may need some client sided code. (Or do I?) I am not at all sure.

I know that facebook is written in php, and the site I am making basically has the majority of those functions.

Any inputs as to how I should go about choosing what language? As of now, my partner is learning javascript and mysql, while I am studying php and mysql.

I know that some sites implement both, javascript and php, but I was wondering if it is at all necessary to use both, and how would one know which code to write in what language.

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JQuery :: Html To Do Some Database Manipulation - Database Transaction

Jan 11, 2011

Can i use single jquery and html to do some database manipulation i.e. database transaction.

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Random Word Database - Able To Grab Words From A Database ?

Aug 10, 2010

I want to be able to grab words from a database with javascript. How do I do that?

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Database Connection - Connect To A Database And Execute Some Queries

Oct 31, 2011

I have been searching how to connect to a database and execute some queries, and then use the data that I get to populate some tables in a web page, all this using javascript.

I am confused because I have seen in some webpages that javascript is not designed to connect with databases, and also I have see other pages where they say that it is possible.

Does anyone know if it is possible to use javascript to connect to a database (informix), and execute some procedures or queries?

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Java - Database - Post Form To Mysql - Only Posting First Letter Of Word/phrase For Text Input Fields To Mysql Database

Jul 13, 2011

I am having no luck with my post form to mysql. It is only posting the first letter of the word/phrase for the text input fields to the mysql database. It is a photo and text post form. The photo and only first letter of text are posting to database. I am using Jqtouch, jquery, and phonegap.

Here is my form fields:

Here is my java script:

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JQuery :: Create Copy Of File On Server Change It And Create Download Link On Page?

Dec 16, 2011

I have files on the server: .txt, .xml, .config, and "no extension" - all editable with notepad.

User will write some input, it will be added to file in specific place.

I need an ability to change element value in file (in one of them - depends what user choose) (or it even can be some trigger word it-self like CHANGE_ME for not to use attributes)

Create a temporary copy of edited file and create a unique temporary link to it.

I don't know what to start from.... For now I know how to make XHR, but what to do with other extensions?

Have no idea how to save the NEW file (a copy of original file) on server , and create a UNIQUE link ,and delete the file right after it was downloaded.

I can find a specific word in xml file, but how to change it?[code]...

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Manipulate A Database In SQL?

Mar 13, 2009

Can i use javascript to manipulate a database in SQL?

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Rch Database With More Than 1 Option

Apr 16, 2011

According to this[url] I prepared mine search which works fine. it displays which products are intel and which amd for example. I wonder how can i add a second similar search for sochet or something else,but not separate one for example if i have selected the intel as 1st option then choosing my 2nd one it display only intel products.

Here is my current code:

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DIV ID Tag Not Inserting Into Database?

Apr 28, 2011

The costs are not inserting into the database.

<script type="text/javascript">
var member_prices = new Array();


In the HTML part of my form, I have:

Membership: <input type="radio" name="member" value="no" onclick="calculateTotal()" /> No <input type="radio" name="discount" value="discount" onclick="calculateTotal()" /> Student <input type="radio" name="member" value="yes" onclick="calculateTotal()" /> Yes
<br /><br />


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Javascript And Database

Oct 12, 2010

I have a calculate.js javascript file where all the function that execute the calculation is consist in this file. Now, I want to retrieve a data from the database for javascript calculation and be done in this calculate.js file. I have search a lot of methods to do this but most said cannot do this from a client-side.

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Add A Image Tag On Database?

Jul 4, 2011

i want to add a image tag on my database so that while filling student form.they can also add image of student by selecting that image from the can i do this

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Database Into Array

Aug 17, 2006

I'm making a list on a web page of my different books (exemple).

<a href="#" id="permissions1">my favorite book </a>
<a href="#" id="permissions2"> best selling book </a>
<a href="#" id="permissions3">most expensive book </a>
When the user clicks on the link, I want to do a dropdown sheet with the info of the book (the info is in a mysql datebase), name , author, nb pages etc)

I have generated onclick fonctions automatically, that passes a parameter (ie 1,2,3) but don't know how link it to the info in my database.

There are only 25 books, so I could just create an array and get it that way. But the day that I modify info in my database, I'd need to correct my code and I would like to avoid that.

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Navigation In A Database Website

Jul 20, 2005

I am currently working on a static website for an auto parts company.
I've spent quite a long time with the owner of the business in
developing a javascript version of a windows explorer type of
navigation to be able to find these parts.

I was just notified that the individual that wants this done also does
not want the external .js file to be able to be copied, and someone
else profit from his/our work. I know that you cannot hide a client
side file; no matter how hard you try someone can get it. However, if
I deciped to go with a database instead, could I use a variant of this
file or convert it to another type that will allow me to use an access
dbase that we have, and yet keep my navigation the way I programmed

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JQuery :: Get Some Data From The Database?

Sep 16, 2010

I need to get some data from the database, then perform actions based on them.

Is it possible in jQuery or is there any way around?

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JQuery :: Use It To Communicate With Database ?

Dec 11, 2011

How can i use Jquery to communicate With database ?

my case is:

I use database Sql , i have j query grid view ,inputs text for First name,last Name ,and button submit

What i want Is:

When page loaded : Gridview loaded with user data[from database]

when user Filled inputs text and press submit :all user data saved in my db[sql] then reload gridview with user data.

is that any way to do that ?

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JQuery :: Know The Value Of Both PHP-Values, They Come From A Database?

Jun 24, 2010

i have many inputs like:

<input type="hidden" name="combi[<?php echo $sysCompData['combi_id'];?>][desc_features]" value="<?php echo $sysCompData['desc_features'];?>">

I do not know the value of both PHP-Values, they come from a database. I have tried now some hours to grab the values of this array, because i have to compare them to other values in similar inputs. But I simply do not know how? For a simple test i simply want to change the value of the chosen fields. I tried (nearly) everything from something like $("input[name='combi']").val('test'); to $("input[name='combi'//[//]//[//]]").val('test'); . In PHP I have absolutely no problem, i go simply through the arrays with:

<?php foreach ($combi as $i => $combiData): ?>

How can I manage this with jquery?

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JQuery :: Use To Echo Value From SQL Database?

Apr 2, 2011

I'm looking to fill out an input box, and onBlur get info from the database and echo it. Very similar to how you register on this site, when you fill out a username, onBlur it checks to see if the username is available and echos yes or no. I want to fill out a username, and when you click out of the textbox, echo the First and Last name if it exists.

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Call A Value From The Database To Vbscript?

Apr 4, 2009

Can I call a value from the database to javascript/vbscript. Let's say the database is called SQL="SELECT * from checkout".Can I validate that the SQL and the javascript/vbscript equals to each other and inside the javascript uses the response.redirect function to another asp page?

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